Reference Rx Operator

This Python example runs on PC and controls an N1010A FlexDCA application. The script installs a Reference Rx operator and, in Eye mode, returns TDECQ measurement. The script demonstrates the addressing of commands to the correct waveform function numbers.


""" Script on PC controls N1010A FlexDCA application. The script installs
a Reference Rx operator and, in Eye mode, returns TDECQ measurement.
Demonstrates the addressing of commands to the correct waveform function numbers.

import pyvisa as visa  # import VISA library

visa_address = 'TCPIP0::localhost::hislip0,4880::INSTR'

def open_flexdca_connection(address):
    """ Opens visa connection to FlexFlexDCA. """
    print('Connecting to Flexdca ...')
        rm = visa.ResourceManager()
        connection = rm.open_resource(address)
        connection.timeout = 10000  # Set connection timeout to 10s
        connection.read_termination = '\n'
        connection.write_termination = '\n'
        inst_id = connection.query('*IDN?')
        print('\nFlexDCA connection established to:\n' + inst_id, flush=True)
    except (visa.VisaIOError, visa.InvalidSession):
        print('\nVISA ERROR: Cannot open instrument address.\n', flush=True)
        return None
    except Exception as other:
        print('\nVISA ERROR: Cannot connect to instrument:', other, flush=True)
        return None
    return connection

def all_channels_off(FlexDCA):
    """ Turns all available channels off. """
    for slot in '12345678':
        for letter in 'ABCD':
            channel = slot + letter
            FlexDCA.write(':CHANnel' + channel + ':DISPlay OFF')
def install_simulated_module(FlexDCA):
    """ Install a dual-optical simulated FlexDCA module. """
    FlexDCA.write(':EMODules:SLOT1:SELection DOMini')
    FlexDCA.write(':SOURce1A:FORMat PAM4')
    FlexDCA.write(':SOURce1A:WTYPe DATA')
    FlexDCA.write(':SOURce1A:PATTern EPRBs15')
    FlexDCA.write(':SOURce1A:SRATe 2.890000000E+10')
    FlexDCA.write(':SOURce1A:AMPLitude 20E-3')
    FlexDCA.write(':SOURce1A:NOISe:RN 2.50E-7')
    FlexDCA.write(':SOURce1A:JITTer:RJ 1.0E-12')
    FlexDCA.write(':CHANnel1A:DISPlay ON')
    FlexDCA.query(':SYSTem:MODE EYE;*OPC?')
    FlexDCA.query(':TRIGger:PLOCk ON;*OPC?')

def install_Ref_Rx_operator(FlexDCA):
    """ Installs Reference Rx operator and CTLE secondary operator. Displays the waveforms.
    TDECQ and DFE equalizers are installed by default.
    :SPRocess commands addressed to Reference Rx (F1)
    :FUNCtion commands addressed to CTLE (F2), TDECQ (F3), DFE (F4)

    FlexDCA.write(':FUNCtion1:FOPerator RRX')
    FlexDCA.write(':SPRocess1:RRX:SIFunctions ON')  # show secondary operators
    FlexDCA.write(':FUNCtion1:SOP2 CTLequalizer')  # install secondary CTLE equalizer
    FlexDCA.write(':FUNCtion1:COLor TCOLor3')  # Display Function 1 (Ref Rx waveform)
    FlexDCA.write(':FUNCtion1:DISPlay ON')
    FlexDCA.write(':FUNCtion2:COLor TCOLor4')  # Display Function 2 (CTLE waveform)
    FlexDCA.write(':FUNCtion2:DISPlay ON')
    FlexDCA.write(':FUNCtion3:COLor TCOLor6')  # Display Function 3 (TDECQ waveform)
    FlexDCA.write(':FUNCtion3:DISPlay ON')
    FlexDCA.write(':FUNCtion4:COLor TCOLor7')  # Display Function 4 (DFE waveform)
    FlexDCA.write(':FUNCtion4:DISPlay ON')
    FlexDCA.write(':DISPlay:WINDow:TIME1:DMODe STILed')

def config_Ref_Rx(FlexDCA):
""" :SPRocess commands addressed to Reference Rx (F1) """

    FlexDCA.write(':SPRocess1:RRX:PROPtimize ON')
    FlexDCA.write(':SPRocess1:RRX:RPOint ASOP2')

def config_Secondary_CTLE(FlexDCA):
    """ :SPRocess commands addressed to Reference Rx (F1)
    :FUNCtion commands addressed to CTLE (F2)
    FlexDCA.write(':SPRocess1:CTLequalizer:ZERo1 4.200E+9')
    FlexDCA.write(':FUNCtion2:VTRacking MANual')
    FlexDCA.write(':FUNCtion2:YSCale 4.5E-3')

def config_Secondary_TDECQ(FlexDCA):
    """ :SPRocess commands addressed to Reference Rx (F1) """

    FlexDCA.write(':SPRocess1:TEQualizer:FIBer:ENABle ON')
    FlexDCA.write(':SPRocess1:TEQualizer:FIBer:BANDwidth 2.96E+10')
    FlexDCA.write(':MEASure:TDEQ:TSER 4.50E-4')

def config_Secondary_DFE(FlexDCA):
    """ :SPRocess commands addressed to Reference Rx (F1) """
    FlexDCA.write(':SPRocess1:DFEQualizer:PROPtimize:LTMagnitudes ON')
    FlexDCA.write(':SPRocess1:DFEQualizer:PROPtimize:BMAX 4.1E-1, 3.5E-1, 1.2E-1, 1.0E-1')
    FlexDCA.write(':SPRocess1:DFEQualizer:TAPS:AUTo OFF')
    FlexDCA.write(':SPRocess1:DFEQualizer:PROPtimize:TAPS 2.7043E-2, 7.5E-5, -1.8686E-2, -9.465E-3')

def measure_tdecq(FlexDCA):
    """ Returns a scalar TDECQ measurement result. """
    import time
    class ScalarMeasQuestionableException(Exception):
        """ A scalar measurement result is questionable. """
    class ScalarMeasTimeOutException(Exception):
        """ A scalar measurement has timed out. """
    timeout = FlexDCA.timeout / 1000  # convert ms to s
    start_time = time.time()  # time in seconds
        status = FlexDCA.query(':MEAS:EYE:TDEQ:STATus?')
        if 'CORR' in status:  # valid measurement result
            return FlexDCA.query(':MEAS:EYE:TDEQ?')  # get measurement
        elif 'QUES' in status:  # questionable results
            s = ':MEAS:EYE:TDEQ\nReason: ' + FlexDCA.query(':MEAS:EYE:TDEQ:STATus:REASon?')
            raise ScalarMeasQuestionableException(s)
        elif (int(time.time() - start_time)) > timeout:  # IO timout
            s = ':MEAS:EYE:TDEQ\nReason: ' + FlexDCA.query(':MEAS:EYE:TDEQ:STATus:REASon?')
            raise ScalarMeasTimeOutException(s)

flexdca = open_flexdca_connection(visa_address)
tdecq = measure_tdecq(flexdca)
print('TDECQ measures: ' + tdecq + ' dB')