
Instrument mode:

Deprecated command. For FlexDCA revision A.06.70 and above, use the :JSAMemory:PLLoop:OJTF:BANDwidth? command.

Query Syntax


Query Response

Returns <bandwidth> which is a double.


From the JSA memory database, returns the clock recovery emulation's bandwidth of the Observed Jitter Transfer Function (OJTF) for a first- or second-order PLL. The following table shows the bandwidth settings for some standards. The maximum bandwidth setting is 20 MHz. Use the :JSAMemory:PLLoop:JTF:BWIDth query to return the bandwidth for an Jitter Transfer Function (JTF).

Standard JTF Bandwidth Settings
Standard First-Order Loop Filter Second-Order Loop Filter
SAS 1.5 Gb/s 900.0 kHz 900.0 kHz
SAS-SSC 1.5 Gb/s 2.328 MHz
SATA 1.5 Gb/s 4.097 MHz
SAS 3.0 Gb/s 1.800 MHz 1.800 MHz
SAS-SSC 3.0 Gb/s 3.291 MHz
SATA 3.0 Gb/s 1.791 MHz
SAS 6.0 Gb/s 3.600 MHz 3.600 MHz
SAS-SSC 6.0 Gb/s 4.655 MHz
SATA 6.0 Gb/s 8.194 MHz
QPI 5.692 MHz
USB 3.0 10.03 MHz

JSA requires an 86108A/B module with Option JSA. To use JSA in Jitter Mode, L-RND package license (includes feature F-JIT Enhanced Jitter Analysis) is required.

Requires FlexDCA revision A.02.50 and above.