Selecting a Measurement Type

The MeasSetup > Measurement Type menu selects a measurement type. Most of the measurement types available perform a specific type of demodulation and analysis. The exception to this is the Vector mode and Power Spectrum mode which do not perform demodulation. Digital demodulators (all except Analog Demod) contain a subset of the functionality present in the Vector mode and provide extended functionality for modulation analysis.

Selecting the measurement type is the first step of a two-step process required to configure the VSA to demodulate and analyze a modulated signal. First select the demodulator and then configure the modulation setup parameters. For more information about demodulation setup, see the About Demodulation Setup topic.

Each modulation analysis type requires the indicated option to be licensed

For Floating License users, measurement types are only enabled for use when the appropriate floating licenses are available for checkout.  See Checking Out a Floating License for more information.

See Also

Demodulation Setup