Default Setup

On FlexDCA, click Setup > Default Setup to return the FlexDCA to a known start-up state. To set FlexDCA to its factory preset condition, click Setup > Factory Preset. You may find it helpful to use the default settings when initially setting up FlexDCA to view signals or to troubleshoot unexpected instrument behavior. The default settings are listed in the following table.

On a DCA-X, press Default Setup to return the instrument to its factory default conditions. The instrument saves all customized settings in a file, which you can reload.

When a DCA-X is remotely controlled, the Local button and ON/Standby switch are the only active front-panel controls. Press Local to return control of the instrument to the front panel. On FlexDCA, click Tools > Virtual Front Panel and click Local.

Because the settings of DCA-M extended modules are configured within FlexDCA, a default setup also returns DCA-M products to their default settings.

FlexDCA Default Settings
Feature Setting
Mode of Operation Oscilloscope Mode
Run/Stop Run
Smoothing None
Number of Averages 16 (range: 2 to 32,768)
Base Measurement Configuration
Top-base Definition Auto
Thresholds 10%, 50%, 90%
Eye Boundary 1 40% for NRZ eyes (Range: 0—100%)
Eye Boundary 2 60% for NRZ eyes (Range: 0—100%)
Display Lowest numbered installed channel is on, all other channels are off
Bandwidth Dependent on type of installed module
Scale Dependent on type of installed module
Offset 0V or 0W (Dependent on type of installed module)
Units Volts (or Watts) (Dependent on type of installed module)
Persistence Variable (Oscilloscope mode)
Gray Scale (Eye/Mask mode)
Persistence Time 300 ms, variable persistence (Range: 100 ms to 40s)
Grid On
Grid Intensity 100% (Range: 0 to 100)
Colors Default color legend
UI Color Theme not changed
Dialog Size not changed
Dialog Opacity not changed
Dialog Transparent Background off
Mode Switch Animation not changed
Connect Waveform Dots Off
Mode Off
Placement Left
Window source First available channel
Scale Linear
Horizontal (Time Base)
Scale 20 ps/div
1 ns/div (86100C)
Delay from Trigger 24 ns
Reference Left
Units Time
Jitter Mode Measurement Configuration
Jitter Mode Graph Histogram: Y Axis Linear
Bathtub Scale: BER
Layout: Quad
Jitter Mode Measurements Units: Seconds
Signal type: Auto Detect
Results based on: Both Edges
Sampling Level: 50%
TJ Measurement BER: 1.0E-12
RJ Stabilization: off
RJ Compensation: off
Jitter Mode Amplitude Measurements Measurement Location: 50%
Graphs based on: Both Edges
One/Zero Level Definition: Average
Units: Volts or Watts
RIN Relative to: One Level
RIN Normatilization: Decibel
TI Measurement BER: 1.0E-12
RN Stabilization: off
RN Compensation: off
Limit test Off
Markers Off
Mask Test Measurement Configuration
Mask test Off
Alignment Method NRZ Eye
Alignment Timing Once
Mask Scale Mode X and Y
Y-Axis Mask Align Measurement Area Eye Boundaries (Align to One, Zero Levels)
Source Front Panel
Hysteresis Normal
Slope Rising Edge
Bandwidth N1000A: Clock Trigger (50 MHz - 32 GHz)
86100D-ETR: Clock/Divided (3 GHz - 13 GHz)
86100D-STR: Filtered Edge (DC - 100 MHz)
86100C: Standard (DC - 3.2 GHz)
Waveform Memory
Memory Display All Off
Waveform Source First available channel or Memory 1
Waveform Signal Processing Current function deleted