
Flex Apps:
FlexOTO Instance:
Hardware Diagram

Command Syntax

:CONFigure:FIXTure:REName "<current-name>", "<new-name>"

Where <current-name> is the name currently shown on the Fixture block.

Where <new-name> is the new name for the Fixture block.


Renames an DUT or WDM DUT Fixture block in the Hardware Diagram to a custom name. For example, "Proto 4 Lane". The default user name for a DUT Fixture is "DUT Fixture #", where the "#" character is an integer. The default user name for a Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) DUT Fixture is "WDM DUT Fixture #". FlexOTO increments and appends the integer to the default name using the same integer series for DUT Fixtures and WDM DUT Fixtures. For example, the following table shows three fixtures and their assigned default names.

Default Assigned Fixture Names
Installed Order Fixture Type Assigned Default Name
1st DUT Fixture "DUT Fixture 1"
2nd WDM DUT Fixture "WDM DUT Fixture 2"
3rd DUT Fixture "DUT Fixture 3"

Use the <new-name> argument to enter a custom name for a Fixture. The name is limited to 25 characters. If a longer string is entered, only the first 25 characters is used. Valid characters are restricted to the set of characters that can be used when naming files in Windows.

To reset a custom user name to the default name, enter an empty string as the "<new-name>" argument.

The user name is:

  • Displayed on the Hardware Diagram.
  • Used as an argument when connecting ports with :CONfigure:PORT:CONNect command.
  • Listed in a Station's Test Program, Active Jobs, and Job Results.
  • Saved with the Hardware Diagram Setup file (*.setx).
  • Saved with the Job Results file (*.zip).

Example Command

hwdiagram.write(':CONFigure:FIXTure:REName "WDM DUT Fixture 1", "Proto 1"')