File | Instrument | Response | Stimulus | Utility | Cal | Apps | Remote ONLY
Get and Put Data: Measurement | Cal
| Power Cal | Custom
| Power Range
Other: GPIB
Pass-through | VISA
Pass-through | Capabilities
| Status/Events
| Rear-panel
and FastCW | Speed
up Measurements! | Ground Loop
Description |
Get X-Axis values (variant) |
Get X-Axis values (typed) |
None |
Set/get X-axis for trace |
Set/get the X-Axis domain |
Get X-Axis values (Meas object) |
None |
Get typed complex data from the specified location. Returned in two arrays. |
None |
Get typed NAComplex data from the specified location. Returned in one array. |
None |
Get typed data pairs from the specified location. Returned in two arrays. |
None |
Get typed scalar data from the specified location. Returned in one array. |
None |
Get variant data from the specified location in a SPECIFIED FORMAT. Returned in one array. |
None |
Get receiver data |
Specifies ASCII or REAL type for data transfers |
Get complex or formatted data from the measurement or memory result buffer |
Get the formatted data array of multiple traces of the selected channel. |
Get the corrected data array of multiple traces of the selected channel. |
Gets SnP data for the specified ports. |
Get ALL SnP data |
Put Measurement Data INTO the Analyzer |
Put complex data into the specified location. |
None |
Put typed NAComplex data into the specified location. |
None |
Put scalar data into the measurement result location. |
None |
Put complex Variant data into the specified location. |
None |
Put complex or formatted data into the measurement or memory result buffer |
Get complex Error Term data |
None |
Get variant Error Term data |
Get variant Error Term data by text filter |
Get complex Standard data |
None |
Get variant Standard data |
None |
Get variant Standard data by text filter |
None |
Put complex Error Term data |
None |
Put variant Error Term data |
Put complex Standard data |
None |
Put variant Standard data |
None |
Get variant cal data |
Get typed cal data |
Put variant cal data |
Put typed cal data |
Get and Put Custom data |
Many queries regarding the capability of a specific PNA |
PXIe module queries |
Read installed options |
Set/get list of discrete frequencies corresponding to powers |
Get a single max leveled power value |
Get an array of max leveled power values |
Get a single minimum leveled power value |
Get an array of minimum leveled power values |
Set/get name of the value for the given path element name |
SYSTem:CAPability:HARDware:POWer:PATH:CONFig:ELEMent[:STATe] |
Get all RF path element names |
SYSTem:CAPability:HARDware:POWer:PATH:CONFig:ELEMent:CATalog? |
Set/get port number for power data |
Set/get type of power range data to be returned |
Get minimum of all max leveled power values |
Get maximum of all minimum power values |
Set/get lower bound of the frequency range |
Set/get upper bound of the frequency range |
Reset all Power Range properties to default values |
Status Registers |
AllowAllEvents Method |
None |
AllowEventCategory Method |
None |
AllowEventMessage Method |
None |
AllowEventSeverity Method |
None |
DisallowAllEvents Method |
None |
MessageText Method |
None |
OnCalEvent |
None |
OnChannelEvent |
None |
OnDisplayEvent |
None |
OnHardwareEvent |
None |
OnMeasurementEvent |
None |
OnSCPIEvent |
None |
OnSystemEvent |
None |
OnUserEvent |
None |
SetFailOnOverRange |
None |
Material Handler I/O Connector |
Auxiliary IO Connector |
External Test Set Connector |
Read number of data points |
Read data |
Read data compact form |
None |
Clear data |
Returns a specific number of bytes to read |
Reads the FIFO buffer data as a Variant of a specified array size (SafeArray) of bytes. |
Reads the FIFO buffer data as a Variant of a specified array size (SafeArray) of 32-bit floating point (Float32) numbers. |
Reads the FIFO buffer data as a Variant of a specified array size (SafeArray) of 16-bit integers. |
Reads the FIFO buffer data as a Variant of a specified array size (SafeArray) of 32-bit integers. |
Other N5264A Commands |
FastCW |
Enable Point Averaging |
Enable Point Sweep |
Set Trace Sweep |
De-embedding |
Sets and returns the Capacitance value |
Sets and returns the Inductance value |
Sets and returns the Resistance value |
Turns ON or OFF De-embedding |
Specifies the circuit model type |
Specifies the filename of the s1p file to load |
Embedding |
Sets and returns the Capacitance value |
Sets and returns the Inductance value |
Sets and returns the Resistance value |
Turns ON or OFF Embedding |
Specifies the circuit model type |
Specifies the filename of the s1p file to load |