
Flex Apps:
FlexOTO Instance:
Hardware Diagram

Query Syntax

:CONFigure:MODule:PCRecovery? "<DCA-M-module-name>"

Where <DCA-M-module-name> is a string name that identifies the DCA-M module on the Hardware Diagram.

Query Response

{ON | OFF}


Queries a DCA-M module to discover if the module has clock recovery capability. One of the following tokens can be returned:

The selected Module does not support clock recovery.
The selected Module does support clock recovery. The module could be an N107x-series clock recovery module or an N109x-series oscilloscope module. You can check the type of module using the :CONFigure:MODule:DEVice? query.

If a module is not installed (active), the :CONFigure:MODule:PCRecovery? query will still indicate whether the module includes clock recovery.