
Flex Apps:
FlexOTO Instance:
Hardware Diagram

Command Syntax

:CONFigure:FIXTure:HCOut "<fixture-name>", {ON | OFF}

Where <fixture-name> is the name that identifies the DUT Fixture or WDM DUT Fixture block on the Hardware Diagram.

Query Syntax

:CONFigure:FIXTure:HCOut? "<fixture-name>"

Query Response

{0 | 1}


If a DUT Fixture or WDM DUT Fixture is used which includes a clock output, send this command to indicate to FlexOTO that the fixture's clock output will be connected to an N1092-series DCA-M's clock input connector. Clock recovery will not be used.

If your test system has a clock generator that is not part of the DUT or WDM DUT, set the :CONFigure:FIXTure:HCOut command to OFF and use the :CONFigure:CGENerator:ACTive command to install a Clock Generator block on the hardware diagram.

The name of a Fixture is important as the name is passed as an argument to other commands including the universal port connect command :CONFigure:PORT:CONNect which is used to connect Fixture ports to other blocks in the Hardware Diagram. The Fixture name is also shown in FlexOTO's panels and reports.

Token Parameters

The second command argument can be one of the following tokens:

Indicates the DUT fixture has a clock output that is used in the test setup.
Indicates the DUT fixture clock output does not exist or, if present, is not used.

Send the query to determine the state of the setting.

Requires FlexDCA revision A.07.80 and above.

Example Command

hwdiagram.write(':CONFigure:FIXTure:HCOut "Fixture SN1234", ON')