Batched File Converter

Use the Batched File Converter feature to convert several similar PLTS data files to files with a number of different parameters.

This feature is similar to File Export, except that this feature does not require the file to first be opened to be converted. In addition, this feature can convert several similar files at the same time.

Note: Beginning with PLTS 2014, Batched File Converter can convert a Frequency Domain file to a Time Domain file and vice versa.

Note: Beginning with PLTS 2021, Batched File Converter has increased speed using multithreading.

How to start Batched File Converter

Click File, then Batched File Converter

Batched File Converter dialog box help

Note: Complete this dialog box in numeric sequence from top to bottom. This is necessary because the selections that are available in each field depends on previous selections. For example, if you select Frequency domain data, then the selections for format are different than if you selected Time domain data.

  1. Select Data Domain for Conversion  The data files to be converted MUST ALL be of the same data domain: either all Frequency or all Time.  If the conversion is to Time Domain, also enter the Stop Frequency to be used in the Fast Fourier Transform algorithm. 20 GHz is the default value, and is best for most applications.

  1. Select Files to Convert  Click Add, then browse to the file to convert. The added files must all use the same DUT configuration and S-parameters. Also, the files to be converted must all be of the same data domain: either all Frequency or all Time. *.DUT files contain both Frequency and Time domain data. PLTS checks the domain type when the file is added.  There is no limit to the number of files that can be added.  
    Click Remove to remove a file that is already added.
    The Number Of Files shows the total number of files to help determine if any files are missing.

  1. DUT Configuration  View the current DUT configuration or click Change to launch the DUT configuration dialog.

  2. Output File Type - Dependent on Data Domain

  3. Output File Data Format - Dependent on Output File Type.

Note: Touchstone, TDA, and Cadence Allegro formats - ALL export Touchstone/sNp files.

Frequency Domain:

    • CitiFile: Real/Imaginary

    • Touchstone: Magnitude/angle, dB/ angle, Real/Imaginary

    • TDA MeasureXtracter:  dB/ angle

    • Cadence Allegro: dB/ angle

    • Text: Real/Imaginary, Log Magnitude, Linear Magnitude, or Phase.

Time Domain:

    • Step Real, Impulse Real, Step Volts, Impulse Volts, Step Log Mag, Impulse Log Mag; Step Impedance.

  1. Select Output Data - Dependent on File Type

CitiFile and Text Files

    • Single-ended - ALL single-ended parameters.

    • Balanced - ALL Balanced parameters.

    • Advanced  Click to select specific parameters.

Touchstone Files

    • Select the Single-ended or Balanced parameters to export, or click Advanced to remap ports for the exported data. To limit the amount of port data to export, change the DUT configuration.

  1. Independent Units - Dependent on Data Domain

  2. Limit Data Range to Output

    • All - Export data with the original stimulus range.

    • Subset  Export a subset of the original data using the following settings to define the subset. Some settings may require you to first check Interpolate

      • Start  Lowest frequency or time of the data to export.

      • Stop  Highest frequency or time of the data to export.

      • Points  Number of data points measured from Start to Stop frequency.

      • Step  Frequency or time range between each data point; available ONLY with Linear Spacing.

      • Spacing  Data points are spaced Linear mode (default), Logarithmic, points per Decade (10x), or points per Octave (2x).

    • Interpolate  May be checked automatically by PLTS if a subset setting is made that requires Interpolation. Interpolated data is not as accurate as measured data.

      • Checked - Subset settings have been changed that require the exported data to be interpolated.

      • Clear -  Exported Data is NOT interpolated. When Linear Spacing is selected, PLTS will change Subset settings that you enter to the closest measured data values which do not require interpolation. When Log, Dec, or Oct Spacing is selected, PLTS may not allow Interpolate to be cleared after changing settings. Click Reset to return to the original values.

    • Reset  Returns the Subset settings to the original values.

  1. Output Directory  Click Browse to navigate to a folder. Filenames are automatically generated and saved to the specified folder.


Select Measurement Parameters dialog box help

This dialog box appears when Advanced is clicked when Text or Citifile file types are selected.

Select some or all of the parameters to export.

Export Gated (S)Parameters  Gating data is ONLY available for export if a selected parameter is currently open in a window with start and stop gates.

When checked, if any of the selected parameters currently reside in open "gated" windows, the gated data is exported. If the selected parameter has no gating data available, the ungated data is exported.

When cleared, the ungated, calibrated data is exported.

Export All Data in One File  When checked, all of the selected parameters are saved to a single file.

When cleared, all selected parameters are saved to separate files. Each file is saved to the specified folder with the filename you entered and a parameter label appended to the name. For example, if you entered device4 as the file name, the S11 parameter file is named: device4_S11.txt.


Advanced Data Selection dialog box help

This dialog box appears when Touchstone, TDA, or Cadence Allegro file types are selected.

Measured Ports

Allows you to export the data with different port configuration than that in which it was measured. By default, the port assignments are identical. Change the source port to align with the exported port number. The following example shows the mapping between the port in the file to be exported and the port from the current data set being exported . In this example, a 4 port file is exported with port 7 data in the port 1 slot, port 8 data in the port 2 slot, port 2 data in the port 3 slot, and port 1 data in the port 4 slot.











Export Gated Parameters  Gating data is ONLY available for export if a selected parameter is currently open in a window with start and stop gates.

When checked, if any of the selected parameters currently reside in open "gated" windows, the gated data is exported. If the selected parameter has no gating data available, the ungated data is exported.

When cleared, the ungated data is exported.

Export DC Values - When checked, the exported file contains the extrapolated DC Value. Learn more about Extrapolated DC Values.


See Also