Zone Definition Panel (802.16 OFDMA)

The Zone Definition dialog box provides the interface used to manage uplink and downlink subframe zone definitions. The Edit Zone Definition dialog box includes all the parameters required to define an OFDMA permutation zone and the data burst allocations. You can Create, Edit, Rename, and Delete data bursts. You access the Edit Zone Definition dialog box from 1) the Zone Definition Grid (OFDMA IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. A US-based membership organisation that includes engineers, scientists, and students in electronics and related fields. The IEEE developed the 802 series wired and wireless LAN standards. Visit the IEEE at 802.16 OFDMA Demod Properties dialog box) for the current measurement or 2) through the Use Map Files -  Edit Map Files function when creating or modifying map files.

Burst Properties:  Burst properties are used to name and specify the burst signal characteristics..

Burst Shape:  Burst Shape parmeters specify the burst allocation geomitry.

Burst Type (uplink only):  Burst Type parameters specify the UL Up Link (reverse link: from cell phone to base station)-PUSC partial usage of subchannels: Some of the subchannels are allocated to the transmitter. zone burst type definition.

STC Mode:  STC Space Time Coding (STC) allows the transmitter to transmit signals (information) both in time and space, meaning the information is transmitted by two antennas at two different times consecutively. parameters are used to manually define the STC/MIMO Multiple Input, Multiple Output: A physical layer (PHY) configuration in which both transmitter and receiver use multiple antennas. zone definition.

Pilot Pattern:  Specify the STC/MIMO burst pilot pattern.

Burst Offset & Interval:  Specifies the burst Symbol offset and Subchannel interval length.

Zone Parameters:  Zone properties are used to define the permutation zone type.

Burst Management Properties:  Use the burst management properties to create, delete, and rename burst definitions.




Specifies the name of the zone being defined (only applies to Map File Editor).

Enable modification Enables a Map File Zone Definition to be edited (only applies to Map File Editor).

Zone Definition

Specifies the permutation type for the zone.

Use all Subchannels


AMC Adaptive Modulation and Coding Type:

Defines the basic allocation unit used for AMC burst definitions within the current zone.  Specifically it is one of the following:

2:3 - 2 bins by 3 symbols,

1:6 - 1 bin by 6 symbols,

4:2 - 6 bins wrapped over the physical band (4 bins) in a pattern like this:

 X X Y Z Z  Where X, Y, and Z are independent allocation units that could be used for a data burst definition

  X X Y Z Z

  X Y Y Z

 X Y Y Z

AMC Wrap Method

Defines what direction the allocation units (symbol or subchannels) are associated with first to define a data burst region (only applies to "Wrapped" allocations, not "Rectangular" allocations)

Symbol: Symbol units are allocated along the symbol dimension first, then wrap to the next subchannel when the end of the zone is reached.

Subchan: - Subchannel units are allocated along the subchannel dimension first, then wrap to the next symbol when the bottom of the AMC band is reached.

Dedicated Pilots

Specifies whether the pilots are associated with each data burst, or whether common pilots are used by all data bursts (Downlink zone only)

Cleared: The pilots are “common” to all data bursts..

Selected: The pilots are “dedicated” to each data burst.


Specifies the zone PermBase for the zone being defined.


Specifies how the DL Down Link (forward link: from base station to cell phone)_PermBase value is determined for downlink subframe analysis

Offset - symbol

Specifies the zone symbol Offset for the zone being defined.

Length - zone

Specifies the zone Length for the zone being defined.


(Downlink only) Specifies the Pseudo-random binary sequence ID value for the zone.

Use all subchannels

Determines how the subchannels are allocated for the DL-PUSC zone analysis (Downlink zone only).


Selected makes the zone an active analysis zone, included in the measurement analysis.


When creating a map file, you can lock the zone definition. Other users of locked map file cannot edit the zone definition.

STC parameters:

STC parameters are used to manually define the STC/MIMO zone definition, see STC parameter and MIMO Info trace.

STC Type

(downlink only) Specifies the STC mode used by the analyzed zone (None, 2-Ant, 3-Ant, 4-Ant) are the possible values.

STC Matrix

(downlink only)Specifies the matrix type used by the analyzed zone (A, B, C) are the possible values.

STC Mode

(uplink only) CSM "Collaborative Spatial Multiplexing" bursts may be defined for UL-PUSC zones by selecting "SM Spatial multiplexing: a transmission technique in which data streams are transmitted on multiple spatial channels that are provided through the use of multiple antennas at the transmitter and the receiver." STC Mode parameter and selecting the desired Pilot Pattern (A or B) for the defined burst.  Analysis is performed assuming a single transmitter is active.

none: No STC encoding on this burst.

SM: Collaborative Spatial Multiplexing (CSM) encoding on this UL-PUSC CSM burst.

Pilot Pattern

(uplink only) Specify the STC/MIMO burst pilot pattern.
A:  Pilot pattern A used for this burst.

B:  Pilot pattern B used for this burst.

Burst Properties:

Burst properties are used to name and specify the burst signal characteristics.

Burst Name

Specifies the name of the data burst (or data region) being defined.

Data Tone Modulation

Specify the data tone modulation format for the data burst.

Boosting Level

(Downlink only) Specify the data burst boosting level.


Selected makes the burst an active analysis burst, included in the measurement analysis.

Burst Shape:

Burst Shape parmeters specify the burst allocation geomitry.


The OFDMA data allocation (slots to subchannels and symbols) algorithm maps to a rectangular data region anywhere within the zone length.


The OFDMA data allocation (slots to subchannels and symbols) algorithm maps in a wrapped fashion. When a zone edge is reached, the data mapping wraps around until the data allocation is complete.

Burst Type:

Burst Type specifies how to configure the burst allocation (available types depend on uplink/downlink and other zone properties). Burst Type determines how burst allocations are configured within the zone.



The current burst will be specified as a normal data burst and the subchannel and symbol offset and interval parameters will be used to define the allocation on the Zone Definition Grid.


(Downlink only) The current burst is mapped to the DL-PUSC "FCH" burst allocation on the Zone Definition Grid. This is in the first slot and occupies the first 4 subchannels (for FFT128 it occupies just 1 subchannel).

The FCH parameter only applies to the DL-PUSC zone type, when Zone Offset is set to 1, indicating the first DL zone.


(Downlink only) The "FCH" burst must be defined before the "DL MAP" burst type may be used. This will map the current burst to immediately follow the FCH burst on the Zone Definition Grid. The size of the burst may be defined with the symbol interval parameter. If the burst is defined to occupy more subchannels than available in the first slot, it will wrap to the second slot and start filling the Zone Definition Grid from the first subchannel, as defined by the IEEE 802.16e-2005 standard.

The DL_MAP parameter only applies to the DL-PUSC zone type, when Zone Offset is set to 1, indicating the first DL zone.

CDMA Code Division Multiple Access: One of several digital wireless transmission methods in which signals are encoded using a specific pseudo-random sequence, or code, to define a communication channel. A receiver, knowing the code, can use it to decode the received signal in the presence of other signals in the channel. This is one of several "spread spectrum" techniques, which allows multiple users to share the same radio frequency spectrum by assigning each active user an unique code. CDMA offers improved spectral efficiency over analog transmission in that it allows for greater frequency reuse. Other characteristics of CDMA systems reduce dropped calls, increase battery life and offer more secure transmission. See also IS-95.

(Uplink only) The current burst is mapped to an uplink "CDMA" burst allocation on the Zone Definition Grid. This is a rectangular allocation that will be analyzed for active CDMA slots (shown in the Data Burst Info trace), and it will also affect the subchannel mapping definition for a UL-PUSC zone. See IEEE Std 802.16e-2005 clause for information about how this affects subchannel mapping.

Legacy "Gap" parameter:  For more information about creating a CDMA burst replicating a "Gap' of 1 slot, see Burst Type "Gap" parameter.

PAPR peak to average power ratio: Peak-to-average power ratio is the ratio of the peak envelope power to the average envelope power of a signal during a given period of time.

(Uplink only) The current burst is mapped to an uplink "PAPR" burst allocation on the Zone Definition Grid. This is a rectangular allocation that will not be analyzed, but will affect the subchannel mapping definition for a UL-PUSC zone. See IEEE Std 802.16e-2005 clause for information about how this affects subchannel mapping.


(Uplink only) The current burst is mapped to an uplink "FFB" burst allocation on the Zone Definition Grid. This is a rectangular allocation that will not be analyzed, but will affect the subchannel mapping definition for a UL-PUSC zone. See IEEE Std 802.16e-2005 clause for information about how this affects subchannel mapping.

Burst Offset & Interval

Specifies the selected burst Symbol offset and Subchannel interval length (in symbols).

Burst Management Use the burst management properties to create, delete, and rename burst definitions

New Burst

Use to create and name a new data burst. Opens the burst Name dialog box and activates the burst definition parameters.

Delete Burst

Deletes the Data Burst that is selected in the Bursts in Selected Zone list box.

Rename Burst

Renames the Data Burst that is selected in the Bursts in Selected Zone list box. Opens the burst  Name dialog box.


Burst Type "Gap" parameter (Uplink Only)

The current Burst Type parameter provides the flexibility to specify many different uplink subframe burst definitions including: CDMA (i.e. "Ranging"), PAPR, or FFB allocations within an UL-PUSC zone definition. Prior to the Burst Type parameters, the legacy VSA application used the "Gap" parameter for Uplink zone definitions.

To generate a CDMA burst which replicates a "Gap" of 1 slot, create a new burst and change the "burst type" to CDMA, then change the dimensions of the burst to occupy all subchannels over an entire slot. This burst definition process allows you to define CDMA, PAPR, or FFB allocations within the zone that occupy only a subset of subchannels located anywhere within the zone. No measurements are made of the PAPR or FFB regions, but are accounted for in the UL-PUSC subchannel mapping.

See Also

Zone Definition Tab

Zone Definition Grid