12-Edge Output Jitter Jrms Result

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The Jitter Mode 12-edge Output Jitter Jrms measurement is based on IEEE 802.3bs standard for Output Jitter measurements. According to the standard, this measurement should be performed using an PRBS13Q pattern. During the measurement, an RJ/PJ histogram is measured for each of the 12 specific waveform transitions that are called out in the standard as well as for the combined effect of all edge transitions. Jrms is a standard deviation that includes all histogram points.

On PAM4 signals that are derived from two NRZ signals, this measurement allows you to observe the effect of different uncorrelated jitter on each stream based on the transitioning bits.

The following measurements are shown in the Output Jitter panel:

Jrms (All)
As called out in the standard, this measurement adds the probability distributions (histogram scaled by total hits) for each waveform edge type and makes the measurement on the combined distribution.
From Ln to Ln
These are measurements performed on each of the 12 individual edge (level) transitions.

To run this measurement, click the 12-Edge Output Jitter button in the which is located on Jitter mode's Meas toolbar.

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SCPI Command