Keysight Pathwave 89600 VSA .NET API
Analog Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods  Events
Agilent.SA.Vsa.Interfaces Assembly > Agilent.SA.Vsa Namespace : Analog Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by Analog.

Public Properties

 NameDescriptionMinimum SW Version
Public PropertyChannelsGets the collection of AnalogChannel objects representing the per-channel analog input settings.  
Public PropertyConnectionGets or sets the input connection type (Single Ended or Differential).  
Public PropertyCouplingGets or sets the input coupling (either AC or DC).  
Public PropertyEnvelopePaprGets or sets the expected ratio of the peak envelope power to average envelope power. This is defined to be 20 * log10(peak voltage / (RMS value * square root(2))). That means this value is 0 for an unmodulated CW signal. This is only used when the RangeOptimization property is set to RangeOptimization.Evm.  26.00
Public PropertyImpedanceGets or sets the impedance for the input connection.  
Public PropertyIsCouplePairedChannelsGets or sets a value indicating whether input parameters of paired channels (input channels that are part of the same logical channel, like I+jQ) are coupled.  
Public PropertyIsDisposedGets a value indicating whether the object has been disposed. If an object has been disposed any attempt to use it will lead to an ObjectDisposedException being thrown. (Inherited from Agilent.SA.Vsa.RemotableObject)
Public PropertyMixerLevelGets or sets the mixer level in dB relative to the factory default setting for the input channel.  
Public PropertyNoiseDistortionTradeoffGets or sets the noise distortion trade-off in dB to use when the RangeOptimization is RangeOptimization.Evm. When setting up the hardware front end for the best EVM the noise portion of the EVM will be weighted by 10^(trade-off/20) and the distortion portion weighted by 1/(10^(trade-off/20)).  26.00
Public PropertyRangeGets or sets the input range (in Vpk) of the input channel.  
Public PropertyRangeInDbmGets or sets the input range (in dBm) of the input channel.  21.20
Public PropertyRangeOptimizationGets or sets the range optimization approach to use when setting range.  26.00
Public PropertyRefImpedanceGets or sets the reference impedance for the channel.  
Public PropertyRefImpedanceIsConnectionGets or sets a value indicating whether the reference impedance follows the connector impedance.  
‡ This is the minimum 89600 VSA software version level needed to use this member.

Public Methods

 NameDescriptionMinimum SW Version
Public MethodAutoRangeOverloaded. Performs a one-shot default auto-range operation on all channels.  
Public MethodCreateObjRefCreates an object that contains all the relevant information required to generate a proxy used to communicate with a remote object. (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject)
Public MethodForceRebuildKeyMapThis method is used to force a refresh of the key map. This is necessary in cases where the key mappings to the API objects change. This can happen when the index of an item within a collection is reflected in the key name, and an item is removed from the middle of a collection. (Inherited from Agilent.SA.Vsa.RemotableObject)
Public MethodGetLifetimeServiceRetrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance. (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject)
Public MethodGetValidAutoRangeCriteriaGets a list of auto-range criteria supported by the current measurement and which can be used as an argument to the AutoRange(String,Int32) method.  23.00
Public MethodInitializeLifetimeServiceObtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance. (Inherited from Agilent.SA.Vsa.RemotableObject)
‡ This is the minimum 89600 VSA software version level needed to use this member.

Public Events

 NameDescriptionMinimum SW Version
Public EventPropertyChangedOccurs when a property value changes. (Inherited from Agilent.SA.Vsa.RemotableObject)
Public EventPropertyInfoChangedOccurs when secondary information about a property, such as limits, changes. (Inherited from Agilent.SA.Vsa.RemotableObject)
Public EventRemotePropertyChangedOccurs when a property value changes. (Inherited from Agilent.SA.Vsa.RemotableObject)
Public EventRemotePropertyInfoChangedOccurs when secondary information about a property, such as limits, changes. (Inherited from Agilent.SA.Vsa.RemotableObject)14.00
‡ This is the minimum 89600 VSA software version level needed to use this member.

See Also