HSUPA Information and HSUPA Happy Bit Information

HSUPA Information and HSUPA Happy Bit Information

Last updated: November 25, 2010

This topic is only applicable to the lab application or feature-licensed test application.

This topic includes information on:

HSUPA Information

The HSUPA Information window displays counters to help you monitor the HSUPA connection status. The results are continually updated. When one of the following events occurs, the counters reset to zero and then resume counting:

The following HSUPA information are displayed:

HSUPA Happy Bit Information

This section is only applicable to the lab application.

These results are cleared by the Clear UE Info action.

Manual Operation

To access the HSUPA Information or the HSUPA Happy Bit Information from the front panel, press Call Setup and then press the left More key until you reach the Call Control 2 of 5 menu, select Additional Screens ( F1 ), then HSPA Information ( F2 ). Some of the HSUPA Information and HSUPA Happy Bit Information results are also available on the main Call Setup Screen .

Related Topics

HSDPA Information

HSUPA Parameters