Real Time

Carrier "N"




RPC Data

Expand Sequence

Channel Configuration

RPC Exist

Chip Rate


RPC Data

Waveform Generation Length

MAC Index

Number of Super Frames

Waveform Generation Offset

RPC Exist

Waveform Length




Radio Config

Pre-Filter Clipping


Oversampling Ratio

Post-Filter Clipping

Timing Offset


Total Sample Points

PN Offset


Frequency Offset



Frequency Offset


If you have 1xEV-DO Rev. 0 Forward Test Mode Signal mode set to on in the ClosedWaveform Setup pane, these parameters are set in the Test Mode Signal window and are read-only in the Carrier Setup pane.

Carrier Configuration Summary Table

This table enables you to view the key parameters for each carrier in the waveform. You can also add or delete carriers using the buttons above the table (see descriptions below). Double-clicking a carrier row activates the setup tables for that carrier. You can use a maximum of 25 carriers in the waveforms.

Default: Varies by Radio Format

Opens a Closeddrop-down menu with the predefined carrier configuration selections. Double-clicking a predefined carrier configuration in the window replaces the current carrier configurations in the Carrier Configuration Summary Table.

Opens a Closeddrop-down menu which allows you to add a carrier to the current configuration. The new carrier is added immediately above the currently highlighted carrier in the Carrier Configuration Summary Table.

Deletes the highlighted carriers in the Carrier Configuration Summary Table.

Copies the highlighted carrier and appends the copy to the bottom of the carrier list.



Selections: On, Off

Default: On

Sets the state of the selected carrier to either on or off. The icon at the right edge of the entry box displays a drop-down list with all available selections. 

Channel Configuration

Selections: ClosedVaries by radio format

Default: Varies by radio format

Radio Format

Selections ( = default value)¨

IS95A Forward


9 Ch Forward

32 Ch Forward

64 Ch Forward¨

IS95A Reverse

Traffic ¨

cdma200 Forward


9 Channel Forward

12 Channel Forward

15 Channel Forward¨

cdma2000 Reverse


5 Channel Reverse ¨

Basic 1xEV-DO Rev.0 Forward


Traffic 16QAM without coding

Traffic 8PSK without coding

Traffic QPSK without coding¨

Basic 1xEV-DO Rev.0 Reverse


Traffic BPSK without coding¨

Advanced 1xEV-DO Rev.0 Reverse


Traffic 152.6k¨

Basic 1xEV-DO Rev.A Forward


Traffic 16QAM without coding¨

Advanced 1xEV-DO Rev.A Forward


Traffic (4096,1,64)

Traffic (1024,1,64)¨

Basic 1xEV-DO Rev.A Reverse


Traffic Q2 without coding¨

Advanced 1xEV-DO Rev.A Reverse


Traffic (4096,Q2)

Traffic (8192,Q4Q2)

Traffic (12288,E4E2)¨

1xEV-DO Rev.0 Forward Test Mode Signal

Control Channel

Traffic Channel¨

Advanced cdma2000 Forward

Radio Configuration 1 Forward

Radio Configuration 2 Forward

Radio Configuration 3 Forward ¨

Radio Configuration 4 Forward

Radio Configuration 5 Forward


9 Channel Forward

12 Channel Forward

15 Channel Forward¨

1xEV-DO Rev.A Forward Test Mode Signal

Control Channel

Traffic Channel¨

Sets the predefined channel configuration of the selected carrier. The icon at the right edge of the entry box displays a drop-down list with all available selections. The configuration can also be set by selecting the button in each of the Channel Setup panes.  


Range: 0 to 30

Default: 2

Sets the number of repetitions this frame is used in the sequence.

MAC Index

Range: 2 to 127

Default: 7

Sets the medium access control (MAC) index for the forward link traffic channel.

RPC Exist

Selections: True or False

Default: True

Select True, if you want to use the bits entered in the RPC Data field. Select False, if you want to set the RPC data in the TimeSlots node.

RPC Data

Default: 01

Sets RPC data used in MAC channel.

Number of Super Frames

Range: 1 to 100

Default: 1

Note: 1 Super frame is 240 ms length

Enter a number of frames for the selected carrier.

The number of frames in a multi-carrier waveform is determined by the carrier with the largest number of frames. In carriers in the waveform with fewer frames, the frames are repeated until the number of frames matches that in the longest carrier. For example, for two carriers A and B in the same waveform, if A has 10 frames and B has 3 frames, B is repeated 3 times completely, then one more frame from B is used before both A and B start again.

The maximum waveform length depends on the oversampling ratio, the number of carriers, and your PC resources,an Out of Memory error is reported, reduce the number of frames, the number of carriers, or the maximum Frequency Offset (reducing the Frequency offset, reduces the ov (memory size). If ersampling ratio which reduces the amount of PC memory required).

Expand Sequence

Selections: On, Off

Default: On

Expands the generated sequence to one waveform file. On means it will generate one waveform instead of a sequnece containing 2 waveforms.

Waveform Length

Displays the length of the waveform.

Chip Rate

Displays the chip rate setting of the selected carrier.

Waveform Generation Length



IS95A and cdma2000 Carriers:

PN Sequence Period (26.666…ms), 1 PCG (1.25 ms), 2 PCG's (2.5 ms), 3 PCG's (3.75 ms), 4 PCG's (5 ms), 5 PCG's ( 6.25 ms), 6 PCG'g (7.5 ms), 7 PCG's (8.75 ms), 8 PCG's (10 ms), 9 PCG's (11.25 ms), 10 PCG's (12.5 ms), 11 PCG's (13.75 ms), 12 PCG's (15 ms), 13 PCG's (16.25 ms), 14 PCG's (17.5 ms), 15 PCG's (18.75 ms), 16 PCG's (20 ms)


Basic 1xEV-DO Carriers except Basic 1xEV-DO Rev.A Reverse Carrier:

Physical Layer Packet (26.666…ms), 1 Slot (1.666…ms), 2 Slots (3.333…ms), 3 Slots (5 ms), 4 Slots (6.66…ms), 5 Slots (8.333…ms), 6 Slots (10 ms), 7 Slots (11.666…ms), 8 Slots (13.33…ms), 9 Slots (15 ms), 10 Slots (16.666…ms), 11 Slots (18.333…ms), 12 Slots (20 ms), 13 Slots, (21.666…ms), 14 Slots (23.333…ms), 15 Slots (25 ms)


Basic 1xEV-DO Rev.A Reverse Carrier:

Auto, 1 Slot (1.666…ms), 2 Slots (3.333…ms), 3 Slots (5 ms), 4 Slots (6.66…ms), 5 Slots (8.333…ms), 6 Slots (10 ms), 7 Slots (11.666…ms), 8 Slots (13.33…ms), 9 Slots (15 ms), 10 Slots (16.666…ms), 11 Slots (18.333…ms), 12 Slots (20 ms), 13 Slots, (21.666…ms), 14 Slots (23.333…ms), 15 Slots (25 ms)



IS95A and cdma2000 Carriers: PN Sequence Period (26.666…ms)


Basic 1xEV-DO Carriers except Basic 1xEV-DO Rev.A Reverse Carrier: Physical Layer Packet (26.666…ms)


Basic 1xEV-DO Rev.A Reverse Carrier: Auto

Double-click or use the drop-down menu to select the waveform generation length.

For the Basic 1xEV-DO Rev.A Reverse carrier, when Auto is the selection, the carrier length is determined by the Data Packet Transmission Repetition value:

A waveform offset is available using the Waveform Generation Offset parameter when one of the following conditions apply:

This parameter appears in the software's GUI only when Minor Enhancement Update (MEU) Option U02 or greater is valid. Refer to Licenses for more information.

Waveform Generation Offset

Range: 0–15 PCG/Slot (15 is the waveform generation length)

Default: 0.0 ms


This setting is grayed out until one of the following conditions is met using the Waveform Generation Length parameter:

Sets the waveform generation offset, when the waveform generation length selected is less than 16 PCGs/slots. The offset value is clipped so that the offset and the waveform length does not exceed 16 PCGs/slots

This parameter appears in the software's GUI only when Minor Enhancement Update (MEU) Option U02 or greater is valid. Refer to Licenses for more information.


Radio Config

Displays the radio configuration selection of the selected carrier. This cell is displayed in CDMA2000 Reverse only.

Oversampling Ratio

Selections: Auto, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and 64

Default: Auto

Sets the oversampling ratio of the selected carrier. The icon at the right edge of the entry box displays a drop-down list with all available selections. 


Displays the filter type selection and the appropriate filter parameters for the selected carrier.

The filter type and parameters may be changed using the filter entry when the icon is displayed. If the icon is displayed, click it to expand the Filter selection area allowing you access to the filter selections and parameters.  


Sets the baseband filter type. The icon at the right edge of the entry box displays a drop-down list with all available selections. 

Range: None, Root Nyquist, Nyquist, Rectangle,Gaussian, IS95 STD, IS95 STD EQ, IS95 ACP, IS95 ACP EQ, IS95 EVM EQ

Default: IS95 STD EQ

If the overSampling ratio is set to 1, the filter type is automatically set to None, and the filter types and corresponding filter parameters are not available.

If the oversampling ratio is set to any other value, you can select one of the listed filter types and edit the associated parameters.


Range: Filter factor for Nyquist and Root Nyquist filters

Default: 0.22

Changes the Alpha parameter for Root Nyquist and Nyquist filters. This field is inactive with other filter selections.


Range: Filter factor for Gaussian filter

Default: 0.5

Changes the BbT parameter for a Gaussian filter. This field is inactive with other filter selections.

Pre-Filter Clipping

Range: 10% – 100%

Default: 100%

Sets the circular clipping percentage for each carrier prior to finite impulse response (FIR) filtering of the I and Q data. Clipping limits power peaks in waveforms by clipping the I and Q data to a selected percentage of its highest peak. Circular clipping is defined as clipping the composite I/Q data (I and Q data are equally clipped). For more information, see Understanding Waveform Clipping. A level of 100.0% equates to no clipping.

Post-Filter Clipping

Range: 10% – 100%

Default: 100%

Sets the circular clipping percentage for each carrier after finite impulse response (FIR) filtering of the I and Q data. Clipping limits power peaks in waveforms by clipping the I and Q data to a selected percentage of its highest peak. Circular clipping is defined as clipping the composite I/Q data (I and Q data are equally clipped). For more information, see Understanding Waveform Clipping. A level of 100.0% equates to no clipping.

Total Sample Points

Displays the length of the waveform in sample points. You cannot edit this cell. Total Sample Points is directly related to the Oversampling Ratio value selected. The higher the oversampling ratio, the larger the number of waveform sample points. ClosedOversampling RatioTotal Sample Points Details…



Total Sample Points 

All IS95A, CDMA2000, and 1xEV-D0 Rev.0,


1xEV-DO Rev.A Forward only (Basic and Advanced)

1xEV-DO Rev.A Reverse

(Basic and Advanced)

Auto (default)






























Frequency Offset

Range: –37.5 to 37.5 MHz

Default: 0.000000 Hz

Sets the frequency offset for the carrier relative to the signal generator's frequency setting. This parameter is coupled with Oversampling Ratio.


Range: –40 to 0 dB

Default: 0.00 dB

Sets the carrier's power relative to the signal generator's amplitude setting.

Timing Offset

ClosedFor EV-DO carriers
ClosedFor the other carriers

Initial Phase

Range: 0 – 359 Deg

Default: 0 Deg

Sets the initial phase (in degrees) of the carrier.

PN Offset

Range: 0 to 511

Default: 0

Sets the Pseudo Noise (PN) offset for the selected channel.


Channel Setup