FETCh? Subsystem

FETCh? Subsystem

Last updated: January 5, 2010


The FETCh? query is a function that allows users to query results from a measurement that was previously INITiated or READ. It does NOT begin a measurement. If no measurement is in progress it will return the integrity and measurement values from the last measurement made, or return an integrity of No Result Available and results of NAN. If a measurement is in process, the query will hang until the results are available, or the measurement fails or times out. The exact results returned with a FETCh? will depend on the specific measurement. A measurement may have a number of different results or combination of results for a FETCh?. The FETCh? queries are intended to be used to provide overlapped operation access to measurement results from the test set. When used along with SETup and INITiate commands , FETCh? is the primary way for the user to retrieve measurement results. In order to use the test set's concurrent test capabilities the overlapped commands of INITiate and FETCh? must be used. Overlapped commands allow the user to send commands and not wait for completion.

Syntax Diagrams and Command Descriptions

FETCh:AFANalyzer (AF Analyzer measurements)

FETCh:CFDTune (Fast Device Tune) lab application or feature-licensed test application only

FETCh:EVMQpsk (QPSK EVM measurement)

FETCh:FSTability (Frequency Stability measurement)

FETCh:HBLerror (HSDPA Block Error Ratio) lab application or feature-licensed test application only

FETCh:HRCQuality (HSDPA Reporting of Channel Quality Indicator Measurement) lab application only

FETCh:SAUDio (Swept Audio measurement)

FETCh:SMONitor (Spectrum Monitor measurements)

FETCh:WACLeakage (Adjacent Channel Leakage measurements)

FETCh:WBERror (Loopback Bit Error Ratio measurements)

FETCh:WBLerror (Loopback Block Error Ratio measurement)

FETCh:WCDomain (Code Domain measurements)

FETCh:WCPower (Channel Power measurements)

FETCh:WCTFormat (Change Of TFC) lab application only

FETCh:WDPAnalysis (Dynamic Power Analysis measurement)

FETCh:WEDPower (Extended Range Dynamic Power measurement)

FETCh:WILPower (Inner Loop Power measurements)

FETCh:WIQTuning (IQ Tuning measurements)

FETCh:WOBWidth (Occupied Bandwidth measurements)

FETCh:WOOPower (PRACH Transmit On/Off Power measurements)

FETCh:WPDiscon (Phase Discontinuity measurement)
FETCh:WPESquality (Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality measurement) lab application only
FETCh:WPPAnalysis (PRACH Preamble Analysis measurement) lab application only

FETCh:WSEMask (Spectrum Emission Mask measurements)

FETCh:WTDPower (TX Dynamic Power measurement)

FETCh:WTPower (Thermal Power measurements)

FETCh:WWQuality (Waveform Quality measurements)