Passive Return Link (RFID)

Default: Cleared (See RFID Standard Setups/Presets Table)

The Passive Return Link checkbox is displayed when one of the ISO 18092 standard preset entries from the Preset to Standard menu is selected. The Passive Return Link checkbox is selected when one of the ISO 18092 entries is selected.

Selecting the Passive Return Link checkbox specifies that the return signal from the Tag (or Target) is passive and not identical to the forward link modulation. Selecting this checkbox causes the drop-down lists and text box in the Return Link area of the Format Tab to become active. The user can then specify the Return Link parameters.

Clearing the Passive Return Link checkbox specifies that the target is an active component and the return link modulation is identical to the forward link modulation. In this case, the modulation VSA cannot distinguish between forward link and return link bursts. Because of this, several changes occur in the user interface.

See Also

Using a Standard Setup (RFID)

Ret Bit Rate (RFID)

Ret Format (RFID)

Ret Line Coding (RFID)

Format Tab (RFID Demod Properties)

Setting up an RFID measurement