Multiport and Multisite Configuration

When more than one module is installed, you can choose to configure them as a Multiport VNA or as Multisite VNAs.

PXIe VNA Multiport (Multi Module)

(M98xxA) When S95551A/B is installed on your controller, you can create a multiport (Multi module) system for any modules. S95551A does not support M983xA.

(M937xA) With option 551 purchased for any single module, you can create a Multiport system as long as the single module with option 551 is included somewhere in the chassis.

For example:

The dialog shows 6 modules installed in the chassis in slots 5, 6, 7, 8, 15, 16. The module in slot 5 (PXI13) has option 551. In this case, slots 5, 6, and 7 are selected. Click Run. Those three modules behave as a Multiport (6-port) VNA. That instance of the SFP, and your remote programs, will allow you to calibrate and make measurements at ports 1 through 6. Each test port has a source, measurement receiver, and reference receiver.


Available configurations:

Operation Verified configurations:


See Also: Programming Multiport and Multisite configurations

PXIe VNA Multisite

Multisite measurement for M937xA/M98xxA is available at default. While the one PXI VNA is running, you can also create a different, fully-functioning VNA which would run at the same time as the VNA. The only practical limit to the number of VNA instances is the CPU speed of the host controller. The benefit of creating Multisite VNAs is measurement throughput. You could test multiple devices at the same time.


Here is how to create a Multisite VNA:

  1. With the first VNA already running, again click the desktop icon, which restarts the Launcher dialog.

  2. The Launcher dialog shows the same selected slots as the previous time. The selection is 'sticky' to allow you to quickly run the same configuration as before.

  3. Click each to unselect the previously-selected slots.

  4. Then select one or more of the previously-unused VNA modules. In our example, this would be slots 8, 15, and 16.

  5. Click Run and another SFP display appears.

Multisite for S95xxxB Applications (M98xxA)

Multisite measurement for standard measurements on M98xxA is available at default. However, if you want to use two or more S95xxxB applications on multisite, the floating licenses are required additionally. For example, if you use the automatic fixture removal function in three sites, total three licenses of S95007B (three floating licenses, or two floating and one another type such as node-locked license)  are required. The combination of several S95xxxB floating licenses and one S95xxxA node-locked/transportable license are also supported. If you already have had a S95xxxA node-locked or transportable license, order S95xxxB floating licenses for multsite. The floating license is not available on S95xxxA. When you use only one S95xxxB application on multisite, floating license is not mandatory. For example, when you have one S95007B automatic fixture removal and one S95010B time domain node-locked licenses, you can use S95007B for one site and S95010B for another site by disabling "Enable use" on each site as shown bellow.


How to use two or more S95xxxB application in multsite:

  1. Install the floating licenses in the Keysight License Manager 6 (KLM6) on your controller or license server.

  2. Launch the VNA application as many as you need. The VNA will check out the licenses from the KLM6 automatically up to the number of licenses.

  3. The number of in-use licenses is shown in the license usage tab of KLM6.

When you do not want to consume a license on a certain site, uncheck the "Enable use" for the target license on the License Configuration tab in the SCPI Parser Console. Reboot the VNA firmware after changing the settings.

Click System > System Setup > Remote Interface.... Then check Show SCPI Parser Console to show the SCPI Parser Console.

USB VNA Multiport (Multi-unit)

With option S97551A/B purchased for any single module, you can create a Multiport system as long as the single module with option S97551A/B is included in the configuration.

Note:  Only two units can be configured. Three or more units cannot be configured.

See Also: Programming Multiport and Multisite configurations

Front Panel Connection

Y1701A-001 Interconnect cables for multiport configuration of P937xA


Y1701A-002 Interconnect cables for multiport configuration of P50xxA/B, P937xB, P938xB (up to 20 GHz)

Y1701A-003 Interconnect cables for multiport configuration of P50xxA/B, P937xB, P938xB (above 20 GHz)


Note: The 1H chassis should be placed above the 2H chassis in the middle case of the picture


Part number





Cable Assembly, Control 175mm-LG



Angle, Control Cable Assembly



Screw-SKT-HD-Cap HEX-SKT M3X0.5 4mm-LG




Cable Assembly, LO jumper, 1H




Cable Assembly, LO jumper, 2H


Rear Panel Connection (P50xxB, P937xB, P938xB)

Either of the following configuration can be implemented. The two units can be connected with daisy chain.

Note: Some Thurderbolt 3 interface on the PC may not support the multi unit configuration.

Rack Mount Kit





Upper unit



2-port P500xA/B (opt.200)

4-port P5020A/B to P5024A/B (opt.400)

6-port P502xA/B (opt.600)

4-port P502xA/B (opt.402 for all models, opt.400  above 20 GHz)


2-port P500xA/B (opt.200)

LO Jumper

Control Cable




Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

4-port P5020A/B to P5024A/B (opt.400)

LO Jumper

Control Cable













6-port P502xA/B (opt.600)

LO Jumper

Control Cable













4-port P502xA/B (opt.402 for all models, opt.400  above 20 GHz)

LO Jumper

Control Cable














Assigning Correct Chassis Number to Master Chassis

In the multiport configuration using 2 modules, it is critical that the correct chassis number be assigned to the "master" chassis. The master chassis must have the lowest chassis number.

With a 4 port system using 2 chassis, there is a 50% chance that the wrong master is selected by the IO Libraries. If that is the case, after launching the firmware in 4 port mode, the following error is displayed:

Warning: Missing frequency reference.


To resolve the issue, you can either:

  1. Physically swap the chassis and the cables.
  2. Reconfigure the chassis numbers in the IO libraries:

How to Reconfigure the Chassis Numbers in IO Libraries

  1. After setting up the hardware for multiport, launch the IO Libraries and display the PXI/AXIe Chassis view.

  2. Click on the Chassis Number selection.

  3. Change Chassis 1 to be Chassis 3, then click the Accept button.

  4. Chassis 2 now becomes the primary chassis and Chassis 3 is the secondary chassis.

P93xxA/B, P50xxA/B  Multisite VNA

Note: In a multisite configuration, the P937xA is limited to a maximum of 4 modules. The P50xxA/B, P93xxB are limited to a maximum of 2 modules.

The benefit of creating Multisite VNAs is measurement throughput. You could test multiple devices at the same time.

Here is how to create a Multisite VNA:

  1. With the first VNA already running, again click the desktop icon, which restarts the Launcher dialog.

  2. The Launcher dialog shows the same modules as the previous time. The selection is 'sticky' to allow you to quickly run the same configuration as before.

  3. Click each to unselect the previously-selected modules.

  4. Then select one or more of the previously-unused VNA modules.

  5. Click Run and another SFP display appears.