Command Syntax
:CALibrate:MODule:STARt "<DCA-M-name>"
Where <DCA-M-module-name> is the name that identifies the DCA-M module on the Hardware Diagram. The name is the combination of the <model number>-<serial number>. For example, "N1092B-US12345678".
Starts all enabled module calibrations for the specified module. The module calibration (:CALibrate:MODule
) includes vertical, clock recovery, and precision timebase calibrations which can be individually enabled or disabled using the following commands:
- Module calibration:
- Vertical calibration:
- Clock Recovery calibration:
- Precision Timebase calibration:
The module calibration includes a dark calibration. You can query the status of the dark calibration with the :CALibrate:DARK:STATus?
query. To query the status of the module calibrations, use the following queries:
- Module status:
- Vertical status:
- Clock Recovery status:
- Precision Timebase status:
Example Command
:CALibrate:MODule:STARt "N1092A-US12341678"
The module precision timebase calibration requires FlexDCA revision A.07.80 and above.