Channel Setup – Basic Downlink Carriers

Basic downlink carriers consist of the following:

Not all of the parameters shown here are available on all channels. This illustration is a composite of all downlink channel parameters and options, and is not a true representation of a DPCH.

Channel Configuration Summary Table

This table enables you to view the key parameters for each channel in a carrier. You can also add or delete channels using the buttons above the table (see descriptions below). Double-clicking a channel row activates the setup tables for that channel. You can use a maximum of 512 channels per carrier.

This button opens a window of predefined channel configuration selections according to the selected carrier type: ClosedBasic W-CDMA/HSPA DL Rel 7 or ClosedBasic W-CDMA/HSPA+ DL Rel 8. Double-clicking a configuration replaces the current configuration in the setup table. Select the carrier type from the Waveform or Carrier views.

Basic W-CDMA/HSPA DL Rel 7

Basic W-CDMA/HSPA+ DL Rel 8

The pre-defined reference measurement channel configurations for Basic W-CDMA/HSPA+ DL Rel 8 are physical channels only and do not include transport channel coding.

This button opens a drop-down menu for selecting a channel to add to the setup table. The channel is inserted above the currently highlighted channel in the table. Available downlink channels include:

This button deletes the currently highlighted channel(s) in the setup table. You can highlight multiple channels by holding down the CTRL key while selecting the channels. You can also use the SHIFT key to select a succession (group) of channels.

A yellow warning symbol shown with a channel entry indicates that the parameters of that channel conflict with another channel of the same carrier. An error message appears in the Status Window and the Status Bar indicating which channels conflict.


Channel Number

View the channel number of the displayed parameters. The software accepts a maximum of 512 channels. You can change the channel configuration or add individual channels using the buttons at the top of the data summary table.


View the channel type.


Double-click or use the drop-down menu to turn the channel on or off.


Range: −60 to 0 dB

Enter the channel power level relative to the carrier power.


Choices: see Spreading Code for limits

Double-click or use the drop-down menu to set the channel symbol rate.

When grayed out, the rate is fixed for that channel.

For channels that have adjustable symbol rates, you may enter a symbol rate that exceeds the acceptable range, based on the selected spreading code. This condition generates an error, which you correct by selecting a proper spreading code for the symbol rate. The software allows this behavior so that you can set either value first.

Spreading Code

Range: (see table below)


0–511 @ 7.5 ksps

0–255 @ 15 ksps

0–127 @ 30 ksps

0–63 @ 60 ksps

0–31 @ 120 ksps

0–15 @ 240 ksps

0–7 @ 480 ksps

0–3 @ 960 ksps


0–255 @ 15 ksps

0–127 @ 30 ksps

0–63 @ 60 ksps

0–31 @ 120 ksps

0–15 @ 240 ksps

0–7 @ 480 ksps

0–3 @ 960 ksps


0–255 @ 15 ksps fixed rate


0–127 @ 30 ksps fixed rate


0–15 @ 240 ksps fixed rate

Enter a value to set the channel spread code number. The spread code is an OVSF code. Ensure that the value entered does not create a code domain conflict with the other physical channels.

You may enter a spreading code value that exceeds the acceptable range, based on the selected symbol rate. This condition generates an error, which you correct by selecting the proper symbol rate for the spreading code. The software allows this behavior so that you can set either value first.

Timing Offset

Range: 0–149

Enter a value to set a timing offset for the selected channel. Each numeric value entered is equivalent to 256 chips or 1/10 of a timeslot offset. The timing offset affects the crest factor of the signal. By varying the timing offset, the probability of channels adding in phase and producing a high peak-to-average ratio or crest factor is minimized. Base stations vary the timing between channels so that amplifiers can operate at the most efficient level.


Range: 0000–7FFF

Enter the TPC value.

TPC Power

Range: −20 to 20 dB

Set the power level for the channel's TPC bits.


Range: 0–1023

Enter a TFCI code. The number of TFCI bits sent to each timeslot is determined by the slot format. The TFCI is an optional field describing what services are in use (for example, data and video). Fixed rate service does not include TFCI.

If this cell is grayed out, you can enable it by turning on TFCI Field at the carrier property pane.

TFCI Power

Range: −20 to 20 dB

Set the power level for the TFCI bits.

Pilot Bits

Choices: (see table below)


4 @ 7.5 ksps

2, 4, 8 @ 15 ksps

4, 8 @ 30 ksps

8 @ 60 ksps

8 @ 120 ksps

16 @ 240 ksps

16 @ 480 ksps

16 @ 960 ksps


0, 8 @ 15 ksps

0, 8 @ 30 ksps

0, 8 @ 60 ksps

0, 8 @ 120 ksps

0, 16 @ 240 ksps

0, 16 @ 480 ksps

0, 16 @ 960 ksps

Set the pilot bits. The number of bits available depends on the slot format of the channel.

Pilot Power

Range: −20 to 20 dB

Set the power level for the pilot bits.


Select a data type using the Data Source Selection dialog box.

For E-HICH and E-RGCH enter a signature sequence index value (0 to 39). This value determines the signature hopping pattern, which is described in TS 25.211.

Without Option FFP, the HS-PDSCH uses only 16QAM modulation.

Scrambling Code

Range: 0–511

Enter a value to set the channel's primary scramble code.

Scramble Type

Double-click or use the drop-down menu to select a scramble type.

Scramble Offset

Range: 0–15

Enter a scramble code offset value. The offset value is multiplied by 16 and added to the scramble code.

Configuring the Channel Setup View

Data Selection Dialog Box

Downlink Channel Structure

Frame Structures

Marker Selection Dialog Box

Understanding TFCI, TPC and Pilot Power Offsets

Understanding TPC Values

User Interface Basics