Last updated: 2014-11-28

For more information on the GPIB Command conventions, see GPIB Command conventions



Initiates and fetches a Demodulation of E-DCH Absolute Grant Channel measurement as a sequential operation.

Measurement results are returned in the following order:Integrity Indicator, Missed Detection Probability, The number of Missed Detection Events, and The number of Detection Events.


see FETCh:DEAGch[:ALL]?


Test Application Revision: A.08.00 and above

Programming Example




Initiates and fetches a Detection of E-DCH HARQ ACK Indicator Channel measurement as a sequential operation.

Measurement results are returned in the following order:Integrity Indicator, False ACK/NACK Detection Probability, The number of False Detection Events, and The number of Detection Events.


see FETCh:DEHich[:ALL]?


Test Application Revision: A.08.00 and above

Programming Example




Initiates and fetches a frequency stability measurement as a sequential operation.

Measurement results are returned in the following order: integrity, worst-case frequency error, average frequency


Worst-case frequency error

  • Range: -500 to 500 parts per million (ppm)

  • Resolution: 0.01

Average frequency

  • Range: 100 E+6 to 3 E+9 Hz

  • Resolution: 1 Hz


Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above

Programming Example




Initiates and fetches an ACLR measurement as a sequential operation.

The results are returned in the following order:  Integrity Indicator, Overall Pass/Fail, Lower adjacent (-1.6MHz) Pass/Fail, Upper adjacent (+1.6MHz) Pass/Fail, Lower alternated (-3.2MHz) Pass/Fail, Upper alternated (+3.2MHz) Pass/Fail,  Lower adjacent (-1.6MHz) Result,  Upper adjacent (+1.6MHz) Result, Lower alternated (-3.2MHz) Result,  Upper alternated (+3.2MHz) Result.


Integrity Indicator

  • Range: 0 to 23

Overall Pass/Fail, Lower/Upper adjacent Pass/Fail, Lower/Upper alternated Pass/Fail

  • Range: 0 (Pass) | 1 (Fail)

Lower/Upper adjacent Results, Lower/Upper alternated Results

  • Range: Measured Value,  9.91 E+37

  • Resolution: 0.01


Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above

Programming Example




Initiates and fetches closed loop power control measurement as a sequential operation. Results are returned in the following order: integrity indicator, overall pass/fail, maximum power, minimum power, worst REL1POW step index, worst REL1POW absolute power, worst REL1POW, worst REL10POW step index, worst REL10POW absolute power and worst REL10POW.

The Pass/Fail indicator is a decimal number that combines the pass/fail results of the REL1POW and the REL10POW together. If the binary expression of this decimal number is "b3b2b1b0",  then the meaning of each digit is as follows:

  • b0 : REL1POW trace Pass(0)/Fail(1)

  • b1 : REL10POW trace Pass(0)/Fail(1)

  • b2 : Maximum Power Pass(0)/Fail(1)

  • b3 : Minimum Power Pass(0)/Fail(1)

The worst step refers to the step whose relative power (REL1POW or REL10POW) is closest to its upper or lower limit among all checked steps.

The REL1POW or REL10POW power trace is failed If there is at least one step in the trace is failed or no step in the trace is checked.


Integrity Indicator (see Integrity Indicator)

  • Range: 0 to 23

Overall Pass / Fail

  • Range: 0 to 15, 9.91 E+37 (NAN)

  • Resolution: 1

Maximum Power (the maximum absolute mean power among all measured steps)

  • Range: value in dBm, 9.91 E+37 (NAN)

  • Resolution: 0.01

Minimum Power (the minimum absolute mean power among all measured steps)

  • Range: value in dBm, 9.91 E+37 (NAN)

  • Resolution:0.01

Worst REL1POW Step Index (the index of the worst step):

  • Range: 0 to 300, 9.91 E+37 (NAN)

  • Resolution: 1

Worst REL1POW Absolute Power:

  • Range: value in dBm, 9.91 E+37 (NAN)

  • Resolution: 0.01

Worst REL1POW:

  • Range: value in dB, 9.91 E+37 (NAN)

  • Resolution: 0.01

Worst REL10POW Step Index:

  • Range: 0 to 300, 9.91 E+37 (NAN)

  • Resolution: 1

Worst REL10POW Absolute Power:

  • Range: value in dBm, 9.91 E+37 (NAN)

  • Resolution: 0.01

Worst REL10POW:

  • Range: value in dB, 9.91 E+37 (NAN)

  • Resolution:0.01


Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above

Programming Example




Initiates and fetches a channel power measurement as a sequential operation.

Measurement results are returned in the following order: integrity, average channel power.

If the multi-measurement state is on, the result represents the average of a number of channel power measurements. Multi-measurement state, by default, is off.



  • Range:  0 to 23

  • Resolution: 1

average channel power:

  • Range: -99 to 99 dBm

  • Resolution: 0.01 dB


Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above

Programming Example




Initiates and fetches a dynamic power measurement as a sequential operation.

Measurement results are returned in the following order: integrity, measurement step results in array.


see FETCh:TDPower


Test Application Revision: A.02.00 and above

Programming Example




Initiates and fetches a  fast device tune measurement as a sequential operation.

Results are returned in the following order:

  • Integrity Indicator

  • Tx Frequency Step Count

  • Tx Power Step Count

  • Number of MS TX power steps measured (in most cases, it equals Number of Tx Frequency Steps multiplied by Number of Tx Power Steps)

  • Comma-separated list of 400 MS Tx Power results. 400 results are always returned; if the test set measured fewer than 400 power steps from the mobile, the remaining values are NANs (9.91E+37). The power results for the first frequency in the MS TX Frequency Sequence are returned first, then the power results for the second frequency in the MS TX Frequency Sequence, etc., followed by NANs if fewer than 400 points were measured.



Number of Tx Frequency Steps

  • Range: 1 to 40, 9.91 E+37

  • Resolution: 1

Number of Tx Power Steps

  • Range: 1 to 40, 9.91 E+37

  • Resolution: 1

Number of MS Tx Power Steps Measured

  • Range: 1 to 400, 9.91 E+37

  • Resolution: 1.0

MS Tx Power Results Array

  • Range: -100.00 to +100.00 dBm, 9.91 E+37

  • Resolution: 0.01 dBm


Test Application Revision: A.04.00 and above

Programming Example




Initiates and fetches a HSDPA Block Error Ratio (HBLER) Measurement as a sequential operation.

Measurement results are returned in the following order:Integrity Indicator, Block Error Ratio in %, Information Bit Throughput in kbps, Positive Acknowledgment, Negative Acknowledgment, Statistical DTXs and Number of Blocks Tested.


see FETCh:THBLerror?


Test Application Revision: A.03.00 and above

Programming Example




Initiates and fetches a Reporting of Channel Quality Indicator Measurement as a sequential operation.

Measurement results are returned in the following order:Integrity Indicator, Reporting of Channel Quality Indicator overall Pass/Fail.


see FETCh:THCQuality?


Test Application Revision: A.04.00 and above

Programming Example




Initiates and fetches an occupied bandwidth measurement as a sequential operation.

Measurement results are returned in the following order: integrity, occupied bandwidth, lower frequency, upper frequency.


Integrity Indicator

  • Range: 0 to 23

  • Resolution: 1

Occupied Bandwidth

  • Range: measured value in Hz,  9.91 E+37

  • Resolution: 0.01

Lower Frequency

  • Range: measured value in Hz,  9.91 E+37

  • Resolution: 0.01

Upper Frequency

  • Range: measured value in Hz,  9.91 E+37

  • Resolution: 0.01


Test Application Revision: A.02.00 and above

Programming Example




Initiates and fetches an open loop power control measurement as a sequential operation.

Measurement results are returnedr in the following order: Integrity Indicator, Pass/Fail, Open Loop Power Result, Detected UpPCH signature.


Integrity Indicator: see Integrity Indicator.


  • Range: 0 | 1, 9.91 E+37

Open Loop Power

  • Range: Measured Value in dBm, 9.91 E+37

  • Resolution: 0.01

Detected UpPCH signature

  • Range: 0 to 255, 9.91 E+37

  • Resolution: 1


Test Application Revision: A.03.00 and above

Programming Example




Initiates and fetches an transmit ON/OFF Power measurement as a sequential operation.

The transmit ON/OFF power measurement results are returned in the following order: Integrity, Overall Pass Fail, Averaged ON Power, Range 1 Pass/Fail, Range 1 averaged power, Range 2 Pass/Fail, Range 2 averaged power, Range 3 Pass/Fail, Range 3 averaged power.

The overall pass/fail result will be fail if any of the three ranges fails.

Range 1 refers to chips from -864 to -34; Range 2 refers to chips from-33 to -14; Range 3 refers to chips from 860 to 1711.



  • Range: 0 to 23

Overall Pass/Fail

  • Range: 0 (pass), 1 (fail)

Averaged ON Power

  • Range: value in dBm, 9.91 E+37 (NAN)

  • Resolution: 0.01

Range 1 Pass/Fail

  • Range:  0 (pass), 1 (fail)

Range 1 Averaged Power

  • Range: value in dBm, 9.91 E+37 (NAN)

  • Resolution: 0.01

Range 2 Pass/Fail

  • Range: 0 (pass), 1 (fail)

Range 2 Averaged Power

  • Range:  value in dBm, 9.91 E+37 (NAN)

  • Resolution: 0.01

Range 3 Pass/Fail

  • Range: 0 (pass), 1 (fail)

Range 3 Averaged Power

  • Range: value in dBm, 9.91 E+37 (NAN)

  • Resolution: 0.01


Test Application Revision: A.02.00 and above

Programming Example




Initiates and fetches a loopback BER measurement as a sequential operation.

Measurement results are returned in the following order: integrity, bit error ratio, bit error count, bits tested.



  •  Integrity: see Integrity Indicator .

  • Bit Error Ratio: 0 to 99.0000%, 9.91 E+37

  • Bit Error Count: 0 to 999 999 999, 9.91 E+37

  • Bits Tested: 0 to 999 999 999, 9.91 E+37


Test Application Revision: A.02.00 and above

Programming Example




Initiates and fetches a Spectrum emission mask (SEM) measurement as a sequential operation. Measurement results are returned in the following order: integrity, overall pass/fail result, pass/fail results for all three frequency ranges, and average levels for all three frequency ranges.  




Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above

Programming Example




Initiates and fetches a waveform quality measurement as a sequential operation. Measurement results are returned in the following order: integrity, RMS EVM/Average, Frequency Error/Average, Origin Offset/Average, Phase Error/Average, Magnitude Error/Average, Time Error/Average, PCDE/Average.



  • Range: 0 to 23

  • Resolution: 1


  • Range: 0.0 to 99.0%, 9.91 E+37

  • Resolution: 0.01

Frequency Error

  • Range: -99.0 to 99.0 kHz, 9.91 E+37

  • Resolution: 0.01

Origin Offset

  • Range: -99.0 to 0.0 dB, 9.91 E+37

  • Resolution: 0.01

Phase Error

  • Range: 0 to 180 degrees, 9.91 E+37

  • Resolution: 0.01

Magnitude Error

  • Range: 0.0 to 99.0%, 9.91 E+37

  • Resolution: 0.01

Timing Error

  • Range: -99.99 to 99.99 chips, 9.91 E+37

  • Resolution: 0.01 chips

Peak Code Domain Error

  • Range: -99 to 0 dB, 9.91 E+37

  • Resolution: 0.01


Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above

Programming Example
