Source Menu Item

The Source menu item is used to select the source configuration. The Source drop-down list box will show all of the currently available source configurations. You must create a hardware Source Configuration for a source to be included in the list of available measurement sources.

Selecting a Source configuration does not complete the physical interface connection. Select the Source > Control >Connect parameter to complete the interface connection and acquire VSA control of the source.


Selecting none specifies that there are no VSA-Source interface connectivity for this measurement. Selecting none will also disconnect and remove VSA control for any active Source interfaces.

When a Source interface is active (Control > Connect is selected) and none is selected, the VSA-Source interface is disconnected and control is released, but the current Source settings are not affected or changed. For example, if the Source RF Radio Frequency: A generic term for radio-based technologies, operating between the Low Frequency range (30k Hz) and the Extra High Frequency range (300 GHz). output is on ("RF ON" is selected), selecting none will not switch off ("RF ON" is cleared) the source RF output power.

After selecting a source, use the Source dialog's Control and Channels tabs to enable the source's channels and configure source parameters and waveform settings for each channel.

Source Configurations

A source configuration defines a connection to a particular signal generator, or generators in the multichannel case.

The Source feature allows you to add multiple predefined source configurations to the VSA, one Source Configuration for each set of sources controlled by the VSA. Multiple source configurations facilitate quickly switching between different source setups, eliminating the need to reconfigure the source connection settings every time a different source is required. See Connecting to a Source.

See Also

Source Menu

Source Overview

Connecting to a Source

Using Source Signal Playback