Location of Files

Flex Apps:
Location of FlexOTO User Files

The Location of FlexOTO User Files picture in this topic shows the FlexOTO folder (with subfolders) for saving files from either a dialog or over SCPI. These folders are the default location for saving specific types of files. For example, screen capture files that you save are, by default, saved in the \Screen Images subfolder. You can always save files to any folder that you wish including those on a network or external drive.

To protect you user files, it is recommended that you backup this folder to an external or network drive.

Subfolder Definitions
Subfolder Contents Remote Commands
Optical Calibrations Calibration of DCA-M modules. :CALibrate:MODule:STARt
Results Measurement results saved in zip file. :DISK:RESults:SAVE
SCPI Scripts Saved recorded SCPI scripts (.scpi) that can be loaded and saved
Screen Images Saved image files of the screen. :DISK:SIMage:SAVE
Setups Saved instrument setups. :DISK:SETup:SAVE