Flex Apps:
FlexOTO Instance:
Hardware Diagram
Command Syntax
:CALibrate:MODule:CRECovery {ENABled | DISabled | PARTial}, "<DCA-M-name>"
Where <DCA-M-name> is the N109x-series DCA module's name that is shown on the DCA-M block on the Hardware Diagram. For example, "N1092B-US12345678".
Query Syntax
:CALibrate:MODule:CRECovery? "<DCA-M-name>"
Enables or disables all clock recovery calibrations for the specified module. Clock recovery is available for N1077A, N1078A, N1092A-CDR, and N1092B-CDR modules. If clock recovery is disabled, the module's vertical calibrations will also be disabled.
Example Command
:CALibrate:MODule:CRECovery ENABled, "N1092A-US12341678"