
Flex Apps:
FlexOTO Instance:
Hardware Diagram

Command Syntax

:CONFigure:MODule:ERATio:ACFactor "<DCA-M Module>", {ON | OFF}

Where <DCA-M Module> identifies an N1092-series DCA-M module by model number and serial number. For example, N1092B-US92000004.

Query Syntax



Turns on the use of Extinction Ratio Correction Factors (ERCF) on all input channels for the specified DCA-M. To enter or inspect the actual ERCF values for each channel on the module, use one of the following commands:

Requires FlexOTO revision A.07.50 and above.


:CONFigure:MODule:ERATio:ACFactor "N1092B-US92000004", ON;
:CONFigure:MODule:ERATio:OERFactor "N1092B-US92000004", "A", 0.02;
:CONFigure:MODule:ERATio:OERFactor "N1092B-US92000004", "B", 0.01;