Source:Power:Correction Commands

Used to perform source power calibration on internal and external sources.

Note: Only ONE Source Power Cal can be performed at a time.



       | ABORt

       | ACQuire

       | AVERage

            | [COUNt]

            | NTOLerance

       | DISPlay

            | [STATe]

       | FCHeck]

            | [STATe]

       | ITERation

            | [COUNt]

            | NTOLerance

       | METHod

       | SAVE

       | SENSor

            | [FRANge]

            | RCFactor

            | SELect

       | TABLe

            | DATA

            | FREQuency

            | LOSS

                 | [STATe]

            | POINts?

            | [SELect]

       | WARN


       | PRIor

LEVel [AMPlitude]


       | [MAGNitude]


Click on a keyword to view the command details.

Blue commands are superseded.

See Also

Note: The SOURce:POWer:CORRection:COLLect:ACQuire command, used to step the VNA and read a power meter, cannot be sent over the GPIB unless the power meter is connected to a different GPIB interface.  See the alternative methods described in the command details.


Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, E5080A, M9485A

(Write-only) Aborts a source power calibration sweep that is in progress.

To use this ABORt command, you MUST use the ASYNchronous argument with SOUR:POW:CORR:COLL:ACQ

After aborting, this message appears in the error log: +243,"Requested operation was canceled".




Channel number of the source power cal. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Port number to correct for source power. If unspecified, value is set to 1.



Query Syntax

Not Applicable


Not Applicable

SOURce<ch>:POWer<port>:CORRection:COLLect[:ACQuire] <char>,<id>[,src][,sync]

Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, E5080A, M9485A

(Write-only) Initiates a source power cal acquisition sweep using the power sensor attached to the specified channel (A or B) on the power meter, using a USB power sensor, or using the specified VNA receiver.  

For source power cal, the power meter can NOT be controlled by the VNA using the GPIB Talker/Listener interface. Instead use one of the following methods:

  • If present, use the GPIB dedicated controller port.

  • Connect the power meter to the VNA using a USB / GPIB interface (Keysight 82357A).

  • SCPI programming of the VNA using a LAN Client interface (see example).

  • Send SCPI commands through the COM interface using the SCPI String Parser object.

  • Directly control the Power Meter and VNA to step frequency; then acquire and store the Power reading. (see example).

  • Configure the Power Meter/Sensor as a PMAR Device. Learn how. See SCPI commands.




Channel number of the source power cal. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Port number to correct for source power. If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Acquisition Choose from:

  • PMETer - Power Meter is used for all readings.

  • PMReceiver - Power meter for the first iteration; then use the reference receiver for remaining readings if necessary (same as "fast iteration" box checked on dialog box)

  • RECeiver -  Use VNA measurement receiver for all readings.


String  (Not case sensitive). The power sensor or VNA receiver to use for measuring power.

For PMETer or PMRECeiver, choose from:

  • "ASENSOR" or "BSENSOR". For U series USB sensors, always specify "ASENSOR"

For RECeiver, choose from:


Optional argument. String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port.  Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports that are not simple numbers, such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [src] takes priority.


If this argument is specified, must also specify [src].

Choose from:

  • SYNChronous - Blocks SCPI commands during standard measurement (default behavior).

  • ASYNchronous - Does NOT block SCPI commands during standard measurement.

Learn more about this argument


SOUR:POW:CORR:COLL PMET,"ASENSOR","Port 1",ASYN  'acquires power meter readings using the A sensor, source port 1, asynchronous.
source1:power2:correction:collect:acquire receiver,"a1" 'acquires source cal readings using the reference receiver for port 1.

Query Syntax

Not Applicable


Not Applicable

SOURce:POWer<port>:CORRection:COLLect:AVERage[:COUNt] <num>

Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, E5080A, M9485A

(Read-Write) This command, along with SOUR:POW:CORR:COLL:AVER:NTOLerance, allows for settling of the power sensor READINGS.

Note: This command is global and does not depend on a specific channel number.

Sets the maximum number of acquisitions that will be used to acquire one settled reading from the power meter.

These settings affect every use of the power meter (PMAR and source power cal).

This setting and corresponding SOUR:POW:CORR:COLL:AVER:NTOLerance command only effect the settled reading of the currently selected legacy power meter.

Note: To set the COUNT/NTOLerance of a specific PMAR, use the SYST:CONF:EDEV:PMAR:READ:COUNT and SYST:CONF:EDEV:PMAR:READ:NTOLerance commands.

Users may want to adjust this number if they know the signal is noisy as these settings set a threshold that determines when the power meter reading is done.

Each reading is averaged with the previous readings. When this average meets the Average:NTOLerance value or this number of readings has been made, the average is returned as the valid reading.

Learn more.




If provided, this argument is ignored by the VNA.


Maximum number of readings to make to allow for settling. Choose any number between 3 and 1000.


// configure the power meter settling (up to 2 acquisitions to produce one settled meter reading)


// configure the number of (settled) readings to acquire at each frequency point.

// 3 settled readings are averaged to produce one bucket of data per frequency


Query Syntax


Return Type




SOURce:POWer<port>:CORRection:COLLect:AVERage:NTOLerance <num>

Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, E5080A, M9485A

(Read-Write)  This command, along with SOUR:POW:CORR:COLL:AVER:COUNT, allows for settling of the power sensor READINGS.

Note: This command is global and does not depend on a specific channel number.

This setting and corresponding SOUR:POW:CORR:COLL:AVER:COUNT command only effect the settled reading of the currently selected legacy power meter.

Note: To set the COUNT/NTOLerance of a specific PMAR, use the SYST:CONF:EDEV:PMAR:READ:COUNT and SYST:CONF:EDEV:PMAR:READ:NTOLerance commands.

Each power reading is averaged with the previous readings. When the average meets this nominal tolerance value or the max number of readings has been made, the average is returned as the valid reading.

Learn more.




If provided, this argument is ignored by the VNA.


Power measurement settling tolerance value in dB. Choose any number between 0 and 5.


// configure the power meter settling (up to 2 acquisitions to produce one settled meter reading)


// configure the number of (settled) readings to acquire at each frequency point.

// 3 settled readings are averaged to produce one bucket of data per frequency


Query Syntax


Return Type



.050 dBm

SOURce<ch>:POWer<port>:CORRection:COLLect:DISPlay[:STATe] <ON | OFF>

Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, E5080A, M9485A

(Read-Write)  Enables and disables the display of power readings on the VNA screen. Send this command BEFORE you begin a source power cal acquisition. After the source power cal data is acquired, this setting is reset to ON.




Channel number of the source power cal. If unspecified, value is set to 1


If provided, this argument is ignored by the VNA.


ON (1)  Source power calibration dialog box is shown on the VNA screen. Power  readings are plotted against the Tolerance value as limit lines.

OFF (0) - Source power calibration dialog box is NOT shown on the VNA screen.


source1:power2:correction:collect:display:state off

Query Syntax


Return Type

Boolean (1 = ON, 0 = OFF)


ON (1)

SOURce<ch>:POWer<port>:CORRection:COLLect:FCHeck[:STATe] <ON | OFF>

Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, E5080A, M9485A

(Read-Write)  Enables and disables frequency checking of source power cal acquisition sweeps. ONLY use when you have more than one power sensor.




Channel number of the source power cal. If unspecified, value is set to 1


If provided, this argument is ignored by the VNA.


ON (1) turns source power cal frequency checking ON. A requested acquisition will only succeed for those frequency points which fall within a frequency range specified for the power sensor being used. An acquisition will pause in mid-sweep if the frequency is about to exceed the maximum frequency limit specified for that sensor. When the sweep is paused in this manner, a sensor connected to the other channel input of the power meter can be connected to the measurement port in place of the previous sensor, and used to complete the sweep. However, the maximum frequency specified for the second sensor would need to be sufficient for the sweep to complete. Frequency limits are specified using the SOUR:POW:CORR:COLL:SEN command.

OFF (0) - turns source power cal frequency checking OFF. An acquisition will use just one power sensor for the entire sweep, regardless of frequency.


source1:power2:correction:collect:fcheck:state off

Query Syntax


Return Type

Boolean (1 = ON, 0 = OFF)


OFF (0)

SOURce<ch>:POWer<port>:CORRection:COLLect:ITERation[:COUNt] <num>

Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, E5080A, M9485A

(Read-Write) This command, along with SOUR:POW:CORR:COLL:ITER:NTOL control the number of settled readings taken to produce a single power point during source power cal.

The source power cal reads the power (performed by SOUR:POW:CORR:COLL:AVER:COUNT and SOUR:POW:CORR:COLL:AVER:NTOLerance) and makes internal adjustments to set the power to a desired level. These settings determine how many attempts (COUNt) the analyzer will make in an attempt to get close enough (NTOLerance) to the target power level.

Learn more.




If provided, this argument is ignored by the VNA.


If provided, this argument is ignored by the VNA.


Maximum number of readings. Choose any number between 1 and 1000.


// configure the power meter settling (up to 2 acquisitions to produce one settled meter reading)


// configure the number of (settled) readings to acquire at each frequency point.

// 3 settled readings are averaged to produce one bucket of data per frequency


Query Syntax


Return Type




SOURce<ch>:POWer<port>:CORRection:COLLect:ITERation:NTOLerance <num>

Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, E5080A, M9485A

(Read-Write) This command, along with SOUR:POW:CORR:COLL:ITER:COUNT describes the number of adjustments to make to the source power.

Sets the maximum desired deviation from the sum of the test port power and the offset value.  Power READINGS (performed by SOUR:POW:CORR:COLL:AVER:COUNT and SOUR:POW:CORR:COLL:AVER:NTOLerance) will continue to be made, and source power adjusted, until a measurement is within this tolerance value or the max number of measurements has been met. The last value is the valid measurement for that data point.

Learn more.




If provided, this argument is ignored by the VNA.


If provided, this argument is ignored by the VNA.


Tolerance value in dBm. Choose any number between 0 and 5


// configure the power meter settling (up to 2 acquisitions to produce one settled meter reading)


// configure the number of (settled) readings to acquire at each frequency point.

// 3 settled readings are averaged to produce one bucket of data per frequency


Query Syntax


Return Type




SOURce<ch>:POWer<port>:CORRection:COLLect:METHod <char> Superseded

Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB

This command is replaced with SOUR:POW:CORR:COLLect[:ACQuire] which now specifies the method and the device. The only parameter required by that command was either ASENsor or BSENsor which are still supported but not documented.

(Read-Write) Selects the calibration method to be used for the source power cal acquisition.




Channel number of the source power cal. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Port number to correct for source power. If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Choose from:

NONE - No Cal method

PMETer - Power Meter is used for all readings. (same as "fast iteration" box not checked on dialog box)

PMReceiver - Power meter for the first iteration; then use the reference receiver for remaining readings if necessary (same as "fast iteration" box checked on dialog box)


source1:power2:correction:collect:method pmreceiver

Query Syntax


Return Type




SOURce<ch>:POWer<port:CORRection:COLLect:SAVE [<RREC>]

Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, E5080A, M9485A

(Write-only) Applies the array of correction values after a source power calibration sweep has completed. The source power correction will then be active on the specified source port for channel <ch>. This command does NOT save the correction values. To save correction values, save an instrument / calibration state (*.cst file) after performing a source power cal.




If provided, this argument is ignored by the VNA.


If provided, this argument is ignored by the VNA.


Optional argument.

RRECeiver  In addition to a source Power Cal, perform a calibration of the reference receiver used in the measurement.  ONLY the Reference Receiver calibration is then saved to a Cal Set or Cal Register as specified by the current setting of SENS:CORR:PREF:CSET:SAVE.

This argument only applies to standard S-parameter channels.


source:power:correction:collect:save rreceiver

Query Syntax

Not Applicable


Not Applicable

SOURce<ch>:POWer<port>:CORRection:COLLect:<pmChan>SENsor[:FRANge] <num1>,<num2>

Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, E5080A, M9485A

(Read-Write) Specifies the frequency range over which the power sensors connected to the specified channels (A and B) of the power meter can be used (minimum frequency, maximum frequency). If the power meter has only a single channel, that channel is considered channel A.




Channel number of the source power cal. If unspecified, value is set to 1


If provided, this argument is ignored by the VNA. (It is required for query).


Power Meter channel. Choose from:

A - Channel A

B - Channel B


Minimum frequency for the sensor. If a frequency unit is not specified, Hz is assumed.


Maximum frequency for the sensor. If a frequency unit is not specified, Hz is assumed.


source1:power:correction:collect:bsensor:frange 10 MHz, 18 GHz

Query Syntax



Return Type




SOURce<ch>:POWer<port>:CORRection:COLLect:<pmChan>SENsor:RCFactor <num>

Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, E5080A, M9485A

(Read-Write) ) Specifies the reference cal factor for the power sensor connected to channel A or B of the power meter. If the power meter has only a single channel, that channel is considered channel A.

Note: If the sensor connected to the specified channel of the power meter contains cal factors in EPROM (such as the Keysight E-series power sensors), those will be the cal factors used during the calibration sweep. The reference cal factor value associated with this command, and any cal factors entered into the VNA for that sensor channel, will not be used.




Channel number of the source power cal. If unspecified, value is set to 1


If provided, this argument is ignored by the VNA.


Power Meter channel. Choose from:

A - Channel A

B - Channel B


Reference cal factor in percent.  Choose any number between 1 and 150.


source1:power2:correction:collect:bsensor:rcfactor 105

Query Syntax



Return Type





Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, E5080A, M9485A

(Read-Write) Sets and returns the power sensor channel (A or B) to be used.  This performs the same function as the Use this sensor only checkbox in the Power Sensor Settings dialog.





Channel number of the source power cal. If unspecified, value is set to 1


If provided, this argument is ignored by the VNA.


Power Meter channel. Choose from:

A - Channel A

B - Channel B



source1:power2:correction:collect:bsensor:select? 1e9 'Read

Query Syntax

SOURce:POWer:CORRection:COLLect:ASENsor:SELect? <Frequency>

SOURce:POWer:CORRection:COLLect:BSENsor:SELect? <Frequency>

Returns a boolean 1 or 0 (ON or OFF) indicating whether the sensor is to be used at the specified frequency.

If frequency checking is OFF, then the <Frequency> parameter is ignored. The query returns if the sensor is selected for ALL frequencies.

Return Type



Not Applicable

SOURce<ch>:POWer<port>:CORRection:COLLect:TABLe:DATA <data>

Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, E5080A, M9485A

(Read-Write) Read or write data into the selected table. Use SOUR:POW:CORR:COLL:TABL:SELect to select a table.

  • When the power sensor table is selected, the data is interpreted as cal factors in percent.

  • When the loss table is selected, POSITIVE values in dB are interpreted as LOSS.  To compensate for gain, use negative values.  

  • Each table can contain up to 9999 segments. Values can be loaded using the Characterize Adapter macro.

  • Learn more about Power Loss Compensation.




Channel number of the source power cal. If unspecified, value is set to 1


If provided, this argument is ignored by the VNA.


Data to write into the selected table.


SOURce:POWer:CORRection:COLLect:TABLe:DATA 0.12, 0.34, 0.56

Query Syntax


If the selected table is currently empty, no data is returned.

Return Type

Numeric - one number per table segment.


Not Applicable

SOURce<ch>:POWer<port>:CORRection:COLLect:TABLe:FREQuency <data>

Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, E5080A, M9485A

(Read-Write) Read or write frequency values for the selected table (cal factor table for a power sensor, or the loss compensation table). Use SOUR:POW:CORR:COLL:TABL:SELect to select a table.




Channel number of the source power cal. If unspecified, value is set to 1


If provided, this argument is ignored by the VNA.


Frequency data to write into the selected table.


SOURce:POWer:CORRection:COLLect:TABLe:FREQuency 10E6, 1.5E9, 9E9

Query Syntax


If the selected table is currently empty, no data is returned.

Return Type

Numeric - one number per table segment


Not Applicable

SOURce<ch>:POWer<port>:CORRection:COLLect:TABLe:LOSS[:STATe] <ON | OFF>

Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, E5080A, M9485A

(Read-Write) Indicates whether or not to adjust the power readings using the values in the loss table during a source power cal sweep.  Learn more about Power Loss Compensation.




Channel number of the source power cal. If unspecified, value is set to 1


If provided, this argument is ignored by the VNA.


ON (or 1) -  turns use of the loss table ON.

OFF (or 0) - turns use of the loss table OFF.


source1:power2:correction:collect:table:loss:state off

Query Syntax


Return Type

Boolean (1 = ON, 0 = OFF)


OFF (0)


Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, E5080A, M9485A

(Read-only) Returns the number of segments that are currently in the selected table.




Channel number of the source power cal. If unspecified, value is set to 1


If provided, this argument is ignored by the VNA.



Return Type




SOURce<ch>:POWer<port>:CORRection:COLLect:TABLe[:SELect] <char>

Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, E5080A, M9485A

(Read-Write) Selects which table you want to write to or read from. Read or write using SOURce:POWer:CORRection:COLLect:TABLe:FREQuency and SOURce:POWer:CORRection:COLLect:TABLe:DATA




Channel number of the source power cal. If unspecified, value is set to 1


If provided, this argument is ignored by the VNA.


Choose from:  

NONE - No table selected

ASENsor - Cal Factor table for Power Sensor A

BSENsor - Cal Factor table for Power Sensor B

LOSS - Loss compensation table


source1:power2:correction:collect:table:select bsensor

Query Syntax


Return Type




SOURce<ch>:POWer<port>:CORRection:COLLect:WARN <bool>

Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, E5080A, M9485A

(Read-Write) Enables/disables the use of error messages during a source calibration if the calibration fails to achieve the desired power level at the power sensor.

This property affects error reporting during the acquisition of a source power calibration.

When the power calibration sweep occurs, the tolerance set by “ SOUR:POW:CORR:COLL:ITER:NTOL “ is indicated by a set of limit lines.

When those limits fail and SOUR:POW:CORR:COLL:WARN is set to OFF, the failure is not reported. This is the default.

When those limits fail and SOUR:POW:CORR:COLL:WARN is set to ON, the failure is reported to the SCPI error queue.




Channel number of the source power cal. If unspecified, value is set to 1


If provided, this argument is ignored by the VNA.


ON (or 1) -  enables SCPI error on source power calibration failure.

OFF (or 0) - disables SCPI error on source power calibration failure.


source1:power2:correction:collect:warn off

Query Syntax


Return Type

Boolean (1 = ON, 0 = OFF)


OFF (0)

SOURce<ch>:POWer<port>:CORRection:DATA <data>[,src]

Applicable Models: All

(Read-Write) Writes and reads source power calibration data.

The effect from this command on the channel is immediate. Do NOT send SOUR:POW:CORR:COLL:SAVE after this command as it may invalidate the uploaded data.

When querying source power calibration data, if no source power cal data exists for the specified channel and source port, then no data is returned.

If a change in the instrument state causes interpolation and/or extrapolation of the source power cal, the correction data associated with this command correspond to the new instrument state (interpolated and/or extrapolated data).

If the channel is sweeping the source backwards, then the first data point is the highest frequency value; the last data point is the lowest. Use the SENS:X:VALues? command to return the X-axis values in the displayed order.




Channel number of the source power cal. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Port number to correct for source power. If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Correction Data


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports that are not simple numbers, such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [src] takes priority.


SOURce1:POWer2:CORRection:DATA 0.12, -0.34, 0.56

Query Syntax

SOURce<ch>:POWer<port>:CORRection:DATA? [src]

Return Type

Depends on FORMat:DATA command


Not Applicable

SOURce<ch>:POWer<port>:CORRection:DATA:PRIor <data>[,src]

Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, E5080A, M9485A

(Read-Write) Writes and reads power correction values from the previous iteration of the source power cal. Data for which the first power meter reading were within the tolerance limit, the prior correction value is 0.

In all other respects, this command is the same as SOUR:POW:CORR:DATA.

This command can be used to determine the final power reading at each point of the power cal, for a cal that did not pass tolerance limits.  The formula for determining the power reading (in dB):

Power reading = Target power at the source port + specified power cal offset value + prior iteration corr value actual power corr value.

The "actual" value in this equation is returned with SOUR:POW:CORR:DATA?




Channel number of the source power cal. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Port number to correct for source power. If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Correction Data


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports that are not simple numbers, such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [src] takes priority.


SOURce1:POWer2:CORRection:DATA:PRIor 0.12, -0.34, 0.56

Query Syntax

SOURce<ch>:POWer<port>:CORRection:DATA:PRIor? [src]

Return Type

Depends on FORMat:DATA command


Not Applicable

SOURce<ch>:POWer<port>:CORRection:LEVel[:AMPLitude] <num>[,src]

Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, E5080A, M9485A

(Read-Write) Specifies the power level that is expected at the desired reference plane (DUT input or output). This is not used for segment sweep with independent power levels or power sweeps.

Note: Although this command still works, it is recommended that you specify cal power by setting the test port power and offset value.




Channel number of the source power cal. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Port number to correct for source power. If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Cal power level in dBm. Because this could potentially be at the output of a device-under-test, no limits are placed on this value here. It is realistically limited by the specifications of the device (power sensor) that will be used for measuring the power. The power delivered to the VNA receiver must never exceed VNA specifications for the receiver!


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports that are not simple numbers, such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [src] takes priority.


source1:power2:correction:level:amplitude 0 dbm

Query Syntax

SOURce:POWer:CORRection:LEVel[:AMPLitude]? [src]

Return Type



0 dBm

SOURce<ch>:POWer<port>:CORRection:OFFSet[:MAGNitude] <num>[,src]

Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, E5080A, M9485A

(Read-Write)  Sets or returns a power level offset from the VNA test port power. This can be a gain or loss value (in dB) to account for components you connect between the source and the reference plane of your measurement. For example, specify 10 dB to account for a 10 dB amplifier at the input of your DUT.

Cal power is the sum of the test port power setting and this offset value. Following the calibration, the VNA power readouts are adjusted to the cal power.




Channel number of the source power cal. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Port number to correct for source power. If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Gain or loss value in dB. Choose a value between -200 and 200


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports that are not simple numbers, such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [src] takes priority.


source1:power2:correction:offset:magnitude -3

Query Syntax

SOURce:POWer:CORRection:OFFSet[:MAGNitude]? [src]

Return Type



0 dB

SOURce<ch>:POWer<port>:CORRection[:STATe] <bool>[,src]

Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, E5080A, M9485A

(Read-Write) Enables and disables source power correction for the specified port on the specified channel.




Channel number of the source power cal. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Port number to correct for source power. If unspecified, value is set to 1.


ON (or 1) turns source power correction ON.

OFF (or 0) - turns source power correction OFF.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports that are not simple numbers, such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [src] takes priority.


source1:power2:correction:state off, "MXG N5183A"

Query Syntax

SOURce:POWer:CORRection[:STATe]? "MXG N5183A"

Return Type

Boolean (1 = ON, 0 = OFF)


OFF (0)