X-Axis Popup Menu

Right-clicking below the trace grid opens the X-axis popup menu, which changes the following frequently used parameters.

X Full Scale sets X-axis scaling so the entire X-axis is shown (same as Trace > X Scale > Full Scale).

X Scale opens the X Scale tab, which changes X-axis scaling and other X-axis parameters.

Format displays the Format tab (same as clicking Trace > Format from the main menu), selects trace coordinates.

Coupling displays the Coupling tab (same as clicking Trace > Couplingfrom the main menu), selects coupling with overlaid traces.

Average displays the Average tab (same as clicking Trace > Averagefrom the main menu), selects trace averaging.

Frequency opens the Frequency tab, which sets frequency parameters.

ResBW opens the ResBW tab, which sets resolution bandwidth parameters.

Time opens the Time tab, which sets parameters for time-domain and time-gating analysis.

Trigger opens the Trigger tab, which sets trigger parameters.

Playback Trigger opens the Playback Trigger tab which sets trigger parameters for recordings.

Select this Measurement selects the measurement to which this trace belongs.