Last updated: November 6, 2013
This section is only applicable to the lab application.
The topics discussed in this section are:
The Multiple PDP Contexts functionality allows you to test the UEs running simultaneous PS services, for example, to test the UE that is sending/receiving emails while performing video stream. There are two categories for multiple PDP contexts:
The test set supports to setup multiple (up to two) primary PDP contexts simultaneously with the UE. You can enable/disable the primary PDP contexts independently from one another, with each PDP context using its own IP address (either IPv4 or IPv6) and QOS profile, see Multiple PDP Contexts Parameters .
GPRS Radio Access Bearer
to 64K PS
.Activate PDP Context Ignore State
(CALL:SERVice:GPRS:IGNore[:STATe] ) or the Activate PDP Context Reject State
(CALL:SERVice:GPRS:REJect[:STATe] ). Besides, you can set the rejectable APNs by Access Point Name Settings .Maximum Bitrate for Uplink
to 70 will cause the the test set to change it to 64 automatically. See their GPIB commands for the permitted value range.You can set two DUT IP addresses to support at most two primary PDP contexts, see DUT IP Setup . The actual DUT IP address used (can be an IPv4 address or an IPv6 address) for each PDP connection is according to the UE's requests and your DUT IP settings.
First primary PDP Context QoS profile
This setting allows you to configure the QoS parameters for the first primary PDP context if the first DUT IP is configured. If it is configured to QoS Profile 1
or QoS Profile 2
, the requested QoS from UE will be ignored and the QoS will be configured based on the associatedQoS Profile1/2 Setup . If it is configured to None
and the UE requested QOS parameters are valid, the test set will use the requested QoS, otherwise the test set will use the default value(s) in the accept message.
GPIB Command: CALL:MS:IP:ADDRess[1]:CONText:PRIMary:QOService
Second primary PDP Context QoS profile
This setting allows the user to configure the QoS parameters for the second primary PDP context if the second DUT IP is configured. If it is configured to QoS Profile 1
or QoS Profile 2
, the requested QoS from UE will be ignored and the QoS will be configured based on the associatedQoS Profile1/2 Setup . If it is configured to None
and the UE requested QOS parameters are valid, the test set will use the requested QoS, otherwise the test set will use the default value(s) in the accept message.
GPIB Command: CALL:MS:IP:ADDRess2:CONText:PRIMary:QOService
You are not allowed to change these settings while in Active Cell
operating mode and the data status is other than Idle
For either the first or the second primary PDP context, if its QOS profile is set to QoS Profile 1
or QoS Profile 2
(see Multiple PDP Contexts Parameters ), the requested QoS from UE will be ignored and the IE Negotiated QoS fields of ACTIVATE PDP CONTEXT ACCEPT message for this PDP connection will be configured based on the following settings:
Traffic Class
GPIB Command: CALL:SERVice:PSData[:QOSProfile[1]]:TCLass or CALL:SERVice:PSData:QOSProfile2:TCLass .
Maximum Bitrate for Uplink
This setting should be larger than the Guaranteed Bitrate for Uplink .
GPIB Command: CALL:SERVice:PSData[:QOSProfile[1]]:UPLink:BRAte[:MAXimum] or CALL:SERVice:PSData:QOSProfile2:UPLink:BRAte[:MAXimum] for the setting range.
Maximum Bitrate for Downlink
This setting should be larger than the Guaranteed Bitrate for Downlink .
GPIB Command: CALL:SERVice:PSData[:QOSProfile[1]]:DOWNlink:BRAte[:MAXimum] or CALL:SERVice:PSData:QOSProfile2:DOWNlink:BRAte[:MAXimum]
Guaranteed Bitrate for Uplink
This setting should be smaller than the Maximum Bitrate for Downlink .
GPIB Command: CALL:SERVice:PSData[:QOSProfile[1]]:UPLink:BRAte:GUARanteed or CALL:SERVice:PSData:QOSProfile2:UPLink:BRAte:GUARanteedGuaranteed Bitrate for Downlink
This setting should be smaller than the Maximum Bitrate for Downlink .
GPIB Command: CALL:SERVice:PSData[:QOSProfile[1]]:DOWNlink:BRAte:GUARanteed or CALL:SERVice:PSData:QOSProfile2:DOWNlink:BRAte:GUARanteedDelivery Order
Setting this parameter to On
indicates "With delivery order" while setting it to Off
indicates "Without delivery order".
GPIB Command: CALL:SERVice:PSData[:QOSProfile[1]]:DORDer or CALL:SERVice:PSData:QOSProfile2:DORDer
Maximum SDU Size
GPIB Command: CALL:SERVice:PSData[:QOSProfile[1]]:SDU:SIZE[:MAXImum] or CALL:SERVice:PSData:QOSProfile2:SDU:SIZE[:MAXImum]
SDU error ratio
GPIB Command: CALL:SERVice:PSData[:QOSProfile[1]]:SDU:ERATio or CALL:SERVice:PSData:QOSProfile2:SDU:ERATio
Residual bit error ratio
GPIB Command: CALL:SERVice:PSData[:QOSProfile[1]]:RBERatio or CALL:SERVice:PSData:QOSProfile2:RBERatio
Delivery of Erroneous SDUs
GPIB Command: CALL:SERVice:PSData[:QOSProfile[1]]:SDU:EDELivery or CALL:SERVice:PSData:QOSProfile2:SDU:EDELivery
Transfer Delay
GPIB Command: CALL:SERVice:PSData[:QOSProfile[1]]:TDELay or CALL:SERVice:PSData:QOSProfile2:TDELay
Traffic Handling Priority
GPIB Command: CALL:SERVice:PSData[:QOSProfile[1]]:THPRiority or CALL:SERVice:PSData:QOSProfile2:THPRiority
Signaling Indication
GPIB Command: CALL:SERVice:PSData[:QOSProfile[1]]:SINDication or CALL:SERVice:PSData:QOSProfile2:SINDication
These settings can only be changed while the data status is Idle