Flex Apps:
FlexOTO Instance:

Command Syntax


Query Syntax



Saves the current Job Results of a FlexOTO Station to a zip file. To select which results by Job ID get saved in the zip file, use the :DISK:RESults:SAVE:SELection command. To specify the name of the zip file, use the :DISK:RESults:FNAMe command.

The resulting zip file includes:

  • SystemInfo.txt. A text file that includes the following environmental information for the tests:
  • Metadata_n.txt. A text file that includes environmental information about FlexOTO's test setup. For example, the measurement path, acquisitions engines, and analysis engine.
  • Results.csv. A comma separated (*.csv) text file with the tabular measurements results that are shown in FlexOTO's displayed Job Results table. You can open this file into a spreadsheet or you could easily write a script to convert it into an html table.
  • EyeDiagram_n.xxx. An eye diagram graphics file for each saved Job ID. For example, EyeDiagram_3.jpg. You can also return the image file data to the computer using the :JOBS:RESults:SIMage query.
  • Waveform_n.wfmx. A FlexDCA internal waveform file (.wfmx) for each saved Job ID. For example, Waveform_2.wfmx. These file can be imported and displayed in FlexDCA's Eye Mode.


The following contents are included the system info file.

  • Model: N1000200A
  • Serial #: CND7252M0C
  • Software Version: P.07.50.XXX
  • Software Version Date: 2023.1015
  • Build Date: 9/20/2023 5:24:23 PM
  • Software Options: None
  • Application: FlexOTO Session
  • Embedded: No
  • Free Disk Space: 266 GB
  • Total Memory: 31.844 GB
  • Available Memory: 17.599 GB
  • Graphics Performance: High
  • CPU Class: Generic CPU
  • OS: Windows 10 Enterprise 64-bit
  • Computer Name: <name>
  • Process: 64-bit
  • Build Type: Release
  • Up Time: 0/00:49:03
  • Thread Count: 33
  • Physical Memory: 202.478 MB
  • Paged Memory: 232.231 MB
  • Peak Memory: 229.306 MB
  • GC Memory: 32.6496 MB
  • CPU Packages: 1
  • CPU Cores: 4
  • CPU Groups: 0
  • NUMA Nodes: 1
  • Logical Processors: 8
  • Current NUMA Node: -1

Results.csv File

The following lines are an example of a saved .csv file.

Job ID,DUT,Lane,TDECQ (dB),Outer OMA (W),Outer ER (dB),Average Power (W),Peak-Peak Power (W),Waveform Data,Eye Diagram Image
56,DUT 1,Lane 4,0,499.8E-6,31.80,250.00E-6,513.20E-6,=HYPERLINK("Waveform_56.wfmx"),=HYPERLINK("EyeDiagram_56.jpg")
55,DUT 1,Lane 3,0,499.8E-6,31.64,250.00E-6,513.14E-6,=HYPERLINK("Waveform_55.wfmx"),=HYPERLINK("EyeDiagram_55.jpg")
54,DUT 1,Lane 2,0,499.8E-6,Infinity,250.00E-6,513.14E-6,=HYPERLINK("Waveform_54.wfmx"),=HYPERLINK("EyeDiagram_54.jpg")
53,DUT 1,Lane 1,0,499.6E-6,30.51,250.00E-6,513.20E-6,=HYPERLINK("Waveform_53.wfmx"),=HYPERLINK("EyeDiagram_53.jpg")

Saved Internal Waveform (.wfmx) Files

The internal-format waveform files XML file (.wfmx) are comprised of an ASCII XML header followed by binary waveform data. The file includes vertical and horizontal scaling parameters of the waveform. Therefore, when you load the waveform into one of FlexDCA's waveform memories, you can still perform automatic measurements and use markers on that waveform. The internal format is binary, so you can not directly display the file contents in a word processing or spreadsheet program. However, you can convert an internal format file to a text file (.txt) for use in a spreadsheet or word processing program, by loading the file into FlexDCA's waveform memory and then re-saving the waveform in either Y-values format or XY-values format.

The first few lines of the file's looks similar to this listing and are following with binary data:


Header Contents

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <SourceName>Channel 1A</SourceName>