Undo/Redo Settings

If you make an incorrect setting, you can quickly recover by selecting Undo. If you then incorrectly Undo a setting, you can Redo the undone setting.

How to Undo or Redo a setting


  • Click or touch the Undo and Redo Icons:



  • Undo/Redo can be stored to a User Key or Favorite softkey. Learn more.

  • With a mouse, right-click on the Softkeys or on the Entry toolbar.

  • With a keyboard:

    • Undo....Ctrl+Z

    • Redo....Ctrl+Y

Using front-panel
[softkey] buttons

Using Menus

  1. Press System

  2. then [Undo]

  3. then [Undo] <setting>
    or [Redo] <setting>

  1. Click Utility

  2. then Undo

  3. then Undo<setting>
    Redo <setting>

SCPI and COM programming and Undo/Redo:

  • There are NO Programming commands to invoke Undo/Redo

  • Programing commands are NOT Undo-able.

  • The Undo stack is cleared when programming commands are sent to the PNA.

Clear Undo History

To clear the Undo stack, press System, then Service, then Utilities, then Click Undo History.

Undo and Security

Selected Undo-able settings

You can Undo or Redo the following settings:

Note: There are several settings that are NOT Undo-able. Because of this, when you attempt to Undo a long sequence of operations, it is unlikely that the original state can be recreated exactly.