Configures Mixer Segments.
Click on a red keyword to view the command details.
See Also
Scratch vs Applied Mixer PropertiesEach mixer configuration has two sets of properties:
Power settings are immediately applied to both the Scratch and Applied mixer. A successful Calculate also perform an Apply. Note: Queries always return the Applied mixer properties. Therefore, first send SENSe<ch>:MIXer:APPLy before querying new settings. |
(Write only) Adds the specified number of segments to the scratch mixer beginning at the last segment position. All segments are added with default settings. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the mixer measurement. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<n> |
Position at which to add segments. Valid range is between 1 and the current segment count +1. Using count +1 adds segments to the end of the segment table. Use SENS:MIX:SEGM:COUN? to read the current count in the Applied Mixer. |
<value> |
Optional argument. Number of segments to add. If unspecified, 1 segment is added. |
Examples |
SENS:MIX:SEGM1:ADD 3 'Adds 3 segments beginning at position 1. For a preset state, this results in a total of 4 segments. |
Query Syntax |
Not Applicable |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Not Applicable |
(Read/Write) Sets and returns the IF Bandwidth for the sweep segment. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the mixer measurement. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<n> |
Existing segment for which IF Bandwidth is to be set. Use SENS:MIX:SEGM:COUN? to read the current count in the Applied Mixer. |
<value> |
IF Bandwidth in Hz. The list of valid IF Bandwidths is different depending on the PNA model. (Click to see the lists.) If an invalid number is specified, the analyzer will round up to the closest valid number. This parameter supports MIN and MAX as arguments. Learn more. |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:MIXer:SEGMent<n>:BWIDth? Send Apply before sending this query. Learn more. |
Return Type |
Numeric |
100 kHz |
(Write only) Calculates the Input, IF, or Output frequencies of the mixer setup and updates the channel settings. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1 |
<n> |
Existing segment to calculate. Use SENS:MIX:SEGM:COUN? to read the current count in the Applied Mixer. |
<char> |
Mixer port to be calculated. Choose from:
Examples |
Query Syntax |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
(Read-only) Returns the number of segments on the Applied mixer. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the mixer measurement. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
Examples |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Not Applicable |
(Write only) Removes the specified number of segments from the scratch mixer starting at the index position. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the mixer measurement. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<n> |
Position at which to start removing segments. Valid index range is between 1 and the current segment count. Use SENS:MIX:SEGM:COUN? to read the current count in the Applied Mixer. |
<value> |
Optional argument. Number of segments to remove. If unspecified, 1 segment is removed. |
Examples |
SENS:MIX:SEGM1:DEL 5 'Removes 5 segments beginning at the first position. |
Query Syntax |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
(Write only) Removes all segments from the scratch mixer. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the mixer measurement. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
(Read-Write) When two LO stages are used, sets or returns whether to select the sum or difference for the IF1 product. (Input + or - LO1 = IF1)
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the mixer measurement. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<n> |
Existing segment for which IF Sideband is to be set. Use SENS:MIX:SEGM:COUN? to read the current count in the Applied Mixer. |
<char> |
Sideband value. Choose from LOW - Difference (-) HIGH - Sum (+) |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:MIXer:SEGMent<n>:IF:FREQuency:SIDeband? Send Apply before sending this query. Learn more. |
Return Type |
Character |
(Read-Write) Sets or returns the Input fixed frequency of the segment. Also, set SENS:MIX:SEGM:INP:FREQ:MODE FIXED. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the mixer measurement. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<n> |
Existing segment for which input fixed frequency is to be set. Use SENS:MIX:SEGM:COUN? to read the current count in the Applied Mixer. |
<value> |
Input fixed frequency. Choose a value between the start and stop frequency of the PNA. |
Examples |
SENSe2:MIXer:SEGMent2:INPut:FREQ:FIX 1e9 |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:MIXer:SEGMent<n>:INPut:FREQuency:FIXed? Send Apply before sending this query. Learn more. |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Start frequency of the PNA. |
(Read-Write) Sets or returns the Input sweep mode of the segment. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the mixer measurement. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<n> |
Existing segment for which Input frequency mode is to be set. Use SENS:MIX:SEGM:COUN? to read the current count in the Applied Mixer. |
<char> |
Input sweep mode. Choose either FIXED or SWEPT |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:MIXer:SEGMent<n>:INPut:FREQuency:MODE? Send Apply before sending this query. Learn more. |
Return Type |
Character |
Swept |
(Read-Write) Sets or returns the Input start frequency value of the segment. Also, set SENS:MIX:SEGM:FREQ:MODE SWEPT. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the mixer measurement. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<n> |
Existing segment for which Input start frequency is to be set. Use SENS:MIX:SEGM:COUN? to read the current count in the Applied Mixer. |
<value> |
Input Start frequency. Choose a value between the start and stop frequency of the PNA. |
Examples |
SENSe2:MIXer:SEGMent2:INPut:FREQ:STARt 1000000000 |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:MIXer:SEGMent<n>:INPut:FREQuency:STARt? Send Apply before sending this query. Learn more. |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Start frequency of the PNA. |
(Read-Write) Sets or returns the Input stop frequency value of the segment. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the mixer measurement. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<n> |
Existing segment for which Input stop frequency is to be set. Use SENS:MIX:SEGM:COUN? to read the current count in the Applied Mixer. |
<value> |
Input Stop frequency. Choose a value between the start and stop frequency of the PNA. |
Examples |
SENSe2:MIXer:SEGMent2:INPut:FREQ:STOP 1000000000 |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:MIXer:SEGMent<n>:INPut:FREQuency:STOP? Send Apply before sending this query. Learn more. |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Stop frequency of the PNA. |
(Read-Write) Sets or returns the Input power value of the segment. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the mixer measurement. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<n> |
Existing segment for which Input power is to be set. Use SENS:MIX:SEGM:COUN? to read the current count in the Applied Mixer. |
<value> |
Input power level in dBm. Choose a value within the power range of the PNA. |
Examples |
SENSe2:MIXer:SEGMent2:INPut:POWer 0 |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:MIXer:SEGMent<n>:INPut:POWer? Send Apply before sending this query. Learn more. |
Return Type |
Numeric |
-15 dBm |
(Read-Write) Sets or returns the LO1 and LO2 fixed frequency value of the segment. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the mixer measurement. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<n> |
Existing segment for which the LO1 and LO2 fixed frequency value is to be set. Use SENS:MIX:SEGM:COUN? to read the current count in the Applied Mixer. |
<x> |
LO stage number for which the fixed frequency is to be set. Choose 1 or 2. Set number of stages for the mixer using SENSe<ch>:MIXer:STAGe. |
<value> |
The LO1 and LO2 fixed frequency value in Hz. Choose a value within the frequency range of the source. |
Examples |
SENSe2:MIXer:SEGMent2:LO1:FREQ:FIX 1e9 |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:MIXer:SEGMent<n>:LO<x>:FREQuency:FIXed? Send Apply before sending this query. Learn more. |
Return Type |
Numeric |
0 Hz |
(Read-Write) Specifies whether to use the Input frequency that is greater than the LO or less than the LO. To learn more, see the mixer setup dialog box help. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the mixer measurement. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<n> |
Existing segment for which the LO1 and LO2 fixed frequency value is to be set. Use SENS:MIX:SEGM:COUN? to read the current count in the Applied Mixer. |
<x> |
LO stage number for which ILT is to be set. Choose 1 or 2. Set number of stages for the mixer using SENSe<ch>:MIXer:STAGe. |
<bool> |
ON (1) - Use the Input that is Greater than the specified LO. OFF (0) - Use the Input that is Less than the specified LO. |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:MIXer:SEGMent<n>:LO<x>:FREQuency:ILTI? Send Apply before sending this query. Learn more. |
Return Type |
Boolean |
(Read-Write) Sets or returns the LO1 or LO2 sweep mode of the segment. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the mixer measurement. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<n> |
Existing segment for which LO frequency mode is to be set. Use SENS:MIX:SEGM:COUN? to read the current count in the Applied Mixer. |
<x> |
LO stage number for which ILT is to be set. Choose 1 or 2. Set number of stages for the mixer using SENSe<ch>:MIXer:STAGe. |
<char> |
LO sweep mode. Choose either FIXED or SWEPT |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:MIXer:SEGMent<n>:LO<n>:FREQuency:MODE? Send Apply before sending this query. Learn more. |
Return Type |
Character |
Fixed |
(Read-Write) Sets or returns the LO start frequency value of the segment. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the mixer measurement. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<n> |
Existing segment for which LO start frequency is to be set. Use SENS:MIX:SEGM:COUN? to read the current count in the Applied Mixer. |
<x> |
LO stage number. Choose 1 or 2. Set number of stages for the mixer using SENSe<ch>:MIXer:STAGe. |
<value> |
LO Start frequency. Choose a value between the start and stop frequency of the PNA. |
Examples |
SENSe2:MIXer:SEGMent2:LO1:FREQ:STARt 1000000000 |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:MIXer:SEGMent<n>:LO<x>:FREQuency:STARt? Send Apply before sending this query. Learn more. |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Start frequency of the PNA. |
(Read-Write) Sets or returns the LO stop frequency value of the segment. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the mixer measurement. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<n> |
Existing segment for which LO stop frequency is to be set. Use SENS:MIX:SEGM:COUN? to read the current count in the Applied Mixer. |
<x> |
LO stage number. Choose 1 or 2. Set number of stages for the mixer using SENSe<ch>:MIXer:STAGe. |
<value> |
LO Stop frequency. Choose a value between the start and stop frequency of the PNA. |
Examples |
SENSe2:MIXer:SEGMent2:LO<x>:FREQ:STOP 1000000000 |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:MIXer:SEGMent<n>:LO<x>:FREQuency:STOP? Send Apply before sending this query. Learn more. |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Stop frequency of the PNA. |
(Read-Write) Sets or returns the LO power of the segment. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the mixer measurement. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<n> |
Existing segment for which LO power is to be set. Use SENS:MIX:SEGM:COUN? to read the current count in the Applied Mixer. |
<x> |
LO stage number. Choose 1 or 2. Set number of stages for the mixer using SENSe<ch>:MIXer:STAGe. |
<value> |
LO power level in dBm. Choose a value within the power range of the PNA. |
Examples |
SENSe2:MIXer:SEGMent2:INPut:POWer 0 |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:MIXer:SEGMent<n>:INPut:POWer? Send Apply before sending this query. Learn more. |
Return Type |
Numeric |
-10 dBm |
(Read-Write) Sets or returns the Output fixed frequency of the segment. Also, set SENS:MIX:SEGM:INP:FREQ:MODE FIXED. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the mixer measurement. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<n> |
Existing segment for which Output fixed frequency is to be set. Use SENS:MIX:SEGM:COUN? to read the current count in the Applied Mixer. |
<value> |
Output fixed frequency. Choose a value between the start and stop frequency of the PNA. |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:MIXer:SEGMent<n>:OUTPut:FREQuency:FIXed? Send Apply before sending this query. Learn more. |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Start frequency of the PNA. |
(Read-Write) Sets or returns the Output sweep mode of the segment. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the mixer measurement. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<n> |
Existing segment for which Output frequency mode is to be set. Use SENS:MIX:SEGM:COUN? to read the current count in the Applied Mixer. |
<char> |
Output sweep mode. Choose either FIXED or SWEPT |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:MIXer:SEGMent<n>:OUTPut:FREQuency:MODE? Send Apply before sending this query. Learn more. |
Return Type |
Character |
Swept |
(Read-Write) When two LO stages are used, sets or returns whether to select the sum or difference for the Output product. Use for both 1 or 2 stage mixers.
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the mixer measurement. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<n> |
Existing segment for which Output Sideband is to be set. Use SENS:MIX:SEGM:COUN? to read the current count in the Applied Mixer. |
<char> |
Sideband value. Choose from LOW - Difference (-) HIGH - Sum (+) |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:MIXer:SEGMent<n>:OUTPut:FREQuency:SIDeband? Send Apply before sending this query. Learn more. |
Return Type |
Character |
(Read-Write) Sets or returns the Output start frequency value of the segment. Also, set SENS:MIX:SEGM:FREQ:MODE SWEPT. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the mixer measurement. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<n> |
Existing segment for which Output start frequency is to be set. Use SENS:MIX:SEGM:COUN? to read the current count in the Applied Mixer. |
<value> |
Output Start frequency. Choose a value between the start and stop frequency of the PNA. |
Examples |
SENSe2:MIXer:SEGMent2:OUTPut:FREQ:STARt 1000000000 |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:MIXer:SEGMent<n>:OUTPut:FREQuency:STARt? Send Apply before sending this query. Learn more. |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Start frequency of the PNA. |
(Read-Write) Sets or returns the Output stop frequency value of the segment. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the mixer measurement. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<n> |
Existing segment for which Output stop frequency is to be set. Use SENS:MIX:SEGM:COUN? to read the current count in the Applied Mixer. |
<value> |
Output Stop frequency. Choose a value between the start and stop frequency of the PNA. |
Examples |
SENSe2:MIXer:SEGMent2:OUTPut:FREQ:STOP 1000000000 |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:MIXer:SEGMent<n>:OUTPut:FREQuency:STOP? Send Apply before sending this query. Learn more. |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Stop frequency of the PNA. |
(Read-Write) Sets or returns the Output power value of the segment. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the mixer measurement. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<n> |
Existing segment for which Output power is to be set. Use SENS:MIX:SEGM:COUN? to read the current count in the Applied Mixer. |
<value> |
Output power level in dBm. Choose a value within the power range of the PNA. |
Examples |
SENSe2:MIXer:SEGMent2:OUTPut:POWer 0 |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:MIXer:SEGMent<n>:OUTPut:POWer? Send Apply before sending this query. Learn more. |
Return Type |
Numeric |
-10 dBm |
(Read/Write) Sets and returns the number of data points for the sweep segment. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the mixer measurement. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<n> |
Existing segment for which number of points is to be set. Use SENS:MIX:SEGM:COUN? to read the current count in the Applied Mixer. |
<value> |
Number of data points. Choose any number between 1 and the PNA maximum number of points. This parameter supports MIN and MAX as arguments. Learn more. |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:MIXer:SEGMent<n>:POINts? Send Apply before sending this query. Learn more. |
Return Type |
Numeric |
21 |
(Read/Write) Sets and returns the ON/OFF state for the segment. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the mixer measurement. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<n> |
Existing segment to be set ON or OFF. Use SENS:MIX:SEGM:COUN? to read the current count in the Applied Mixer. |
<bool> |
Segment state. Choose from: ON (or 1) - Turns the segment ON. OFF (or 0) - Turns the segment OFF |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:MIXer:SEGMent<n>:STATe? Send Apply before sending this query. Learn more. |
Return Type |
Boolean |
ON |
Last Modified:
1-Nov-2010 |
MX New topic |