Ref Time (RFID)

The Ref Time trace is the reference of ASK signal which is shaped using Ref Filter. The default display format of this trace is Real.

Because this trace is a real value trace normalized by (A-B), the minimum value is near 0 and the maximum is near 1 (100%), identically to Meas Time.  

The trace title is determined by the type of modulation format specified by the Fwd Format or the Ret Format selected on the Format Tab (RFID). If the modulation format specified is ASK, the trace title will read ASK Ref Time; if FSK is selected, the trace title will read FSK Ref Time.

See Also

Available Features (RFID)

Setting up a RFID Measurement

Troubleshooting (RFID)

Meas (RFID)

Summary Table (RFID)