Trace Popup Menu

Right-clicking within a trace opens the Trace popup menu, which contains a selection of frequently used trace operations.

Auto Scale autoscales the trace (same as clicking Trace > Auto Scale from the main menu).

(marker controls) adds, selects, and changes the visibility of markers.

(marker type and marker reference dropdown boxes) specifies the marker type and reference (for delta markers).

Show Band Power enables band power calculation.

Show OBW enables the occupied bandwidth measurement markers.

Show ACP turns on the Adjacent Channel Power Ratio markers.

Enable Time Gate enables time gating (time gating is only applied to a trace that has time-domain data and is only available for Vector and Analog Demod measurement types).

Zero Delta moves the reference for the current delta marker to the same position as the delta marker. See Zero Delta for more information.

Peak moves the marker to the peak value.

The Copy Marker to... operations are selections from Markers > Copy Marker to on the main menu. These operations use the marker's current value to set frequently-used parameters.

Hide All Markers hides all the markers on the active trace but does not affect ACP, OBW, or Limit Test markers.