Message 178


Synchronization with the test pattern has been lost.


In Jitter Mode, the pattern lock has been lost. Confirm that the signal and synchronized trigger clock are still being applied to the instrument. Check that the signal's symbol rate, pattern length, and trigger divide ratio has not changed. When using a clock recovery module, check that this dialog is not hiding the Clock Recovery Lock Lost dialog. Check that the clock recovery module is locked on the signal. Restore lock and then troubleshoot the loss of pattern lock.

After restoring the clock and data, if the Pattern Synchronization Lost dialog, click Clear Data and Resume to perform an Auto Scale without automatic detection of symbol rate, pattern length, and trigger divide ratio. Click Auto Detect Parameters to start an Auto Scale including automatic detection of symbol rate, pattern length, and trigger divide ratio. Click Cancel to remove the dialog without initiating any action and with all data acquisition stopped. For more information, refer to Pattern Lock Setup tab (Trigger dialog box) and Jitter Measurements tab (Configure Measurements dialog box).

This message is displayed in the message area and is reported as a programming error message.