
Flex Apps:
FlexOTO Instance:
Hardware Diagram

Command Syntax

:CONFigure:MODule:ACTive "<DCA-M-module-name>", {ON | OFF}

Where <DCA-M-module-name> is the name that identifies the DCA-M module on the Hardware Diagram.

Query Syntax

:CONFigure:MODule:ACTive? "<DCA-M-module-name>"

Query Response

{0 | 1}


Installs or removes a DCA-M module on the Hardware Diagram. You cannot give a module a custom name as you can with Demultiplexers, Impairments, and Instruments. FlexOTO default names for DCA-M modules must be used which are in the form of <model number>-<serial number>. For example, "N1092B-US12345678".

The second command argument can be one of the following tokens:

Installs the selected Module in the Hardware Diagram.
Uninstalls selected Module from the Hardware Diagram. When sending a query, a returned OFF indicates that the module is not installed on the Hardware Diagram. If the DCA-M name is not recognized or not supported, an error –224, Illegal parameter vaue;Unknown device name is reported.

When FlexOTO starts, FlexOTO automatically detects all recognized DCA-M modules that are connected. Up to eight modules can be detected. To connect any DCA-M module ports to Switch ports or to another DCA-M module's ports, use the :CONFigure:PORT:CONNect command.

To check the calibration status of a DCA-M module, use the following queries:

To return comma-delimited string of all detected modules, use the :CONFigure:MODule:ALL? query.