TDECQ Operator (Advanced)
Low-SNR Measurement Mode
Enable Low-SNR to allow the TDECQ operator to operate when large amounts of noise is present on the signal. The default state of this setting is enabled. This capability is activated by the L-RND or L-MFG package licenses.
If the Precision Timebase (PTB) is on, a questionable status mark (?) is placed on the measurement results. It is recommended that the Precision Timebase (PTB) be turned off when Low-SNR is enabled.
Specify Pattern Symbol Sequence
Use these settings to specify input waveform's pattern symbol sequence (NRZ or PAM4). You can select to have the pattern automatically detected (default), select from a know standard Known Pattern, or a BERT Pattern File (*.ptrn). Available known patterns are listed in the following table. If you select to import a Pattern File, you can specify if the pattern uses Gray Coding. Gray coding, or reflected binary code, is a coding pattern where successive symbols differ by one binary bit. For example in the case of PAM4, binary bit sequences 00, 01,10, and 11 represent levels 0, 1, 2, and 3.
Selection | Format | Command Argument |
Description | |
NRZ | PAM4 | |||
PRBS 7 (127 symbols) | ♦ | ♦ | PRBS7
27−1 pseudo-random symbol sequence (127 symbols). |
PRBS 7 (128 symbols) | ♦ | ♦ | EPRBs7
27 pseudo-random symbol sequence (128 symbols). |
PRBS 9 (511 symbols) | ♦ | ♦ | PRBS9
29−1 pseudo-random symbol sequence (511 symbols). |
PRBS 9 (512 symbols) | ♦ | ♦ | EPRBs9
29 pseudo-random symbol sequence (512 symbols). |
PRBS 11 (2047 symbols) | ♦ | ♦ | PRBS11
211−1 pseudo-random symbol sequence (2,047 symbols). |
PRBS 11 (2048 symbols) | ♦ | ♦ | EPRBs11
211 pseudo-random symbol sequence (2,048 symbols). |
PRBS 13 (8191 symbols) | ♦ | ♦ | PRBS13
213−1 pseudo-random symbol sequence (8,191 symbols). |
PRBS 13 (8192 symbols) | ♦ | ♦ | EPRBs13
213 pseudo-random symbol sequence (8,192 symbols). |
PRBS 15 (32767 symbols) | ♦ | ♦ | PRBS15
215−1 pseudo-random symbol sequence (32,767 symbols). |
PRBS 15 (32768 symbols) | ♦ | ♦ | EPRBs15
215 pseudo-random symbol sequence (32,768 symbols). |
Linearity (160 symbols) | ♦ | LPAM4
K28.5 (20 symbols) | ♦ | K28P5
PRBS9Q (511 symbols) | ♦ | PRBQ9
PRBS9Q (511 symbols). | |
PRBS13Q (8191 symbols) | ♦ | PRBQ13
PRBS13Q (8,191 symbols). | |
SSPR (32762 symbols) | ♦ | SSPR
SSPRQ (65535 symbols) | ♦ | QSSPr
SSPRQ (65,535 symbols). |
Aliased Noise Processing
The TDECQ equalizer's Aliased Noise Processing compensates for the filter function's side effect of reducing a signals noise for adjacent measurement points. Processing noise causes the operator to quantify the noise on each point on the operator's input waveform and restore this noise on the corresponding data point on the output waveform. The processing noise setting (Process Spectrum) setting is permanently turned on and you cannot turn it off.
With the TDECQ operator, the Process Spectrum selection is the only option and is always selected. Although the other Noise Processing setting are unavailable, the following paragraphs describe the way FlexDCA generally handles noise processing with other operators.
None Selection
The option
Process Spectrum Selection
The option
By tracking the accumulated effects of the filtering operations, accurate noise processing can be done even when chaining operations as illustrated in the following figure. In addition to the sampled waveform, information about the acquisition channel and noise power spectrum are maintained in each signal and appropriately processed by each filter. The complete set of auxiliary information is also included when storing FlexDCA waveforms in the *.wfmx file format.
The default behavior of the Process Spectrum noise processing option is to use the noise power spectrum of the input signal. If the input signal is a sampling scope channel with SIRC active, this spectrum will be established by the measured hardware response of the channel. For other channels, the response will be assumed Gaussian with a 3 dB frequency corresponding to the nominal channel bandwidth. This behavior can be overridden by clearing the Track Input Response checkbox and manually entering a bandwidth. If this option is utilized the response will be presumed Gaussian with the selected 3 dB bandwidth.
Preserve RMS Selection
The option