Line Tab (Limit Line Editor)

The Line Tab dialog box in the Limit Line Editor sets the limit line and margin properties.

The features of the Line Tab dialog box are:

Test Displayed Limits check box: Enables or disables displaying the limit line. Default is selected.

   Selected: Limit line appears on selected trace.

   Cleared: Limit line does not appear on selected trace.

The Limit Test check box must be selected in the Limits marker for a test to appear on a trace.


Selects an upper limit or a lower limit. An upper limit fails if the trace exceeds the limit. A lower limit fails if the trace falls below the limit.



Selects what is to be displayed: a limit, a margin, or both a limit and a margin.



Sets the amount of margin. This is an absolute value, the sign is ignored.



Determines whether the limit is one continuous line or a set of connected dots.


Trace Failure

Determines whether a failure is in the trace color or a failure color. The default for this is failure color which is red for a limit line failure and yellow for a margin line failure. These can be changed in the Color Tab of the Display Preferences Dialog Box.



When editing, applies any changes to the limit test on a data trace if the limit test is selected in the Limits Marker. This also automatically saves any changes made to the limit test. If a new limit test is being created, all work is saved but the limit test will not be displayed until it is selected in the Limits marker.

See Also

Display (Limit Line Editor)

Margin (Limit Line Editor)

Draw (Limit Line Editor)

Color Tab (Display Preferences)

Limit Line Editor Dialog Box