How Do I Make an Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio (ACLR) Measurement?

How Do I Make an Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio (ACLR) Measurement?

Last updated: February 12, 2011

Before performing this measurement, ensure that the test set has been properly calibrated (see Calibrating the Test Set ).


Measuring Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio

  1. Establish an RB Test Mode connection between the UE and test set (see How Do I Set Up a Call and Make a Connection? ).
  2. Press the Measurement selection key.
  3. Select Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio .
  4. Select ACLR Setup ( F1 ):
    • Set the measurement parameters as needed for your measurement situation, such as turning the measurements on or off for the different frequency offsets.
    • Select Close Menu ( F6 ).
  5. If Trigger Arm is set to Single , you must press the START SINGLE key to begin the measurement.
  6. Press the Change View ( F2 ) key to display the measurement results in either graphical or numeric format.
  7. If using the graphical display, press Graph Limits ( F5 ) to enter the pass/fail measurement limit for each of the four frequency offsets (shown in the graphical measurements example below as the thin lines above each measurement).

A typical result is shown below.

Measuring 3GPP TS 34.121-1 (v8.10.0) 5.10B Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio (ACLR) with E-DCH

This section is applicable to the lab application or feature-licensed test application only.

  1. Set parameters that can only be set in cell off operating mode (and other parameters that are set from the same menu):
    • Set Operating Mode ( F1 ) to Cell Off .
    • Select 34.121 Preset Call Configurations ( F11 on Call Parms 1 of 3 ) and select 5.2B, 5.9B, 5.10B, and 5.13.2B:HSPA:QPSK , then select the desired sub-test. You may then skip any steps marked with [34.121 Call Config] in this procedure.
    • Select Channel (UARFCN) Parms ( F12 on Call Parms 1 of 3 ). Set DL Channel ( F7 ) to the appropriate "low range" frequency for your UE's operating band, as specified by 3GPP TS 34.108 5.1.1 (for example, for operating band II set DL Channel = 9663 ).
    • [34.121 Call Config] Select Uplink Parameters ( F4 on Call Control 2 of 6 ).
      • [34.121 Call Config] Set Uplink DPCH Bc/Bd Control to Manual .
      • [34.121 Call Config] Set Manual Uplink DPCH Bc to 11 (for 34.121-1 v8.10.0 Table C.11.1.3 sub-test 1).
      • [34.121 Call Config] Set Manual Uplink DPCH Bd to 15 (for 34.121-1 v8.10.0 Table C.11.1.3 sub-test 1).
      • [34.121 Call Config] Set Maximum Uplink Transmit Power Level to 21 dBm .
    • Set Operating Mode to Active Cell (pressing the CALL SETUP key quickly brings you back to the top level Call Control menu).
  2. Set Cell Power ( F7 on Call Parms 1 of 3 ) to -86 dBm/3.84 MHz .
  3. [34.121 Call Config] Set Channel Type ( F8 ) to 12.2k RMC + HSPA (for 34.121-1 v8.10.0 Table C.11.1.3 sub-test 1).
  4. [34.121 Call Config] Select Generator Info ( F3 on Call Control 2 of 6 ), select Downlink Channel Levels ( F3 ), select Connected DL Channel Levels ( F3 ), then select HSPA Conn DL Channel Levels ( F4 ).
    • [34.121 Call Config] Set HSPA Cell 1 Connected CPICH Level to -10 dB (this is the default value).
    • [34.121 Call Config] Set HSPA Cell 1 Connected P-CCPCH/SCH Level to -12 dB (this is the default value).
    • [34.121 Call Config] Set HSPA Cell 1 Connected PICH Level to -15 dB (this is the default value).
    • [34.121 Call Config] Set HSPA Cell 1 Connected (F-)DPCH Level to -10 dB (this is the default value).
    • [34.121 Call Config] Set HSPA Cell 1 Connected E-AGCH Level to -20 dB (this is the default value).
    • [34.121 Call Config] Set HSPA Cell 1 Connected E-HICH Level to -20 dB (this is the default value).
    • [34.121 Call Config] Set HSPA Cell 1 Connected E-RGCH Level to Off (this is the default value).
    • [34.121 Call Config] Set HSPA Cell 1 Connected HS-PDSCHs Level (Sum) to -3 dB (this is the default value).
    • [34.121 Call Config] Set HSPA Cell 1 Connected HS-SCCH 1 Level to -8 dB .
  5. [34.121 Call Config] Select HSUPA Parameters ( HSPA Parameters ( F10 ), F9 ).
    • [34.121 Call Config] Select HSUPA RB Test Mode Setup ( F8 ).
      • [34.121 Call Config] Set E-DCH RLC SDU Size to 2936 (this is the default value).
    • [34.121 Call Config] Select Common HSUPA Parameters ( F9 ).
      • [34.121 Call Config] Set E-DPCCH/DPCCH Power Offset (DeltaE-DPCCH) to 6 (for 34.121-1 v8.10.0 Table C.11.1.3 sub-test 1). Note, 34.121-1 Table C.11.1.3 provides Beta ec (209/225 for sub-test 1). To determine what value of DeltaE-DPCCH corresponds to this, use 3GPP TS 25.213 Table 1B and the value of Beta c from 34.121-1 Table C.11.1.3 (11/15 for sub-test 1). For sub-test 1, A ec = Beta ec /Beta c = (209/225)/(11/15) = 19/15; therefore DeltaE-DPCCH = 6.
      • [34.121 Call Config] Set Reference E-TFCI Power Offsets to Definition 34.121-01 (for 34.121-1 v8.10.0 Table C.11.1.3 sub-test 1).
    • [34.121 Call Config] Select Serving Grant ( F10 ).
      • [34.121 Call Config] Set RB Setup AG to 26: (119/15)^2 (for 34.121-1 v8.10.0 Table C.11.1.3 sub-test 1). Note, 34.121-1 Table C.11.1.3 AG Index corresponds to 3GPP TS 25.212 s4.10.1A.1 Table 16B, which maps the Absolute Grants sent on the E-AGCH. To send the equivalent Absolute Grant in the RB Setup message, you must use the AG Index in 3GPP TS 25.321 s9. Table
  6. [34.121 Call Config] Select HSDPA Parameters ( HSPA Parameters ( F10 ), F10 ).
    • [34.121 Call Config] Select HSDPA RB Test Mode Setup ( F8 ), then select HSDPA RB Test Mode Settings ( F8 ).
      • [34.121 Call Config] Set RB Test HS-DSCH Configuration Type to FRC (this is the default value).
      • [34.121 Call Config] Set FRC Type to H-Set 1 QPSK (this is the default value).
    • [34.121 Call Config] Select HSDPA Uplink Parameters ( F11 ).
      • [34.121 Call Config] Set DeltaACK , DeltaNACK and DeltaCQI to 8 (for 34.121-1 v8.10.0 Table C.11.1.3 sub-test 1).
      • [34.121 Call Config] Set Ack-Nack Repetition Factor to 3 .
      • [34.121 Call Config] Set CQI Feedback Cycle (k) to 4 ms .
      • [34.121 Call Config] Set CQI Repetition Factor to 2 .
  7. Test Application: Select Cell Parameters ( F2 ).
    Lab Application: Select Cell Info ( F2 ), then Cell Parameters ( F2 ).
    ( from the Call Control 2 of 6 menu)
    • Set PS Domain Information to Present (this is the default value in the lab application).
    • Qqualmin and Qrxlevmin are fixed to -24 dB and -115 dBm, respectively, in the test application. In the lab application these are the default values for these parameters. They are accessible from Cell Info , Reselection Parameters ( F3 ).
  8. [34.121 Call Config] Select RB Test Mode Setup ( F6 on Call Control 3 of 6 ) and set UE Loopback Type to Type 1 (this is the default value).
  9. [34.121 Call Config] Select UL CL Power Ctrl Parameters ( F8 on Call Parms 3 of 3 ) and set UL CL Power Ctrl Algorithm to Two (this is the default value) (for 34.121-1 v8.10.0 Table C.11.1.3 sub-test 1).
  10. Set any other parameters needed to establish a connection with your UE, then power on the UE and wait for it to register (attach). See Establishing an HSPA Connection .
    Note, before you can establish a connection in the PS domain (as is required for HSPA connections), the UE must attach to the test set. To enable this, the PS Domain Information parameter must be set to Present when the UE registers (attaches) with the test set.
  11. Select Originate Call ( F3 on Call Control 1 of 6 ).
  12. Drive the UE to maximum power:
    • Select UL CL Power Ctrl Parameters ( F8 on Call Parms 3 of 3 ) and set UL CL Power Ctrl Mode to Active bits (this is the default value).
    • Set UE Target Power ( F7 on Call Parms 3 of 3 ) to 2 dBm (for 34.121-1 v8.10.0 Table C.11.1.3 sub-test 1, power class 3 UE). This value is determined as follows: Maximum power for a power class 3 UE is +24 dBm, but UE Target Power only sets the DPCCH+DPDCH power level of the UE. In order to achieve a total output power of +16.5 dBm (24 dBm - 7.5 dB), you must set UE Target Power to at most 16.5 dBm - Power change due to HS-DPCCH, E-DPCCH and E-DPDCH .
      Power Change Due to HS-DPCCH, E-DPCCH and E-DPDCH = 10log 10 (Beta c ^2 + Beta d ^2 + Beta hs ^2 + Beta ec ^2 + Beta ed ^2) - 10log 10 (Beta d ^2 + Beta c ^2) = 14 dB for sub-test 1, so you must set UE Target Power to 2 dBm for sub-test 1.
      The UE Target Power values for sub-tests 2-5 are as follows: sub-test 2: 11 dBm, sub-test 3: 3 dBm, sub-test 4: 14 dBm, sub-test 5: 6 dBm.
    • Wait 150 ms.
    • Press the Measurement selection key and select Channel Power .
    • Set up the measurement:
      • Select Channel Power Setup ( F1 ).
      • Set Auto Range = On (or leave Auto Range = Off and set Manual Power Range to the Power Change Due to HS-DPCCH, E-DPCCH and E-DPDCH value calculated above).
      • Select Close Menu ( F6 ).
    • Observe the channel power measurement result to ensure that the UE's output power is at least 7.5 dB below max power (<18 dBm for power class 3 UEs).
    • Select UL CL Power Ctrl Parameters ( F8 on Call Parms 3 of 3 ). Set UL CL Power Ctrl Mode to Alternating bits (for 34.121-1 v8.10.0 Table C.11.1.3 sub-test 1).
    • Select Additional Screens ( F1 from Call Control 2 of 6 ), select HSPA Information ( F2 ) and observe the Last Received E-TFCI (it should be 75 for 34.121-1 v8.10.0 Table C.11.1.3 sub-test 1, 67 for sub-test 2, 92 for sub-test 3, 71 for sub-test 4 and 67 for sub-test 5).
    • Select E-TFCI Recording Information ( F3 ) (for 34.121-1 v8.10.0 Table C.11.1.3 sub-test 1).
    • Select HSPA Parameters ( F10 ), HSUPA Parameters ( F9 ), E-TFCI Recording ( F11 ), E-TFCI Recording Parameters ( F7 ) (for 34.121-1 v8.10.0 Table C.11.1.3 sub-test 1):
      • [34.121 Call Config] Set E-TFCI Recording Count ( F7 ) to 15 (this is the default value).
      • Select Send Step Up TPC Bit Pattern ( F10 ) and then Start Recording E-TFCI Values ( F8 ).
      • Observe whether the UE sent any decreased E-TFCI. If not, send another up TPC bit and record E-TFCI. Repeat until the UE sends at least one decreased E-TFCI.
      • Select Send Step Down TPC Bit Pattern ( F11 ) and then Start Recording E-TFCI Values ( F8 ).
      • Observe whether the UE sent any decreased E-TFCI. If it did, then send another down TPC bit, then continue to the next step. If not, continue to the next step.
      • Confirm that the E-TFCI is equal to the target E-TFCI of 75 for sub-test 1. If not, fail the UE. Note that an E-TFCI of 75 corresponds to an uplink data rate of 2421 bits/10 ms = 242 kbps. The uplink data rate for sub-test 2 = 175 kbps, sub-test 3 = 483 kbps, sub-test 4 = 206 kbps and sub-test 5 = 175 kbps.
  13. Press the Measurement selection key and select Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio .
  14. Measure ACLR and determine whether the result is within the range specified by 3GPP TS 34.121 table 5.10B.2.
  15. To repeat this test for sub-tests 2-5:
    • Perform a Transport Channel Reconfiguration ( Handovers ( F5 )) to change the following settings:
      Sub-test 2-5 Transport Channel Reconfiguration settings
      Setting Sub-test 2 Sub-test 3 Sub-test 4 Sub-test 5
      TCR DPCH Bc/Bd Control Manual Manual Manual Manual
      TCR Manual Uplink DPCH Bc 6 15 2 15
      TCR Manual Uplink DPCH Bd 15 9 15 0
      TCR DeltaACK, DeltaNACK, DeltaCQI 8 8 8 0
      TCR Ack-Nack Repetition Factor 3 3 3 3
      TCR CQI Feedback Cycle (k) 4 ms 4 ms 4 ms 4 ms
      TCR CQI Repetition Factor 2 2 2 2
      TCR E-DPCCH/DPCCH Power Offset 8 8 5 0
      TCR Reference E-TFCI Power Offsets 34121-01 34121-02 34121-01 34121-03
      TCR Absolute Grant 18: (47/15)^2 21: (67/15)^2 23: (84/15)^2 18: (47/15)^2
    • For sub-tests 2-4, repeat steps 12 and 14.
    • For sub-test 5, end the call ( F3 ) and proceed as follows.
      • Set Channel Type ( F8 ) to HSPA .
      • Select HSUPA RB Test Mode Setup ( F8 ) and set RB E-DPDCH Max Channel Codes (HSPA) to SF4 .
      • Select UL CL Power Ctrl Parameters ( F8 on Call Parms 3 of 3 ) and set UL CL Power Ctrl Algorithm to One .
      • Select Originate Call ( F3 on Call Control 1 of 6 ).
      • Drive the UE to maximum power:
        • Select UL CL Power Ctrl Parameters ( F8 on Call Parms 3 of 3 ) and set UL CL Power Ctrl Mode to Active bits .
        • Set UE Target Power ( F7 on Call Parms 3 of 3 ) to 6 dBm (for power class 3 UE).
        • Wait 150 ms.
        • Observe the channel power measurement result (pressing the MEASUREMENT key quickly brings you to the channel power measurement screen) to ensure that the UE's output power is at least 7.5 dB below max power (<16.5 dBm for power class 3 UEs).
        • Select UL CL Power Ctrl Parameters ( F8 on Call Parms 3 of 3 ). Set UL CL Power Ctrl Mode to All Up bits .
        • Wait 150 ms.
      • Repeat step 15.
  16. End the call ( F3 ).
  17. Repeat the testing at mid and high range frequencies.

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Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio (ACLR) Measurement Description

Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio Troubleshooting

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