File | Instrument | Response | Stimulus | Utility | Cal | Apps | Remote ONLY
Trace | Channel | Display-Window
Setup | Display-Sheet Setup | Display Setup | External
Devices | External Sources |
PMAR | External DC Source | External
Pulse Generators | New
Measurement | Delete
Measurement | Manage
Meas | Balanced
Hardware: External
Test Set
Description |
New Trace |
Select Trace |
Measure |
Trace Title |
Add Trace |
Delete Trace |
Move Trace |
Hold Trace |
Set/get the number of traces of selected channel |
Trace Maximize |
Add |
None |
Make Active |
None |
Read Channel Number |
Read UNUSED channel numbers |
None |
Read used channel numbers |
None |
Read number of Channels |
None |
Copy ONLY mechanical switches and attenuator settings. |
Delete a channel |
Set and return the group of channels |
Set and return the Multi DUT parallel measurement state |
Get the information if the parallel measurement is executed in the last sweep |
Set up multiple channels for manual trigger |
Select Window |
Window Title |
Add Window |
Delete Window |
Move Window |
Window Layout |
Window Max |
Return Window Number(s) |
Read the window number of the selected trace |
Creates N windows |
Feed specified measurement to specified window |
Returns the next unused trace number |
Set graph divisions |
Select Sheet |
Sheet Title |
Add Sheet |
Delete Sheet |
Sheet Layout |
Get list of window numbers which the sheet contains |
Feed specified window to a sheet |
Return active sheet number |
Return list of visible sheets |
Trace Status |
Y-axis Labels |
Show Marker Readout |
Large Readout |
Readouts Per Trace |
Sets the marker readouts to coupled (one combination annotation) or not coupled (one annotation per trace). |
Shows the marker readouts only for active trace or for all traces. |
Symbol - Triangle, Flag, and Line |
Decimal Places - Stimulus and Response |
Readout Position - X and Y |
Marker Colors |
N Trace: Markers |
N Trace: Memory Markers |
Reset Color |
Save Theme |
Recall Theme |
Reset Theme |
Grid Lines - Solid | Dotted |
Y-axis Divisions - 2 to 30 |
Show Table - None, Marker, Limit, Ripple, and Segment |
Toolbar Softkey |
Toolbar Hardkey |
Toolbar Port Extensions |
Toolbar Transform |
Toolbar Marker |
Toolbar Cal Set Viewer |
Active Entry Toolbar |
Toolbar Status Bar |
Status Bar |
Status Bar Clock |
Default Colors |
Background Colors |
Active Background Color |
Grid Colors |
Active Labels, Grid Frame Colors |
Inactive Window Labels Colors |
Failed Trace Colors |
N Trace: Data and Limits Colors |
N Trace: Memory |
Display Update |
Adds an external device to the system. |
Returns names of all configured devices |
Set driver for the external device. |
Set type of device. |
Configuration path for external device. |
Enable or disable communication with device. |
Enable/disable an SMU channel. |
Sets and returns the name of the External Device. |
None |
Activation state of the device. |
Time out value for external device. |
Remove a device |
Save configuration file |
Load configuration file |
Returns if specified device responds |
Set Dwell per Point |
Set Trigger Mode |
Set Trigger Port |
Set Modulation Control |
Sets and reads the frequency of the arbitrary waveform generator. |
None |
Sets and reads the I data for I/Q modulation. |
None |
Sets and reads the Q data for I/Q modulation. |
None |
Set and read the modulation state. |
None |
Checks if pulse source exists. |
None |
Turns pulse modulation on and off with an external source. |
None |
Sets and reads the maximum number of iterations for an ACP modulation calibration. |
None |
Sets and reads the calibration plane for an ACP modulation calibration. |
None |
Sets and reads the calibration span for an ACP modulation calibration. |
None |
Set and read the ACP modulation calibration state. |
None |
Sets and reads the desired ACP calibration tolerance for the ACP modulation calibration. |
None |
Sets the Notch location. |
None |
Returns a message indicating if the calibration was successful or not. |
None |
Sets and reads the maximum number of iterations for a flatness modulation calibration. |
None |
Sets and reads the calibration plane for flatness modulation calibration. |
None |
Sets and reads the calibration span for a flatness modulation calibration. |
None |
Set and read the flatness modulation calibration state. |
None |
Sets and reads the desired flatness calibration tolerance for the flatness modulation calibration. |
None |
Sets and reads the maximum number of iterations to provide the deepest notch. |
None |
Sets and reads the calibration plane for an notch modulation calibration. |
None |
Sets and reads the calibration span for a notch modulation calibration. |
None |
Set and read the notch modulation calibration state. |
None |
Sets and reads the desired notch calibration tolerance for the notch modulation calibration. |
None |
Sets and reads the maximum number of iterations for a power modulation calibration. |
None |
Sets and reads the calibration plane for a power modulation calibration. |
None |
Sets and reads the calibration span for a power modulation calibration. |
None |
Set and read the power modulation calibration state. |
None |
Sets and reads the desired power calibration tolerance for the power modulation calibration. |
None |
Set and read the modulation correction state. |
None |
Returns a list of modulation files (*.mdx). |
None |
Loads the specified modulation file. |
None |
Saves the specified modulation file. |
None |
Enables fast calibration. |
None |
Power Meter As Receiver (PMAR) Config See commands to configure and specify a Non- PMAR Power Sensor |
Enable use of internal cal factors |
Enable min and max freqs |
Set Max freq |
Set Min freq |
Set max number of PM readings |
Set tolerance level |
Select sensor |
Set Cal Factor data |
Set Cal Factor frequencies |
Set Power loss data |
Set Power loss frequencies |
Enable Power loss data |
Set reference cal factor |
Set Zero method |
Perform Cal |
Returns a list of available power meters that have power uncertainty. |
Sets and returns a custom model uncertainty file containing all of the power meter uncertainty properties. |
Returns a list of available power meters that have power uncertainty. |
Returns the power level for best accuracy. |
Returns the power meter reading uncertainty. |
Correction ON/OFF |
Offset correction value. |
Scale correction value. |
DC Type (Units). |
Dwell Before/After Point |
Dwell Before Sweep value |
Set and return the maximum output current value of the external DC Source |
Set and return the maximum output voltage value of the external DC Source |
Set and return the DC Meter/DC Source Abort Sweep command |
AbortSweepCmd |
Set and return the DC Meter/DC Source After Sweep command |
AfterSweepCmd |
Set and return the DC Meter/DC Source Before Sweep command |
BeforeSweepCmd |
Set and return the DC Meter/DC Source Error Query command |
ErrorQuery |
Set and return the DC Meter/DC Source Disable I/O command |
ExitCmd |
Set and return the DC Meter/DC Source ID Query command |
IDQuery |
Set and return the DC Meter/DC Source Enable I/O command |
InitCmd |
Set and return the DC Source maximum output |
MaxOutput |
Set and return the DC Source maximum output state |
MaxOutputState |
Set and return the DC Source minimum output |
MinOutput |
Set and return the DC Source minimum output state |
MinOutputState |
Set and return the Point Read commands and Point Set commands |
PointCmd |
PG Names catalog |
Read the integer of the name |
Not applicable |
Set output channel |
Set output Hi amplitude (volts) |
Set output Low amplitude (volts) |
Set load impedance |
Set source impedance |
Master Mode |
Optional Name/ID argument added to some Pulse gen commands. |
Create S-Parameter Meas. |
Create Measurement |
Add Measurement |
None |
List Measurements |
Delete a measurement |
Delete ALL measurements |
Get a handle to a Trace |
None |
Select a Measurement Parameter |
Read Channel Number |
Read Channel Numbers in use |
Read Number of Measurements |
None |
Read Measurement Parameter |
None |
Set / Read Measurement Name |
Read Active Measurement Number |
Change Parameter |
Returns the Measurement Class name |
Read the window number of the selected trace |
Read the trace number of the selected trace |
Maximize (Isolate) trace |
Move a trace to another window |
Trace Hold |
Trace Hold Clear |
Deletes the trace associated with the specified measurement number |
Create a new trace in the specified window |
Turn the memory trace ON or OFF for the specified measurement |
Move a trace associated with measurement number to the specified window |
Activate the specified measurement to be selected |
Turn trace display associated with the specified measurement ON or OFF |
Set or return the title for the specified measurement |
Turn the measurement title ON or OFF |
Autoscale the specified trace in the specified measurement |
Set the Y axis Scale Per Division value of the specified trace associated with the specified measurement |
Set the Y axis Reference Level of the specified trace associated with the specified measurement |
Set the Reference Position of the specified trace associated with the specified measurement |
Configure Topology |
Configure Balanced Measurement |
Maps the physical VNA ports to a device of balanced and single-ended logical ports for multi-port systems with greater than 4 ports |
Returns a list of currently supported test sets. |
Load config file and Restart VNA. |
Loads a test set configuration file. (and SCPI only - sets ID value). |
Returns the test set model |
Returns the test set ID number. |
None |
Returns the number of input ports |
Switches an input to one of the valid outputs (E5091A only). |
None |
Returns the total number of ports on the test set. |
Sets and returns the address for the external test set at the specified ID. |
Turns ON/OFF the port mapping and control line output. |
Sets and returns the port mappings for ALL ports. |
Sets and returns the mapping for a single port. |
Returns the label on a given channel. |
Turns ON/OFF status bar display of test set properties. |
Sets the control lines. |
Returns the selections available for a given logical port. |
Reads a Cal Set for the Test Set model. |
Reads a Cal Set for the Port Mapping. |
All Sense Multiplexer commands |
All Control Multiplexer commands (E5092A only) |