File | Instrument | Response | Stimulus | Utility | Cal | Apps | Remote ONLY
Frequency | Offset | Power | Source Ports| # Points | Trigger :Ext | Auxiliary Trigger
Sweep settings:..Time | Setup | Segment | Power | | | DC Sources | Global Source
See Remotely Specifying a Source Port .
Description |
Start Freq |
Stop Freq |
Center Freq |
Span |
CW Frequency |
Number of Points |
Step size |
Freq Offset ON/Off |
Read available ranges |
Read number of ranges |
X-Axis display range |
Read range name |
Read range number |
Set range coupling |
Set sweep type |
Set CW freq |
Set start freq |
Set stop freq |
Set offset value |
Set divisor value |
Set multiplier value |
Freq. Offset Segment Sweep |
Add a segment |
Delete a segment |
Count the segments |
Center Frequency |
Frequency Span |
Start Frequency |
Stop Frequency |
Number of Points |
IF Bandwidth value |
IF Bandwidth control |
Source Power value |
Source Power control |
Sweep time value |
Sweep time control |
Test Set Switch |
Power Settings See Remotely Specifying a Source Port . |
Power ON | OFF |
Source Power (Auto | ON | OFF) |
Power Value |
Port Selection |
Couple Ports OFF | ON |
Attenuator Mode Auto|Manual |
Attenuation Value |
Power Slope ON | OFF |
Power Slope Value |
Receiver Reference Attenuation |
Receiver Test Attenuation |
Shutdown or Restart System |
See also Power Range remote commands |
Set power limit |
Set Calibration power limit |
Power limit ON/OFF |
Power limit UI lock |
Specifying Source Ports See Remotely Specifying a Source Port. |
Returns the number of source ports. |
None |
Returns the string names of source ports. |
Returns the source port number of the specified string port name. |
None |
IF Bandwidth |
Previous IF Bandwidth |
None |
Next IFBandwidth |
None |
Reduce IF BW |
Sweep Time Value |
Returns the time the first point of a Time Sweep is measured. |
Sets the time the analyzer takes to complete one sweep. |
Number of Points |
Sweep Type (Lin | Pwr | CW | Seg | Phase) |
Sweep Generation (Stepped | Analog) |
Dwell Time Value |
Dwell Time Auto set the minimum dwell time |
Sweep Delay |
Alternate Sweeps |
External ALC |
Enable Point Sweep |
Fast Sweep |
Fast CW |
Set shift LO maximum frequency |
Turn shift LO on or off |
Returns whether or not the VNA has the low frequency extension (LFE) installed. |
HasLowFrequencyExtension |
Turns ON or OFF low frequency extension |
LowFrequencyExtension |
Start Power |
Stop Power |
Center |
Span |
Add a segment |
Delete a segment |
Delete all segments |
Count the segments |
Read the segment number |
None |
Segment Center Frequency |
Segment Frequency Span |
Segment Start Frequency |
Segment Stop Frequency |
Number of Points |
IF Bandwidth |
IF Bandwidth Option |
IF Bandwidth Per Port |
Sweep Delay Time |
Sweep Dwell |
Sweep Mode |
Total Sweep Points |
Total Sweep Time |
Source Power |
Source Power Option |
X-Axis Point Spacing |
Allow Arbitrary Segments |
Upload a segment table |
Download a segment table |
Sweep delay ON|OFF |
Sweep dwell ON|OFF |
IF Bandwidth resolution |
Sets or returns the SA data threshold |
Specifies whether SA Data Threshold can be set independently for each segment |
Sets or returns the SA multitone reference |
Specifies whether SA Reference Tone can be set independently for each segment |
Queries the maximum value of the SA Reference Tone |
Queries the minimum value of the SA Reference Tone |
Sets or returns the SA vector average |
Specifies whether SA Vector Averaging can be set independently for each segment |
Sets or returns the SA video bandwidth |
Sets or returns the noise figure bandwidth. |
NoiseFigureBW |
Turns ON or OFF the noise figure bandwidth setting. |
NoiseFigureBWOption |
Specifies whether SA Video Bandwidth can be set independently for each segment |
Returns the available parameters. |
None |
Source (where trigger comes from) |
Source (Int | Ext | Manual) |
Internal | Manual |
Trigger! (for Manual Source) |
Scope (what is triggered) |
Scope (Global | Channel) |
Channel Settings (how the channel responds to triggers) |
Continuous |
Read Continuous Mode |
None |
Number of Groups |
Read Groups |
None |
Hold |
Hold Mode (read-only) |
None |
All channels in Hold |
All channels Resume |
Single |
Trigger Mode |
Restart |
Abort |
Scope (Global/Chan) |
Trigger Delay (Global) |
Trigger Delay (Channel) |
MeasTrigIn/ Hand I/O |
Level or Edge |
Neg/Low or Pos/High |
Ready for Trigger Indicator (Out) |
MeasTrig Rdy/ Hand I/O |
CONTrol:SIGNal:STReamline:RTRigger[:STATe] CONTrol:SIGNal:PXI:RTRigger[:STATe] |
Checks if the PNA is ready for a hardware trigger |
High / Low |
Which AuxTrig connector pair being used. |
N/A |
How many Aux connector pairs. |
Enable |
Global or Channel Pref. |
Polarity (Pos/Neg) |
Position (Before/After acq) |
OUT Pulse width |
Point or Sweep. |
Rear SMB |
Backplane |
AUX TRIG (Ready) IN |
Enable Handshake |
Edge or Level Level NOT in UI. |
Polarity High/leading or Low/trailing. |
Delay |
Source names catalog |
Enable source outputs |
Source state |
Start DC |
Stop DC |
Data |
Set and return the Max DC limit value for a DC source |
Set and return the Min DC limit value for a DC source |