Flex Apps:
FlexOTO Instance:

Query Syntax

:JOBS:RESults:INFO:CMODule? <Job ID>

Where <Job ID> is an integer that represents the Job ID.

Query Response

A string that includes module's model number, serial number, and installed options. For example,



For the specified Job ID returns the clock recovery module's model number, serial number, and installed options. This is the module that is part of the acquisition engine for this Job ID. For more information on the acquisition engine, refer to the :JOBS:RESults:INFO:AENGine? command. If an N1092B is used, the clock recovery is built into the module and this query will return an empty string.

To return the acquisition engine's acquisition module, use the :JOBS:RESults:INFO:AMODule? command.

Use the following queries to determine the status of the Transition Time measurement: