Available Trace Data (NB-IoT)

The following table provides a list of the available measurement trace data for NB-IoT modulation analysis. Click on the name for detailed information about each Trace Data result.


NB-IoT Demodulation
Available Measurement Trace Data

CCDF IQ Meas Time
CCDF Summary IQ Ref
CDF IQ Ref Time
Common Tracking Error MIMO Common Tracking Error
Correction MIMO Eq Chan Freq Resp
Decoded Symbol Table MIMO Eq Chan Freq Resp Diff
Detected Allocations Time MIMO Eq Impulse Response
DL Decode Info MIMO Info
Eq Chan Freq Response PDF
Eq Chan Freq Response Diff Raw Main Time
Eq Impulse Response RMS Error Vector Spectrum
Error Summary RMS Error Vector Time
Error Vector Spectrum Search Time
Error Vector Time Spectrum
Frame Summary Symbol Table
Inst Ch Frequency Response Time
Inst Spectrum  
IQ Meas