N109X-Series Osciloscope with N1076/7A
This Python example uses an N109X-series DCA-M oscilloscope and N1076/7A clock recovery to perform an eye measurement (bit rate) on channel 6A. It is the same as N109X-Series Osciloscope example, but adds clock recovery. The programs performs the following tasks:
- Places FlexDCA to its default settings. This places the FlexDCA triggering to front panel which is required to view a valid eye diagram.
- Configures the clock recovery.
- Configures N109X.
- Queries the N109X to see if it supports pattern locking (option PLK) and then turns on pattern locking if available.
- Returns the measured trigger rate that is input to the N109X.
- Runs an acquisition limit test and then activates the bit-rate measurement on the data.
About the :TRIGger:MRATe? query
The :TRIGger:MRATe? query returns the baud rate of the N109X’s clock input signal. For this query to work, at least one of the N109X’s input channels must be turned on, but a signal does not need to be connected to the channel. Also, the N109X’s data acquisition must be in Run mode, or, if in single mode, a single acquisition must first be run to ensure valid data for the measurement.
To run this program
- Run this program on a PC that has FlexDCA running. In the following program listing, FlexDCA is identified by the red text: localhost.
- If you change localhost to an N1000A, you can run the program on a PC to control FlexDCA on an N1000A. Connect the N109X to the N1000A.
- Install an N109X-series oscilloscope to FlexDCA’s slot 6. Change the
constant if you want to use a different slot. - Install an N1076/7A clock recovery to FlexDCA’s slot 5. Change the
constant if you want to use a different slot. - Data in is expected to be 10.3125 GBd, but you can change this to any acceptable rate for the oscilloscope.
- Connect valid signal to channel 6A on the N1090X.
- Connect a clock to the N1090X’s Clock In.
- Display an eye diagram on FlexDCA.
Example Script
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Demonstrates using a DCA-M oscilloscope with N107x-series clock
recovery to make a bit-rate eye measurement. Requires:
N109X-series DCA-M oscilloscope in slot 6. N1076/7A in slot 5.
Change the N107X_SLOT and N109X_SLOT constants if you want to use
different slots.
Runs on a PC that is controlling an N109X / N1076/7A that are
connected to the PC.
Edit "localhost" in address to a DCA-X if the N109x is connected to an
Data in is expected to be 10.3125 Gb/s Data In, but you can change this
to any acceptable rate for the oscilloscope in the DRATE constant.
The default setup command places the DCA-X and DCA-M triggering to front
panel which is required to view a valid eye diagram.
import pyvisa as visa # import VISA library
visa_address = 'TCPIP0::localhost::hislip0,4880::INSTR'
ADDRESS = 'TCPIP0::localhost::hislip0,4880::INSTR'
N107X_SLOT = '5' # N1077A's slot
N109X_SLOT = '6' # N1092D's slot
DRATE = '10.312500E+9' # input data rate
def open_flexdca_connection(address):
""" Opens visa connection to FlexFlexDCA. """
rm = visa.ResourceManager()
connection = rm.open_resource(address)
connection.timeout = 20000 # Set connection timeout to 20s
connection.read_termination = '\n'
connection.write_termination = '\n'
inst_id = connection.query('*IDN?')
print('\nFlexDCA connection established to:\n' + inst_id, flush=True)
except (visa.VisaIOError, visa.InvalidSession):
print('\nVISA ERROR: Cannot open instrument address.\n', flush=True)
return None
except Exception as other:
print('\nVISA ERROR: Cannot connect to instrument:', other, flush=True)
return None
return connection
def all_channels_off(FlexDCA):
""" Turns all available channels off. """
for slot in '12345678':
for letter in 'ABCD':
channel = slot + letter
FlexDCA.write(':CHANnel' + channel + ':DISPlay OFF')
def setup(FlexDCA, N109X_SLOT, N107X_SLOT):
# Default all settings. Set trigger and turn on channel.
FlexDCA.write(':TRIGger:SOURce FPANel')
FlexDCA.write(':CHAN'+N109X_SLOT+'A:DISPlay ON') # Turn channel 'A' on
# Configure N1077A clock recovery.
FlexDCA.write(':CRECovery' + N107X_SLOT +
':SOURce ELECtrical') # set input type
FlexDCA.write(':CRECovery' + N107X_SLOT +
':CRATe ' + DRATE) # set input data rate
FlexDCA.write(':CRECovery' + N107X_SLOT +
':CLBandwidth 5.692E+6') # set PLL loop BW
FlexDCA.query(':CRECovery' + N107X_SLOT + ':RELock;*OPC?')
def setup_dcam(FlexDCA, N109X_SLOT):
""" Configure DCA-M and query measured clock input rate."""
clockrate = FlexDCA.query(':SLOT'+N109X_SLOT+':TRIG:MRATe?')
if '-1.00' in clockrate or '0.00' in clockrate:
print('DCA-M is not triggered. Check inputs.')
return False
FlexDCA.query(':SYSTem:MODE EYE;*OPC?')
return True
def pattern_lock(FlexDCA, N109X_SLOT, DRATE):
""" If DCA-M pattern lock option is installed, configure acquisition
test to acquire pattern waveforms. """
if 'PLK' in FlexDCA.query(':SYST:OPTions? SLOT'+N109X_SLOT):
FlexDCA.write(':TRIGger:BRATe:AUTodetect OFF')
FlexDCA.write(':TIMebase:BRATe ' + DRATE)
FlexDCA.write(':SLOT'+N109X_SLOT+':TRIGger:TRACking ON')
FlexDCA.query(':TRIGger:PLOCk ON;*OPC?')
print('Pattern lock on.')
return True
return False
def make_measurement(patternlock):
""" Perform acquisition limit test and bit-rate measurement. """
if patternlock:
FlexDCA.write(':LTESt:ACQuire:CTYPe:PATTerns 1')
FlexDCA.write(':LTESt:ACQuire:CTYPe:WAVeforms 100')
FlexDCA.write(':LTESt:ACQuire:STATe ON')
FlexDCA.write(':LTESt:ACQuire:STATe OFF')
print(' Eye Bit Rate: ' + FlexDCA.query(':MEASure:EYE:BITRate?') + ' b/s')
print(' Clock rate: ' + FlexDCA.query(':SLOT'+N109X_SLOT+':TRIG:MRATe?') +
' baud (Bd)')
FlexDCA = open_flexdca_connection(visa_address)
setup(FlexDCA, N109X_SLOT, N107X_SLOT)
if setup_dcam(FlexDCA, N109X_SLOT):
make_measurement(pattern_lock(FlexDCA, N109X_SLOT, DRATE))