FieldFox Programming Tips

Mode-specific Programming

Although the FieldFox is a single instrument, each FieldFox mode (NA, SA, and so forth) has its own unique set of SCPI commands. Each mode is targeted separately by first issuing the command to select the mode (INSTrument[:SELect]).

Here is a list of commands that are common to ALL modes:  Commands Common to All Modes.

Perform Single Triggering

When programming the FieldFox, it is ALWAYS recommended to perform single sweep triggering: INITiate:CONTinuous 0 and INITiate[:IMMediate] followed with *OPC?.

This is because after making measurement settings such as setting frequency, there is NO guarantee that a continuous sweep will complete and data will be collected at the new setting. By following a series of settings with INIT:IMM;*OPC?, then all settings will be updated correctly.

Communicating with the FieldFox using sockets over LAN

Responses to SCPI commands will always be in ASCII string format unless otherwise noted.  Long responses may be separated into packets of data (up to 1460 bytes long).  Each response is terminated with a LF character.  When receiving long responses, search for the LF character to determine that the response is complete.

Do NOT do Binary Block transfers (FORM:DATA REAL,32 or REAL,64) when using over Telnet to port 5024 on FieldFox.

About Calibration Settings

A calibration session that is performed using the front-panel is completely separate from a calibration session that is performed programmatically.

Therefore, calibration settings that are made remotely (such as setting the cal kit and connectors) can NOT be observed from the front-panel user interface. Alternatively, calibration settings are that are made from the FieldFox front panel (user interface) can NOT be queried programmatically.