Marker Tools Toolbar

The following Marker Tools are available from the Marker Tools toolbar:

Use the Pointer Tool for selecting menu items or to edit values on the traces (see trace hotspots).

Use the Area Select tool to select a rectangular area of any trace for closer examination. Use the Area Select tool to do the following things:

To reset x-axis to full scale: right-click in the X-axis annotation area of the trace and select X Full Scale.

To reset y-axis: right-click in the Y-axis area to the left of the trace grid and select Y Auto Scale.

Also reset both the X and Y axes by right-clicking in the trace grid area and selecting Auto Scale.

For information about using the area select tool with spectrograms, see spectrogram area select tool.

Use the Marker tool to place a marker at the location clicked on a trace.

Adding a marker to a trace will automatically select the Marker tool.

Use the Band Power tool to position and adjust band power markers. After selecting the Band Power tool, click once within the active trace to position the center of the band power marker.Place the mouse over the vertical band power marker line and the pointer changes to a bi-directional arrow «. Click and drag the vertical line to expand the bandwidth of the markers.

To adjust the band power marker:

  • Click and drag the left or right band limits to adjust the band power marker's bandwidth.
  • Click and drag the marker diamond to move the entire band left or right while maintaining the same bandwidth.

Use the Time Gate tool to isolate a portion of a time record for further viewing and analysis. With the time gate, you can select a portion of the main time record to be used for frequency-domain displays.

For more information, see About Time Gating.