Disable Data Tone Modulation Autodetect (use burst definitions) (802.16 OFDMA)
OFDMA Standard Presets Table.)
: Cleared (Seedisables the automatic detection of the subcarrier modulation format. The VSA provides two data tone modulation modes, an auto-detect mode and a manual mode . These two modes operate differently depending on the selected measurement analysis mode:, Data Burst analysis mode or Uniform Zone analysis mode
is only available when
is selected on the tab.
Data Burst Analysis mode
To set the VSA to Enable Burst Analysis mode, select the Enable Burst Analysis checkbox. In the Data Burst Analysis mode, the checkbox does the following:
- (auto-detection mode): The subcarrier modulation format for each symbol in the data burst is automatically-detected. The data tone modulation formats specified in the zone definition are disregarded and not used.
- (manual mode): The VSA uses the data tone subcarrier modulation format specified for each burst in the zone definition.
For Downlink subframe analysis with Auto-detect Definition Source mode selected, the modulation format used for a data burst depends on the DIUC index specified in the DLMAP and the DIUC burst profile mapping specified for that DIUC index on the tab.
Uniform Zone Analysis mode
To set the VSA in Uniform Zone Analysis mode, clear the Enable Burst Analysis checkbox. In the Uniform Zone Analysis mode, the checkbox does the following:
- (auto-detection mode): The data tone subcarrier modulation format for each symbol in the zone is automatically-detected.
- QAM, 64-QAM or QPSK (16-QAM is default). (manual mode): The data tone modulation format for all data subcarriers in the zone is specified by selecting a modulation format in the manual drop down list. The selections are 16-
See Also