
Flex Apps:
FlexOTO Instance:
Hardware Diagram

Command Syntax


Where {1:8} specifies one of eight Instrument blocks that can be created on the User Instruments palette.


Runs (connects) an instrument driver. Use the :INSTrument:UDPath to specify the driver's file name including path. This makes the instrument driver available as an Instrument block on the User Instruments palette. Up to eight generic instruments can be defined on the palette. To confirm that an instrument is connected and available to place on the Hardware Diagram, use the :INSTrument:CONNected? query. To place the Instrument block on the Hardware Diagram, use the :CONFigure:INSTrument:ACTive command.


This example shows the command that are required to connect your instrument driver, place the resulting Instrument block on the Hardware Diagram, and then connects the Instrument's measurement input port "A" to the switch's output port "IN 1".

hwdiagram.write(':INSTrument3:UDPath "C:\\Python\\FlexOTO\driver-power_meter.py"')
hwdiagram.write(':INSTrument3:CARGument "COM4"')
hwdiagram.write(':CONFigure:INSTrument:ACTive "Power Meter (US123456PM)"'  # place on hardware diagram
hwdiagram.write(':CONFigure:PORT:CONNect "Power Meter (US123456PM)","A","Switch (SL1:X1)","IN 1"'  # connect port A to switch port