Source only connected to LAN

If the target N1000A (or PC) is not connected to a LAN, transporting a license is more difficult than if all hosts have network connectivity.

In this procedure, source and target refer to either an N1000A or PC. Licenses purchased for installation on an N1000A can only be transported to another N1000A . Similarly, licenses purchased for installation on a PC can only be transported to another PC.

This procedure assumes that the system running Keysight License Manager has internet connectivity, and the source N1000A (or PC) is visible in Keysight License Manager's Tree View.

  1. On the source, start Keysight License Manager.
  2. In the Tree View, select the license to be transported.
  3. Click File > Transport… to open the Transport One or More Licenses dialog.
  4. Since the target is off line, keep the Destination Host as <offline>. Click the Transport button and click Yes to verify the transport.
  5. The Transportation Confirmation dialog opens, which indicates that the license was deleted from localhost and shows the confirmation code. This dialog also specifies a path and the Transport Confirmation file ( .url) so that you can rehost the license at a later time.
  6. Click the Explore button to view the file, or click the OK button to return to ALM's main window.
  7. From ALM's main display, select Tools > Explore Transport Confirmation URLs. This opens the folder where all of the transport confirmation files were saved.
  8. Double-click the Transport Confirmation file ( .url) for the license you want to rehost. The Keysight Software License Transportation Web page to appears which you will use to acquire a transported license that is node-locked to the target.
  9. On the Keysight Software License Transportation Web page, type the target's Host ID (model number, serial number), and then click the Submit button.
  10. The Keysight Software License Transportation Web page displays a link for the license. Right-click the link and select Save Target As.
  11. On the source that is running Keysight License Manager,
    1. Save the license file.
    2. Connect an external, portable mass storage device such as a USB Flash Drive, an external hard drive, or a writable CD.
    3. Copy the license file, created in Step 5, to the portable mass storage device.
    4. Disconnect the portable mass storage device and connect it to the target system.
  12. On the target,
    1. Start Keysight License Manager, and then select the target (localhost) in the Tree View.
    2. Open Windows Explorer, locate the .lic license file previously saved on the connected portable storage device, and then drag the license file into the Tree View. Or, you could alternatively copy the license file using Windows Explorer, and then paste it into Keysight License Manager's Tree View.