Measurement Interval (MB-OFDM)

Menu Path: MeasSetup > MB-OFDM Demod Properties > Time tab

Default: 12 symbol-times (See MB-OFDM Standard Setups/Presets Table.)

Range: 1 to 288 symbol-times

Measurement Intervaldetermines what portion of the Result Length data is analyzed and displayed. To review the Search Length, Result Length, Measurement Offset and Measurement Interval actions and interactions, see Lengths, Intervals, and Offsets. The default value of 12 symbol-times means only the Header symbols within the Result Length are being analyzed and displayed (Measurement Offset = 0 for this to be true). The default value of 12 symbol-times is best when initially setting up a measurement, until reliable demodulation is attained, after which the values for Measurement Interval and Result Length can be lengthened.

See Also

MB-OFDM Modulation Overview

Lengths, Intervals, and Offsets (MB-OFDM)

Using Standard Setups/Presets (MB-OFDM)

Time Tab (MB-OFDM Demod Properties)