Install DCA-M Modules

The script shows how the :EMODules subsystem commands are used to remove and install DCA-M modules. The script removes all DCA-M and simulated modules, lists all available slots, and then installs two specific DCA-Ms in the first two available slots. If this script is run on a DCA-X, the first four slots are always occupied by the DCA-X. Only slots 5 through 8 are available. If this script is run on N1010A FlexDCA and a Flex-on-Flex connection has not been established, all 8 slots are available. A Flex-on-Flex connection occurs when FlexDCA on a PC is connected to a DCA-X.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Remove all simulated or DCA-M modules from slots 5 through 8.
Then connects DCA-M modules that are described in dcam
dictionary. """

import pyvisa as visa  # import VISA library

ADDRESS = 'TCPIP0::K-N1000A-QA06::hislip0,4880::INSTR'
# ADDRESS = 'TCPIP0::localhost::hislip0,4880::INSTR'

dcam = ['N1090A-US00000000', 'N1092D-US00000000']

def open_flexdca_connection(address):
    """ Opens visa connection to FlexDCA. """
    print('Connecting to Flexdca ...')
        rm = visa.ResourceManager()
        connection = rm.open_resource(address)
        connection.timeout = 20000  # Set connection timeout to 20s
        connection.read_termination = '\n'
        connection.write_termination = '\n'
        inst_id = connection.query('*IDN?')
        print('\nFlexDCA connection established to:\n' + inst_id, flush=True)
    except (visa.VisaIOError, visa.InvalidSession):
        print('\nVISA ERROR: Cannot open instrument address.\n', flush=True)
        return None
    except Exception as other:
        print('\nVISA ERROR: Cannot connect to instrument:', other, flush=True)
        return None
    return connection

def remove_all_dcams(flexdca):
    """ Disconnects all DCA-M modules and removes any simulated modules. """
    availableSlots = list()
    for slot in '12345678':
        model = flexdca.query(':EMODules:SLOT'+slot+':SELection?')
        if model in 'EMPTy':
        elif model in ['AWGenerator', 'DCA', 'RTSCope', 'SWITch', 'N4877A']:
        elif model in ['DCAM', 'DEMini', 'QEMini', 'OEMini', 'DOMini']:
            if 'CONN' in flexdca.query(':EMODules:SLOT'+slot+':STATe?'):
                print('Disconnecting module in slot '+slot+' ...', flush=True)
    if not availableSlots:
        print('No slots are available to install a DCA-M.')
    return availableSlots

def connect_dcams(flexdca, dcam, availableSlots):
    """ Assigns DCA-Ms to slots. """
    i = 0
    for hostname in dcam:
        n = availableSlots[i]
        flexdca.write(':EMODules:SLOT' + n + ':SELection DCAM')  # type of module to install in slot
        flexdca.write(':EMODules:DCAM' + n + ':DEVice "' + hostname + '"')  # identifies module to install
        flexdca.query(':EMODules:SLOT' + n + ':CONNect;*OPC?')  # installs module in slot
        print(hostname + ' connected to slot ' + n, flush=True)
        i += 1

FlexDCA = open_flexdca_connection(ADDRESS)
slots = remove_all_dcams(FlexDCA)
print('\nAvailable slots: {}\n'.format(str(slots)))
if len(slots) >= len(dcam):
    connect_dcams(FlexDCA, dcam, slots)
    print('Not enough available slots to install DCA-Ms!')