
Flex Apps:
FlexOTO Instance:
Hardware Diagram

Command Syntax

:CALibrate:MODule:CRECovery {ENABled | DISabled | PARTial}, "<DCA-M-name>"

Where <DCA-M-module-name> is the name that identifies the DCA-M module on the Hardware Diagram. The name is the combination of the <model number>-<serial number>. For example, "N1092B-US12345678".

Query Syntax

:CALibrate:MODule:CRECovery? "<DCA-M-name>"


Enables or disables the clock recovery calibration on the indicated module. Clock recovery is available for N1077A, N1078A, N1092A-CDR, and N1092B-CDR modules. If clock recovery is disabled, the module's vertical calibrations will also be disabled.

Selects all clock recovery calibrations for the module to be performed.
Prevents all clock recovery calibrations for the module from being performed.
Indicates that some clock recovery calibrations are enabled and some are disabled.

To start the calibration, use the :CALibrate:MODule:STARt command.

Example Command

:CALibrate:MODule:CRECovery ENABled, "N1092A-US12341678"