Source Commands

Controls the power delivered to the DUT.



DC - More commands

PHASe - More commands


       | ALC:MODE

            | CATalog?

            | RECeiver - More commands

       | ATTenuation

            | AUTO

            | RECeiver

                 | REFerence

                 | TEST

       | CENTer

       | CORRection - More commands

       | COUPle

       | DETector

       | [LEVel]

            | [IMMediate][AMPLitude]

            | SLOPe

                 | STATe

       | MODE

       | PORT

            | STARt

            | STOP

       | SPAN

       | STARt

       | STOP

Click on a keyword to view the command details.

See Also


Applicable Models: All

(Read-only) Returns a list of valid port names that can be controlled. Some ports only have string names, NOT numbers. All commands that require a port argument have provisions for specifying either a port number OR a string name.

See also: Remotely Specifying a Source Port.





'Some PNA-X models return
"Port 1,Port 2,Port 3,Port 4,Port 1 Src2"

Return Type

Comma-separated list of strings.


Not applicable

SOURce<cnum>:PORT:NUM? <string>

Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB

(Read-only) Returns a port number for a named source.

All source ports have string names: "Port 1", " Port 2", etc. All external sources have customized names.

To convert a string name to a port number use this query.




Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


String names.


source:port:num "port 1"

Return Type



Not Applicable

SOURce<cnum>:POWer<port>:ALC[:MODE] <char>, [src]

Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, M9485A

(Read-Write) Sets and returns the ALC mode for the specified channel and port. Use SOUR:POW:ALC:MODE:CAT? to return a list of valid ALC modes for the VNA.

Learn more about ALC mode.




Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, value is set to 1. To make settings for ports that are not simple numbers, use the [src] argument.


ALC Mode.

For the PNA-X choose from:

  • INTernal  Standard ALC loop

  • OPENloop  No ALC loop

To set Leveling Mode to Receiver Leveling, use the Receiver Leveling commands.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [src] takes priority.



source2:power2:alc:mode openloop

source:power:alc:mode openloop,"Port 1 Src2"

Query Syntax

SOURce<cnum>:POWer<port>:ALC:MODE? [src]

Return Type




SOURce<cnum>:POWer<port>:ALC[:MODE]:CATalog? [src]

Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, M9485A

(Read-only) Returns a list of valid ALC modes for the specified channel and port number. Use the returned values to set SOUR:POW:ALC:MODE.




Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, value is set to 1. To make settings for ports that are not simple numbers, use the [src] argument.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [src] takes priority.




source:power:alc:mode:catalog? "Port 1 Src2"

Return Type

Comma-separated list of strings.


Not applicable

SOURce<cnum>:POWer<port>:ATTenuation <num>, [src]

Applicable Models: All

(Read-Write) Sets the attenuation level for the selected channel. Sending this command turns automatic attenuation control (SOUR:POW:ATT:AUTO) to OFF. If the ports are coupled, changing the attenuation on one port will also change the attenuation on all other ports. To turn port coupling OFF use SOURce:POWer:COUPle OFF.

Note: Attenuation cannot be set with Sweep Type set to Power

See Sens:Power:ATT to change receiver attenuation.




Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, value is set to 1. To make settings for ports that are not simple numbers, use the [src] argument.


Attenuation value.  The range of settable values depends on the VNA model. To determine the valid settings, do one of the following:

  • See VNA models and options to see the range and step size for each model / option.

  • Perform a query using MAX, then MIN, as an argument. Example: SOURce:POWer:ATT? Max  However, this will not tell you the attenuation step size.

If an invalid attenuation setting is entered, the VNA will select the next lower valid value. For example, if 19 is entered, then for an E8361A,  10 dB attenuation will be selected.

Note: This command will accept MIN or MAX instead of a numeric parameter. See SCPI Syntax for more information.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [src] takes priority.



source2:power2:attenuation maximum

source:power:att 20, "Port 1 Src2"

Query Syntax

SOURce<cnum>:POWer<port>:ATTenuation? [min/max] [src] [min/max,src]

Return Type




SOURce<cnum>:POWer<port>:ATTenuation:AUTO <bool>, [src]

Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, M937xA, P937xA

(Read-Write) Turns automatic attenuation control ON or OFF. Setting an attenuation value (using SOURce:POWer:ATTenuation <num>) sets AUTO OFF.




Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, value is set to 1.To make settings for ports that are not simple numbers, use the [src] argument.


ON (or 1) - turns coupling ON. The analyzer automatically selects the appropriate attenuation level to meet the specified power level.

OFF (or 0) - turns coupling OFF. Attenuation level must be set using SOURce:POWer:ATTenuation <num>.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [src] takes priority.



source2:power:attentuation:auto off

sour:pow:att:auto 1, "Port 1 Src2"

Query Syntax

SOURce<cnum>:POWer:ATTenuation:Auto? [src]

Return Type

Boolean (1 = ON, 0 = OFF)



SOURce<cnum>:POWer<port>:ATTenuation:RECeiver:REFerence <num>

Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, M9485A

(Read-Write) Sets the attenuation level for the specified reference attenuator.




Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Port number of the VNA. If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Attenuation value in dB. 0dB or 35dB.

If a number other than these is entered, the analyzer will select the next lower valid value. For example, if 19dB is entered, then 0dB attenuation will be selected.



source:power:attenuation:receiver:reference 35

Query Syntax


Return Type

Numeric. If querying for the standard port, the return value is 0



SOURce<cnum>:POWer<port>:ATTenuation:RECeiver:TEST <num>

Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, M9485A

(Read-Write) Sets the attenuation level for the specified test attenuator.




Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Attenuation value in dB. 0dB or 35dB.

If a number other than these is entered, the analyzer will select the next lower valid value. For example, if 19dB is entered, then 0dB attenuation will be selected.



source:power:attenuation:receiver:test 35

Query Syntax


Return Type

Numeric. If querying for the standard port, the return value is 0



SOURce<cnum>:POWer<port>:CENTer <num>

Applicable Models: All

(Read-Write) Sets the power sweep center power. Must also set:
and SOURce:POWer:SPAN <num>.




Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Center power. Actual achievable leveled power depends on frequency.


If provided, this argument is ignored by the VNA.


source2:power:center -7

Query Syntax


Return Type



0 dBm

SOURce<cnum>:POWer<port>:COUPle <ON | OFF>

Applicable Models: All

(Read-Write) Turns Port Power Coupling ON or OFF.




Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1

<ON | OFF>

ON (or 1) - turns coupling ON. The same power level is used for both source ports.

OFF (or 0) - turns coupling OFF.  Power level can be set individually for each source port.


source2:power:couple off

Query Syntax


Return Type

Boolean (1 = ON, 0 = OFF)



SOURce<cnum>:POWer:DETector <char> OBSOLETE

(Read-Write) The VNA models with external leveling are now OBSOLETE.

Sets the source leveling loop as Internal or External.




Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


INTernal - Internal leveling is applied to the source

EXTernal - External leveling is applied to the source through a rear-panel connector.  ONLY provided on 3 GHz, 6 GHz, and 9 GHz VNA models.


source2:power:detector external

Query Syntax


Return Type




SOURce<cnum>:POWer<port>[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] <num>, [src]

Applicable Models: All

(Read-Write) Sets the RF power output level.




Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, value is set to 1. To make settings for ports that are not simple numbers, use the [src] argument.


Source power in dBm.

Note: The range of settable power values depends on the VNA model and if source attenuators are installed. To determine the range of values, perform a query using MAX, then MIN, as an argument. (SOUR:POW:ATT:AUTO must be set to ON)  Example: SOURce:POWer? Max

Actual achievable leveled power depends on frequency.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [src] takes priority.


source2:power:level:immediate:amplitude maximum

sour:pow 5, "Port 1 Src2"

Query Syntax

SOURce<cnum>:POWer[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude]? [src]

Return Type



0 dBm

SOURce<cnum>:POWer<port>[:LEVel]:SLOPe <num>

Applicable Models: All

(Read-Write) Sets the RF power slope value.

Also enable the slope state using SOUR:POW:SLOP:STAT ON.




Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Slope value in db/GHz. Choose any value between -2 and 2 (0 is no slope).


If provided, this argument is ignored by the VNA.


SOUR:POW:SLOP .5234434

source2:power:level slope -1.345

Query Syntax


Return Type




SOURce<cnum>:POWer<port>[:LEVel]:SLOPe:STATe <ON | OFF>

Applicable Models: All

(Read-Write) Turns Power Slope ON or OFF. Set the slope using SOUR:POW:SLOP.




Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


ON (or 1) - turns slope ON.

OFF (or 0) - turns slope OFF.


If provided, this argument is ignored by the VNA.


source2:power:slope:state off

Query Syntax


Return Type

Boolean (1 = ON, 0 = OFF)



SOURce<cnum>:POWer<port>:MODE <state>, [src]

Applicable Models: All

(Read-Write) Sets the state of VNA source for the specified port.




Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, <port> is set to 1. To make settings for ports that are not simple numbers, use the [src] argument.


Source state. Choose from:

  • AUTO  Source power is turned ON when required for a measurement.

  • ON  Source power is always ON regardless of the measurement.

  • OFF  Source power is always OFF regardless of the measurement.

  • NOCTL  Do not send OFF commands to the external sources. If an external source is in the OFF state, this option is used to stop sending OFF commands to the external source to increase sweep speed.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [src] takes priority.



source2:power4:mode OFF

sour:pow:mode on, "Port 1 Src2"

Query Syntax

SOURce<cnum>:POWer<port>:MODE? [src]

Return Type




SOURce<cnum>:POWer<port>:PORT:STARt <num>, [src]

Applicable Models: All

(Read-Write) Sets and reads the power sweep start power value for a specific port. This allows uncoupled forward and reverse power sweep ranges. Must also set SENS:SWE:TYPE POWer and SOUR:POW:COUPle OFF.




Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, <port> is set to 1. To make settings for ports that are not simple numbers, use the [src] argument.


Start power in dBm.

Note: The range of settable power values depends on the VNA model and if source attenuators are installed. To determine the range of values, perform a query using MAX, then MIN, as an argument. (SOUR:POW:ATT:AUTO must be set to ON)  Example: SOURce:POWer:STARt? MIN

Actual achievable leveled power depends on frequency.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [src] takes priority.


source2:power:port:start 5, "bal port 1"

Query Syntax

SOURce<cnum>:POWer<port>:PORT:STARt? [src]

Return Type



-10 dBm

SOURce<cnum>:POWer<port>:PORT:STOP <num>, [src]

Applicable Models: All

(Read-Write) Sets and reads the power sweep stop power value for a specific port. This allows uncoupled forward and reverse power sweep ranges. Must also set SENS:SWE:TYPE POWer and SOUR:POW:COUPle OFF.




Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, <port> is set to 1. To make settings for ports that are not simple numbers, use the [src] argument.


Stop power in dBm.

Note: The range of settable power values depends on the VNA model and if source attenuators are installed. To determine the range of values, perform a query using MAX, then MIN, as an argument. (SOUR:POW:ATT:AUTO must be set to ON)  Example: SOURce:POWer:STARt? MIN

Actual achievable leveled power depends on frequency.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [src] takes priority.


source2:power:port:stop 5, "bal port 1"

Query Syntax

SOURce<cnum>:POWer<port>:PORT:STOP? [src]

Return Type



0 dBm

SOURce<cnum>:POWer<port>:SPAN <num>

Applicable Models: All

(Read-Write) Sets the power sweep span power. Must also set:

SENS:SWE:TYPE POWer and SOURce:POWer:CENTer <num>.




Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Span power. Actual achievable leveled power depends on frequency.


If provided, this argument is ignored by the VNA.


source2:power:span -7

Query Syntax


Return Type



0 dBm

SOURce<cnum>:POWer<port>:STARt <num>

Applicable Models: All

(Read-Write) Sets the power sweep start power for ALL ports being used by the specified channel. Must also set:


To set start power for a specific port, use SOUR:POW:PORT:STARt.




Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Start power.

Note: The range of settable power values depends on the VNA model and if source attenuators are installed. To determine the range of values, perform a query using MAX, then MIN, as an argument. (SOUR:POW:ATT:AUTO must be set to ON)  Example: SOURce:POWer:STARt? MIN

Actual achievable leveled power depends on frequency.


If provided, this argument is ignored by the VNA.


source2:power:start -7

Query Syntax


Return Type



0 dBm

SOURce<cnum>:POWer<port>:STOP <num>

Applicable Models: All

(Read-Write) Sets the power sweep stop power for ALL ports being used by the specified channel.. Must also set: SENS:SWE:TYPE POWer and SOURce:POWer:START <num>.

To set start power for a specific port, use SOUR:POW:PORT:STOP.




Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Stop power.

Note: The range of settable power values depends on the VNA model and if source attenuators are installed. To determine the range of values, perform a query using MAX, then MIN, as an argument. (SOUR:POW:ATT:AUTO must be set to ON)  Example: SOURce:POWer:STOP? MAX

Actual achievable leveled power depends on frequency.


If provided, this argument is ignored by the VNA.



source2:power:stop -7

Query Syntax


Return Type



0 dBm